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Posts posted by Maggot

  1. Zimic is a really good free hosting website..For a month now i have been using their space to test scripts and clones...The scripts hardly work on windows 7 IIS.... But i upload the scripts via ftp to zimic and every script functions perfectlyI give zymic 10/10 with the service they are providing... I Dont know anything about the customer support tho....

  2. The main problem can be in your motherboard. Test the CMOS battery. Because CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) battery stores the information about the dates. So if the CMOS batter is old it can create problem in date setting. So check for CMOS battery first. and then go for other checking such as control panel settings and all.

    He mentioned in his very first post that its not the cmos battery....

    Iam sure its the os... Try formating and booting up with 1 Os....

  3. I have used 3g modems before... Really fast and great download speeds... It was around 8 mbps down and 2 mbps upload... As promised i did get 8 mbps download....Edge is crappy or just the isp's providing edge in my country are crappy....They report that edge modems have a max speed upto 3 mbps... But the max speed which i have ever encountered is 1.8 mbps and the slowest was 3-4 kbps.... 3g is faster than edge and the video calling is really a great and new way to communicate....

  4. If your going for a Amd processor there will be price and performance comparison...Amd is way cheaper than Intel... Assembling a computer your self gives you the freedom to choose your own specs and learn too...If you decide to go for any processor compare it online before buying it...Go for a Amd or a Intel i3, i5 or a i7Motherboard - Gigabyte, Asus, Msi ... Best for both Intel or amd.....Graphics card- 2 Gb or above would be sufficient but for gaming try not to compromise on the display card... Try and get the best... ( SLI is just for show....Try and avoid it as it does not have a significant impact on gaming performance...Ram - 3 Gb will be sufficient if you are going to use a 32 bit operating system as 32 bit operating systems can use upto 3 Gb ram Max... If you decide to go with a 64 bit operating system just increase the ram...Storage - The hdd capacity depends on how much space you are going to consume... Min i would recommend 250 Gb and Max if you are a downloader like me then above 2 Tera... Monitor, Keyboard, Speakers, Mouse, Comouter cabinet all depend on your choice....

  5. "Intel's previous NetBurst architecture had de-emphasized FPU power in favor of special instructions (SSE, 2, 3). This is partly the reason so many gamers ditched their Pentium 4/D computers in favor of AMD Athlon64 processors and it's more powerful FPU.With the Intel Core processor architecture, the company finally addressed the FPU issue. Intel's "Conroe" CPU core has a very powerful FPU, and that has guaranteed a very welcome reception by gamers ever since.As it stands in the fall of 2007, the Intel Core 2 Duo processor is generally more powerful than AMD's Athlon64 X2/FX series in games, and all around.Whether you're working on multimedia tasks, workstation or just need raw data crunching power, the Core 2 Duo trounces AMD's best almost every time."Amd Athlon - Said to be better in comparison to Pentium 3 cpus but the heat generated was their down side...Amd 64 Athlon - Then best what Amd had against Intel's pin less Pentium 4 processors....Amd X2 - By the time this processor was released every one heard about Intel's new Core 2 duo processors....Core2 Duo was faster than any of the Amd or Intel cupus even less power consuming..... Intel Cor2 duo and processors released after it reign supreme... Not only gaming but Video editing, Compression etc... And lets face it from the start Intel cpus have had a bigger L1 and L2 than cache Amds. When i used to work for a It company in the uae i remember Amds sales going higher than intels in the middle east.... But only desktops...Later and like before Intel is still the king.....

  6. Ohhh spooky! I had a similar dream once when a demon-like lady (A.K.A normal lady :D ) was sitting on my leg and i couldn't even move, all i had to do was just stare. I couldn't even scream or do anything. This lasted for like a whole minute but it seemed like a eternity. I later found out that the reason i had that dream was that when you sleep the brain disconnects from your body so it doesn't act out the dream and when you suddenly wake up, the brain has to connect to the body again, thats why your brain "makes up" something like a demonic lady to sit on your chest,leg,etc. to make it feel like there is weight there.
    I suggest you wait it out this time and if you keep having the "SAME" dream over and over again or have different variations, go to a physiologist or a dream specialist, they would try what you have to do.

    LOl na it was just that day that i had the dream....

    After that day i have had dreams but some small ones which i cant rembr or just thought it was dreams cause i was too stoned nd sleepy....

