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Se?or Maniac

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Posts posted by Se?or Maniac

  1. I personally find it kind of funny in my opinion. Most of us here live in the worlds strongest country, and we are "hacked" by one single person. Anyways like what was said earlier. The guy got whet he deseved. If we show any type of weakness, their are going to be people *BLEEP* are going to try to exploit it. So I think that we are doing the right thing is this situation. This will also teach others that this type of action will be taken seriously. All that we are trying to do is set an example.

  2. Well who is the proveider that you are using for your phone? Depending on the provider that you have and also it depends on what type of lifestyle that you live. I have nextel as the carrier for my service. I personally chose one of the cheaper phones for two reasons. One of course was the price factor. The other reason is the fact that I am a little obusive to a phone. I feel that Paying for a cell phone that could possibly always be broke is useless. That would cause me to pay way too much money. So depending on what you have the ability to pay for and how you are going to treat it depends on what you should buy. Persnoally I would suggest getting a motorolla right now becuase they seem to be the most dependable brand on the market.

  3. I am in favor of the credit system here. Most people that are at this webiste were not here back when the site was first starting out. You were at the mercy of Opaque. If he didn't think that you were posting or if he did not notice some of your posts then your hosting was cut off. The credit system has done wonders though. It has been able to take a load off of Opaque's shoulders making sure that everyone had the posts that they needed to get in. Also making posts for this site is not as hard as people think. I mean if you do not see a topic that you like all that you have to do is to start a topic on what you would like to discuss. It is really not that hard.

  4. I remember going to science class being able to watch Bill Nye. He is the only really cool person to watch for science in my opinion. When you sit there and compare him to one of the scientist who makes a scince type film for students and just puts strait facts with nothing to help a person comprehend the information, it makes Bill Nye seem like a god.

  5. I personaly prefer the xbox360 in this selection. The Xbox360 has the best graphics out there on the market. Also it has alot of good games that are playable on it. I do not own one but I hope too sometime in the near future. They are just hard to get ahold of. Anyways I also do like the playstation 2 and the xbox also. They are also both great systems that have their strong-points and have their weak sides. I feel that xbox has more power to lean on while the Playstation has more of a better game selection to lean on. The gamecube is a system that is lacking in games and has average graphics. Also their are two systems that are on the list that we can not say anything about except for the facts that have been released by the Sony company and the nintendo company. But from what I have heard of the two systems that they are both are going to have graphics that are going to blow people away, and are going to have alot of games that they are going to be supported with. But we are going to have to wait and see how those systems are going to fair once they are released on the market. One more thing where is the Atari 2600 on the list. :angry:

  6. Can anyonne help me with some troubles that I am having with two of my instant messengers. I am having a problem with two instant messengers. The ones that are giving me the problems are msn and aim triton. List of problems with AIM Triton:


    1. Validating: I am having a problem with my aim account validating my login information. It will either A) Stay stuck in the validating section, or :angry: It will say that the username o=r that the password is incorrect.


    2. Re-installing: I have tried to download the newest version of AIM so that I can re-install the aim. But when it tries to download it, A message in a little square box pops up and says "We encountered an error during the download process. Please try downloading again from aim.com/. If you continue to experience difficulties, please go to aim.com/ and report a bug." When I go to to the website I find that it is a little hard to navigate and to find the right section that I want, because some of the things are not showing up. List of problems that I am facing with MSN Messenger:


    1. The program keeps on freezing alot whenever I have tried to do anything with it recently, and I do not know why. 2. Whenever everything stops being laggy, and I become able to type in the log-in information that is required for me to login in, it stays in the screen where it says logging in forever. Has anyone else had this.

    3. This has become the biggest problem that I have faced with the program. Now even when I try to hit the sign-on button, I am given a message that says MSN Messenger can not connect, and I get the options of chosing ok, retry, and cancel. No matter what I do at that point I am stuck. I do not know if I re-install it if it will work. Also I dare not leave anything at microsoft because of the sheer fact that it takes them way to long for to actually get responded to. Anyways if anyone has any info that can be helpful to me thanks in advance.

  7. Well you should probably go ahead and tell your parents that you are not going to pass those classes. Tell them why also, so that when the avtual time comes that they get the report cards that it will not be as much of a shock. Also if your parents are like mine they are going to ask how long that you knew about this and then you will probably end up making something up for that. Telling them the bad news now will let you have a little more freedom and your parents will respect you more for coming out and saying the truth to them. Doing this might also limit the amount of punishment that you might recieve. Trust me on fact for this one. I have gone through this situation. Not as drasticaly that you, but never the less I have faced it. I have found that letting them know before hand has made things alot easier for me along the line.

  8. I like Country, and Rock. I am raised in a family that has live in states that are deemed to be "Souther Minded." So since that is the type of family that I am raised in, I have adpated to the liking of Southern music styles. Although I just cannot stand bluegrass. There is just something about the banjo that does not sound good. It is a little to stringy in my opinion. But as far as anything else that is deemed to be souther music like southern rock, I like.

  9. How do you feel about all of the social classes that are out there, mostly in school. I mean that they're so many of them. A short list:PrepsJocksGothPunksRednecksRockersGangstasTheir is a whole bunch more to that list.Anyways how do you feel about how people are classified into a group like one of the ones listed above, just because of the fact that they dress a certian way or that they listen to a certian type of music. I personally think that it is unfair for someone to be able to judge someone on just a few samll things. I think that someone should get to know a person alot more than just the way that they dress or just what type of music they listen too, or even the area in which the person lives in. But yet this is such a very common practice in todays society, even in the big business industry. I feel that it is something that should try to be stopped if it possible.

  10. Cheating is an unfortunate thing that happens all the time now. I play halo 2 online and the amount of cheating that takes place in that game is unbelievable. It has gotten so bad for Halo 2, that if someone quits on the other team, they like to blame you and say that you forcebly lagged them out of the game. Also when you are winning in an legit game you are accused of using standby. Of all of the community that plays that game on xbox live, their is a very small percentage of people that sit their and play without anything to worry about or anything that might be considered cheating in anyones eyes.

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