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Everything posted by kiwi

  1. They will probably put your email address in a list and sell the list to lots of spammers. Then these spammers could sell your email address to other spammers again.And if you refer someone, they will also put their email address on the list.I bet that this company soon will suddenly go down.Alladvantage has done this several times. I signed up for them several years ago, and some days after, they didn't exist anymore.I don't think it sounds like a good deal. After all, any company has to get money somewhere to give you money.
  2. I just can't help keeping attacking this calculation! This calculation is completely wrong. That's because watts = joule / second, so power equals work divided by time. So you can't say if a mobile phone has a radiation of 3W in one hour, it will have a radiation of 6W in two hours. The power will not depend on time, since the work will increase with time, and as I already said, power = work / time. So power will be constant. That means if a cellphone has a radiation of 3W in one hour, it will also have a radiation of 3W in one year! This may seem a bit confusing, but it's true. You can't measure watts in time. You must measure the total amount of energy delivered. So with that, in ten years, the total radiation power will still be 3 watts, right? Well, not even that. Let's do the calculation once more. Let's say you talk using the mobile phone 1 hour a day (that is more than I use it in one year, by the way). The average power would then be: 3W * 1h / 24h = 3W / 24 = 0.125 W ...oops. And by the way, at school I got 6 (the best grade possible) both in my oral exam in mathematics and in our last science test about energy.
  3. View 1 is my view. Let me give another example: Cars are driving over a bridge with a frequency of 10 cars per minute. The bridge can handle upto 40000 kg. Each car weighs about 1000 kg. 10 cars = 10*1000 kg = 10000 kg We then quickly find out that the bridge will break in 40000 kg / 10000 kg = 4 minutes!
  4. Of course, because here, the ad-click is the "apple", and the disabling is the ""doctor"" (in quadruple quotes). By the way, I don't like using the "kids"-toothpastes, it tastes so bad when it touches my tounge. And I have to brush my teeth three times before I feel that they're clean.
  5. This is a funny topic! I don't use Colgate Total, it contains triclosan which, as far as I know, could make bacterias more resistant. My favorite has mostly been Solidox (Not sure how much known it is), but they recently ran a TV advertisement where a corrupt dentist said (among other things) that sugarfree soda pop was AT LEAST as dangerous to your teeth as soda pop with sugar... Let me think. If the dentists recommend a good toothpaste, people would not have bad teeth, and therefore, nobody would need to go to the dentist. So the dentists wouldn't have earned any money. If they recommend a bad one, on the other hand...
  6. kiwi

    I Hate Wiggers

    That must be the definition of prejudice.I doubt that they're all homosexual because of how they act. Maybe between 2% and 6% are. I fully agree with thablkpanda. When judging people, the color of their skin should not count at all, should it?
  7. I mostly use notepad for making HTML pages. I'm very often using PHP in my files, so WYSIWYG editors get dizzy. When I need help with coding, I google it, or if it's PHP, I go to http://php.net/ first. My website is 100% notepadded (not so hard to see ).
  8. Why they don't make it so small in the first place?I think that one reason is that when the console is new, it has to look very powerful. Therefore it has to be big. In all the PS2, XBox and GameCube advertisements that I've seen, the console looks alot bigger than what they actually are. But after everyone knows how powerful the console is, they can make a much smaller version of the same console. Now it has the same power, but it's alot easier to carry, and it looks better.
  9. I payed 6.5 dollars (actually 40 kroner ) for seeing Farenheit 911 some months ago here in Norway. I don't think that's too expensive.But not all movies are that cheap. As far as I know, when one of the Harry Potter movies were new, the ticket cost about 30 dollars at some cinemas! I usually don't go to the cinema. I rather wait for the movie to come out on DVD.
  10. I found this site through http://forums.xisto.com/. I registered here because you don't need to make too many posts for the starter package.And I won't need anything more than what's in the starter package in the beginning.Xisto also has full PHP support, which is very important to me.
  11. I give odomike 7/10. It sounds like a trademark for a karaoke machine. A capital O would be better. I give admin 9/10, because it's almost perfect. I would prefer Admin, with a capital A, though. ...And my name should have been Kiwi, not kiwi.
  12. I've had only 2 mobile phones in my whole life. My first was a Nokia 3210. I had it until I lost it somewhere in Denmark. The one I have now is a Nokia 3330, which I got for free. Most Nokia phones are in my opinion worth zero. They have way too many errors. Nokia is probably best at making toilet paper, as it started at. That's exactly what I was thinking about some days ago!
  13. I started programming with Game Maker, in a language called GML (Game Maker Language), many years ago. The GML language looks like a mix between C and Pascal. Later I started programming with C++, using Borland C++ Builder. I tried making DLL extensions for games made with Game Maker, but it didn't work, so I started using Pascal with Delphi instead. I also started programming with NQC (Not Quite C) for my Lego Mindstorms RCX. Less than a year ago I started learning PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor), and only a few months ago I started using Javascript and TI-Basic. I know seven programming languages! Yay!
  14. My 1 year old laptop has got 60 GB of space. Most of it is free space.My first computer had a 250 MB SCSI drive! So the space has increased with 24576% !
  15. I think Game Maker is the best game maker! It's very simple for the beginner, with simple drag-and-drop actions, and experienced users can make advanced games using the built-in programming language. If you register the program ($18), the game can also be extended using DLLs. You can distribute the games in any way you like, you can sell them too! It's mainly targeted at making 2d games, but the next version will include some 3d functions. I've been using Game Maker for 3-4 years, and I'll probably never stop using it! You can find it at https://www.yoyogames.com/.
  16. With the combination of server side scripting and client side scripting, it is possible:<script language="javascript"><!-- document.write('<a href=getscrsize.php?scrw='+screen.width+'&scrh='+screen.height+'>');//--></script>Clich here to tell what me your screen size is!</a>Then, in the PHP script, you can get the screen size by using these two variables: $_GET['scrw']$_GET['scrh']
  17. In Norway we usually say "krøllalfa" or "alfakrøll", which means "curl alpha" or "alpha curl".I think "hog's tail" is what they say in Sweden, but I'm not sure. Lokks like Norway is the only country with a proper name for the "@"!
  18. A hidden textbox in HTML can be made by including a tag like this inside the form field: <input type=hidden name="memname" value="John Netherfarm">So if you are using a PHP-script to generate the second page, in that script you will need to write echo '<input type=hidden name="memname" value="'.$_POST['membername'].'">';That is assuming that the member name input field on the first page is <input name="membername" value="">and that the form field uses POST method. On the second page, a tag like the first one in this post will be printed. I hope that helps!
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