    Its not a problem... Dreams and nightmares are normal.. It was just creepy how big a coincidence it was.....

  7. Hi everyone, this is my first post on your site, which I found whilst trawling through Google. Here goes:-
    I have a 250 gig usb hard drive and what I am attempting to do is install mandriva 2010.1 and Open Suse 11.3 on it. Is this possible? I have installed Mandriva on the drive but can't seem able to install Suse without trashing Mandriva!! What I would really like is for a dual-booting expert to give me some guidance as I would really like to get both of these systems running. Or do I need to configure an exotic bootloader to get things going? Any help very gratefully received.

    Some facts about me; Age 69, retired, hobbies computing, croquet and fishing (freshwater) Country of residence Great Britain, County of Suffolk, town Ipswich. You can pm if you wish, I like to chat. Thanks again.

    Does a error show up when you install both the operating systems ??

    I do not know much about this Operating systems but try installing one after another and see if the dual boot worked.....

  8. Well I think this depends on what type of media, because quite frankly I use 1 for music and 1 for videos.For music I choose MediaMonkey. Why? It's a very robust free app. It syncs with a lot of mp3 players and has a great media library. Plus looking or updating mp3 tags is easy to use, and can be searched for over the inet. very nice app

    For Videos: I choose KMPlayer. I think it's the nicest player of all. Very light, robust and it handles mkv videos better than any other app, including DivX.

    True... True... I used to use vlc and media player....

    But my dog broke my altec lancing speakers and all i am left with are these crappy monitor speakers which arent loud enough....

    With Vlc at 200 % it helps me with music and videos....

  9. You cant ever uninstall internet explorer from windows... You can only disable it.... re enabling is really easy...Go to control panel.... Click on programs and features..... Click on turn windows features on or off...Below will be a list of all the microsoft programs installed... You can choose to enable or disable Internet explorer 8.Internet explorer v8 Installers are for Vista, win 2003, Media center and maybe windows xp.....

  10. :) Hello Guys,



    A month ago I understand I had a trojan in the Internet. I scanned it with Trojan remover ( Free trial for a month and apparently worked). However two days ago I found out the the PC had sent out emails to almost 100 people. I was a mixed of dissapointed and mixed pissed at the whole thing. I have been tryng freebiess from the Internet, some work some dont.:P


    I currenlty have a Yahoo Account. Somehow ater the unauthorized outgoing email happened, I sent an email and the Yahoo email asked me to enter the Antispam Verifcation code before sending it. I thought to my self great coindicence so the PC will not be messing around anymore and sending unauthorized emails. However somehow that was the only outgoing email askign for a rerification code. Toughluck! , Since then the PC continues with the same issue and I keep trying it to remove Trojan with Internet freebies. I will be going to BestBuy or similar to get someting for Trojans,:D


    I know there is software for emails and an antirootkit.Posted Image


    1)Does anybody can recomend one antirookkit and one that can remove all or most trojans?


    2) By the way, I havealso Microsoft outlook. Would it allow me to use it with my yahoo email at least for outgoing email?


    3) Last but not least .Does anybody know if Yahoo Plus" ( Yahoo upgradded for $19 a year) plus has the Antispam Verification Code feature?:P


    Thanks guys!!:D


    Try Bitdefender free antivirus or kaspersky....... Look for email scanning as you need it for outlook...


    I use the pro version and have not yet had issues with it ....


    Use separate add ware and spyware programs on your computer for full protection...

  11. I see quite a few people asserting that computers cannot be creative, or that AI systems are limited by original design. Not so in either case. The brain is a network of connections and junctions. There is nothing in principle which says that we cannot build an analogous system in silicon (or whatever material). Those who believe there is something 'extra' about the brain - either a 'divine spark', a 'soul' or some other intangible have not made a convincing case, since such views rely entirely on faith. Given that it is possible in principle to build a silicon brain then I see no reason why we would not, eventually, do so.
    For those who think AI systems are limited by design - consider a neural network of 10^40 'neurones' and (say) 6 path internconnectedness with full weighting for each in (say) 8 bit code.
    How many possible states can this system have? (Answer - a number so big that it is a waste of time to calculate it). Hook your neural net up to some sensors and some output devices and start teaching it. What are the limits of such a system? Theoretically we could calculate an information limit (just as we can for the brain), but it would be effectively infinite (unlike the brain which has much less capacity).
    Could such a system be 'creative'? The answer to that depends on whether you think the human brain can be creative. The answer is the same in both cases. You would, of course, have to supply an initial goal or aim. In humans that is what we get in the hardwiring - mainly the circuitry in the brain before birth.

