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Posts posted by Maggot

  1. If you do not use a dialer for the Mtnl modem then just enable(auto ip)and dhcp in ur dlink router im sure dlink has most of the configs ready....If its a dialer you will have to setup pppoe or pppoa settings.... You will have to get all the settings before setting up your dlink router..... You can try searching on google for the settings maybe call mtnl and ask them for it .... Called Reliance and the girl either did not know but she did know a lot of excuses.... I found my reliance setting over Google and it worked fine..... It was pppoe and i found all the other settings like vci and vpi over google.....

  2. OK,my ISP provides up to 20Mbps, while my partner has a fibre optic connection of up to 50Mbps.
    As you can see, we use different ISPs. (But I think I mentioned that in an earlier post).

    Thank you, everyone, for the replies so far, by the way.

    1st you are using 2 different connections and you both need to get onto 1 internet service provider...

    That will get u onto the same wan network that is of the same internet service provider....

    U have to request the service from your internet service provider or if you choose to stick with 2 Internet service providers you will have to request the service from both. Trust me the rent is not cheap but it depends on your Internet service provider....

    Down side is that you will spend a lot of money on setting this up

    Did you ever try a Virtual private network ????

    Its better to just buy some ftp space online it will be faster...

  3. No my ADSL modem is Huawei.

    I m using Ubuntu and Sometimes, Windows XP x64.

    Internet works fine on both the systems.
    I just need to figure out the pinging problem

    For Guys who think workgroups work, They don't, all u need is to put up the same Subnet mask and gateway, That ways it always works. Anyways, I tried workgroup also and no it didn't help.

    Make sure your adsl modem and the router have different ip addresses IE if both are on then they might be conflicting.....

    Disable windows firewall...

    When u enter into a workgroup u need file sharing enabled.... Share a drive and then try to ping....

  4. If you are going to over clock so much your system is going to heat up and be unstable....Try getting a better cooler or try and get your computer in a really cold place where it cant heat up to the point where it gets unstable....or you can always buy a gigabyte motherboard and i recommend the Nforce chipset.... U have voltage control for the ram, cup and graphics.... Also they have a software that helps you over clock your ram, cpu and gfx directly from windows......

  5. Hi Please try and follow the steps bellow will or might help you out1. If you have 2 rams please take one out and boot your computer, If u just have one try shifting the ram onto another slot or borrow a ram from a friend to rule out any problems with the ram. If this did not work....2. If you have data on your hard disk you will have to take your hard disk out and attach it to another computer to backup your data. 3. If you did back up the data iam sure the hard disk is not the problem. Insert the windows xp cd and do a fresh install....Dont forget to format your hard disk as that would rule out viruses.... Few easy steps to get your computer up and running.

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