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Se?or Maniac

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Posts posted by Se?or Maniac

  1. Real Name (optional):

    Prefer not to.








    Experience in graphics:

    About 1 year on and off working on sigs and other images w/ photoshop.


    Areas of expertise:



    Other graphics sites worked at(optional):



    Past positions at other graphics sites(optional):



    Current positions at other graphics sites(optional):



    How much you can be on each day:

    I am on everyday.


    How many templates/sigs/resources could you make a week:

    Not sure.


    Examples of your work:


    Tech: Posted Image


    Pop-out: Posted Image


    Grunge: Posted Image


    Abstract: Posted Image

  2. The red color of the outside is just to bright and is a distraction. It seems that there is no brushing or filters in the background to spice it up, and also has colors that are clashing imo. The render consumes alot of the sig and no blending. Last the font does not match well. Especially with the red stroke that you added to it. Kudos though because it is a breakaway, from the traditional four sided box, that people use.

  3. It is looking better. You worked on working for colors into the background. Yeah finding the right font is probably the gardest thing for every designer. The render still needs to be blended a little. If you go Layer > Layer Style > Blending options. There is a whole resource for blending and all sorts of other effects that you might want to use for your image, text, and anything else that you might want to add some effects to. Keep up the good work man.

  4. This sig is alright. Afew things need to be worked on though.1. The font: the font is very important selection and, the one that you selected here is not cutting it in my opinion.2. Brush selection: From the looks of it, it looks like you did the whole thing with filters, right?3. Add some color to the sig. A simple one color background is not that appealing. Add some color gradient.4. The last thing that I have to add is render blending. Try to blend the renderinto the sig a little more. Move the layers around so that it looks like there is depth and not just a picture slapped on top.Other things congrats on the pop-out. Mine first pop-out was awfall. It scared little children and gave people the plague.

  5. Just a reminder to you two that, as unbelievable as it may sound to you, even Saint Michael was a beginner once. Practice, practice, practice, and it'll come with more practice. Did I mention that you might have to practice once in a while?

    That is funny. He still is a beginner. Jk. Anyways like they said, the people that are good here like Johnny and the rest have had alot of practice using the programs and what not. If you want to get good I suggest that you get photoshop. After a while the interface gets very easy to understand. Also listen to the comments that the people have to say. That is how I am steadily trying to improve.
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