    Now, should we be worried? I think not. Why would we build a robot of immense potential intelligence and then make it look like a human? I can see no good reasons, unless it was to mimick a human and humans are much easier to make than robots. Robots and autonoma tend to be made in a form suitable for the function performed. OK we have a few like Asimo that are designed to look human(ish) but they are mainly for show and to test ideas. I don't worry at all about this - though I will be dead before we get systems as intelligent as a human I suspect (ie it won't likely happen in the next 30 years or so).

    A computer cannot make decisions for them selves plz.......

    If your saying that this is possible in the near future then.... Evry computer now and in the future will depend on a human .....

    Computers can never be self sustaining its just a dream like god or the devil......

    We can make descisions according to what we think

    Computers are always going to follow all the instructions we give them............ Maybe im wrong and computers will take over the world... lol...

  12. hello
    I want to connect my two offices connected by two isps together using two microtik routers.Iam giving he scnario below pls let me know hot to configure step by step.

    local office
    static ip
    local address range of pcs to

    remote office
    static ip

    local address range for pcs to

    I want to use both the office machines to be a part of the same network.

    kindly help


    How many computers do you have... You will have to set up manual ip addresses for bot the offices and use different default gateways to split your internet connections between both the offices.....

    If you do not have a server i suggest you get a win 2008 server going and create a domain if you have more than 10 computers... If its less than 10 computers you can use work group... Just use different default gate ways to split both of the internet connections

  13. hi trappers, i want your opinions of what i am going to do. i have a blog and i am working on my portfolio now, and i noticed through my searching in the net that most websites that have blog and portfolio, have a home page that leads to both of them.

    so i decided to add a home page to my blog, but i started it about eight months ago, so i was just wondering is adding a home page that leads to my blog will reduce the traffics?? or make me lose my visitors??

    is anyone here have the same?? if yes please give me some tips and the advantages and disadvantages of that.
    thanks in advance.

    Like you said you have a blog and now you will have your portifolio up so your visitors will be shared by both these websites....

    If you have a homepage it wont make you loose traffic...

  14. On facebook it self there is a forgot your password link just under sign in... Click it...Forgot your password? Enter your login email or mobile phone number below and fill the security check. If you use your email, we will send you an email with a link to reset your password. If you use your phone number, we will send you an SMS with a link to reset your password. If you have not confirmed your mobile phone number with us, you cannot use it to reset your password.If who ever hacked your account did manage to change your email and phone no then try the have a different problem link.... If you have a different problem accessing your account, please see our Login Problems Help Page.My email address or my Facebook account has been hacked.See our Security Help Center page here.There just choose the above and try again....If its just the problem from the post you got on the other account then its just a application you installed and theres a timer to go off every day and post loads of adds on your friends wall... Just disable that application....

  15. hi, i recently spillt water on my laptop and now when i try to start it, it does not detect the hard drive - even in bios mode. i was wondering if this freezing trick may work in this situation?? or if anyone has any other suggestions? thanks.

    Did you have a look inside the laptop ??

    Did u take the hard disk out of the laptop and test it ???

    If you have not tried the above then you need to.... And this is ONLY if you can...

    Turn the laptop over and find the cover with the hard disk symbol on it...

    It will be approx 3.5 inch the normal size of a laptop hard disk....

    Once you find the hard disk do not unscrew it directly...

    Turn your laptop on and try to listen to the hard disk if its making weird sounds or if it sounds normal...

    If it does make weird sounds you can go ahead with the freezer trick... Basically if your hard disk has a ticking sound, Its damaged..

    Buy or 3.5 inch external hard disk case... It will help you transfer the data through usb and you do not need to take the risk of running a condensing hard disk in your laptop....

    With the 3.5 inch case you can confirm if your laptop hard disk is damaged and you need to do consider the freezer trick...

    If the above does not work and you have to use the freezer trick... Follow all the ways to do it but do not insert into the laptop...

  16. It's been a while since I looked at another language versions of Windows. Many years ago, you had to "get" language preferred version of Windows otherwise it's only translating icons, programs to a specified language. The core language stayed the same.
    So I have a question. Does this language package actually change the core operating system's language or is it still masking to a language of choice?

    One of co-worker's Windows XP was from France. And although everything was in English (language pack) when she was installing a program it would show in French. And she said unless she installs English XP, it will continue to do that.

    Is it not true with Windows 7?

    Windows Xp used to come with few languages installed like the main ones... But some languages like arabic, Hindi and others needed a language pack to be installed....

    Windows 7 Includes all theses languages... No language pack required because most of the languages spoken are added to the Os....

  17. So i am throwing together a program, It is just about done now, But there's only 1 problem...
    the program i made relies on 5 web browsers (WebBrowser1, webBrowser2, WebBrfowser3, WebBrowser4, WebBrowser5), I wanted these web browsers to all load data as a separate web browser instead of all loading the same data. What i mean by this is, Say i log into and account on 1 browser, Then on the same site, i log into a different account on the second browser, After clicking a link or refreshing the page, Both browsers will be on the same account. Please tell me there is a way to stop this from happening? Greatly appreciated!

    It depends on the software you are using, Is it a forum or some other script ??

    I think its called multiple logins...

    You will have to find a way to block multiple logins on the same username...

    Do post which script are you using....

  18. Are you dumb or what he says Will computers take over earth,not computers are taking over the earth, which means in feature time.

    I was being sarcastic....

    People have been talking about computers to be self reliant for years.... Its never going to happen not even in the future..... In the 80ts and the 60ts people thought that by the year 2000 we would have hover cars and fly to planets.... Its all a dream.....

    Computers are going to be computers....

  19. Local (metropolitan) results:

    Posted Image

    I'm paying for a 3Mbps connection so, by these results, I'm getting my money's worth.

    I had no idea that my upload speed is twice as big as my download speed. That doesn't even make sense. Wouldn't it be better if it were the other way around?


    Test results for the other side of the globe:

    Posted Image

    It seems I should be able to download faster from the US than from Bucharest. Confusing, no?


    Just for laughs I'll post (tomorrow, I guess) the speed test results for my workplace.




    With a 7 mb upload ... You could run a small community website over ur computers.... You could control it sitting at your


    house.... You could share files or use your computer as a file server....

  20. i have recently received a windows 7 os from my cousin who lives in Guatemala. sadly it is in Spanish and i don't understand it! is there any way to change the setup files into English so that i can understand what it is that i am doing when i am installing it?

    When your installing windows 7 it will ask you which languages you want to be installed.... If your language was Spanish by default it will be there until you actually choose English to be installed... Even after you install windows 7... You can go into control panel and access region and language....

    You can set different languages including english...

  21. There are loads of ways to get passed the windows xp logon...... There are softwares which can help you with this... But i will help you in a different way...Try ctrl + alt + del on the logon screen and you will be prompted for a username and password...If the administrator account has a password you will have to logon as user... Without any password or if administrator username does not have a password then you can login as administrator without any password....If these do not work then just format your laptop and get it all fixed up...If you have files on your laptop i suggest a long procedure but it will help you back up all your files...Install windows on D Drive or any other drive other than where your old windows os was installed, Do not FORMAT at this point JUST INSTALL ... This will help you back up your files....After installing windows WITHOUT Formatting, Run it and backup all your files.Run a full format of your C drive, Create partitions to your liking and install a fresh copy of windows....If you have just one partition that is C Drive. You can install it on the c drive without formatting but you will need a external hard disk drive to back up your data or you will have to use a software like partition magic to create partitions in windows...If you are using a partition creation software then you should resize the c partition to create a d partition...After creating a d partition simply backup all your data, Format C and install a copy of windows.Be sure to use antivirus... Always have one ready before you go online....

  22. I thought I managed to work around the issue by putting Vista to Hibernate rather than Sleep. If I was going to conserve any energy by placing Vista machine to Sleep, mind as well turn it off or Hibernate.
    I find Hibernating very usefully for my traveling laptop. No need to wait for 68 seconds+ boot up time.

    Just what i was going for....

    I do the same with my Hp mini which takes like ages to load windows xp..... I set it to hibernate and the system starts up like 60% faster along with all the programs and information that was left open when i set it on hibernate.....

    Vista is a freakishly error filled Os just like windows Me....

    I remember when i used to use Win Me for my school work... It would crash like 2 times in a month with a fatal error requiring a format.....
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