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Posts posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. I guess there's a small window for editing? The Stanley Parable is about choices. So many of them that the game has quiet a few endings. You play as Stanley, who's only job is to push buttons all day, every day, forever. You were made for the job. One day you notice no order came in to push buttons. So you go on an adventure to figure out why.


    The game explains this in the opening cut-scene I skipped. I tried not to give too much away in the video. I guess I didn't show an ending, technically. But if your computer can handle it, play the demo. The demo tells you what the game is like without giving the main game away.

    I give it 17/3




    There are lot of factors that affects your net speed like router problem,Simultaneously if you run lot of software's,There may be a chance of virus attack in your system etc..So try to check everything and all.If you have slow net speed,Try to keep in mind the following instructions
    1.Get a download accelerator
    2.Turn off all unused apps while downloading
    3.Don't upload information while you're downloading
    4.Make sure your router is free of any interference
    5.Update your network device driver
    6.You must always keep your computer clean of any viruses
    7.clear your temporary download history files.
    8.Use latest version of any browser
    9.Do regular speed test.
    When i had the same problem,i followed the same ways.I am sure,it's very useful to increase your net speed.Then you can check your new internet speed using ScanmySpeed.com

    Way to reply to a six-year-old post. But I will two, apparently. So here is my nine replies to your list:

    1. I, myself, would advise against this. Those just occupy more room on your hard drive and who knows what they include during the installation of them. They could even download more than just the file(s) you want.

    2. You should do this anyways.

    3. I'm not 100% here, but this may be true.

    4. This depends on the interference. Usually, the interference causing poor internet performance comes from within the router and/or modem itself. Try disconnecting any devices not being used. Even if not being used, devices can be using the internet. This means that your router is processing more requests than just your computer's.

    5. It's probably not the driver, but the network card itself. How old is your card? Can you afford a newer one?

    6. See number two

    7. You should clean all temporary files and downloads folder(s) and that stuff regularly no matter what. I use CCleaner for this.

    8. Not necessarily true. It does help. But keep in mind that newer software does tax your hardware more.

    9. This does nothing but verify if anything you did helped the speeds. Also keep in mind that results are not accurate 100% of the time. It's only accurate at that specific time.


    I'm not saying that anything in that list is wrong. I'm saying there are other things that can cause performance issues. My list is compiled from personal experience and could very well contain wrong information. But to sum this all up:

    This day and age, if your internet is slow, it's because either your system is out of date, or your internet package needs upgraded.

  3. I can point you to a site that may have it. I won't research it myself for two reasons: I do not care [about the song], and pointing you to the exact download page, should it exist, may raise questions on legality. Here is the site; use how you wish: Free MIDI Zone


    NOTE: MIDI files are instrumental as they have no way of supporting voices. In fact, MIDI contains no actual sounds; just instructions for a sequencer to produce such sounds. If you find your file on that site and have no external sequencer or a replacement to your default software synth (Windows uses GS Wavetable Synth, or something like that), it may sound like crap. But it's easy enough to replace with a better synth, like Timidity.

  4. Umm.... I think I need more details here. When I highlight text in Chrome and then right click it, I get two options: "copy", "search google for '*highlighted text here*'". Where is this text you try to copy? Is it in a browser? If so, are you using Chrome? I.E.? Firefox? I can't find any option anywhere under Chrome that relates to your issue. So like I said, more details.

  5. Just ran a small test on mine that kind of depended on the laptop's estimated time left on the battery. I wanted to listen to music and didn't want to get dad's charger. From a full charge, I was estimated two and a half hours of charge. During this period, I used the laptop to charge my iPod and the music was on an external hard drive (two devices using power from the USB ports. I would say that two and a half hours was fairly accurate, but I was done when it was at, maybe, 47% charge level. So I didn't get the full timing test.

  6. Meanwhile in London, KY: It's 53F outside and snow nowhere. It almost feels like Spring. A lot of people are complaining about the abundance of snow falling where they live; I'm complaining about the lack thereof. The only water that froze up here is what's in our pool. I'd like to get some snow, but not a whole lot. Two inches at least.


    But as you made clear (at least to me, anyway), I agree with. Having a ton of snow sucks also. I remember a few years ago, we went over to my granny's house for a while and it was raining. The water froze to solid ice an inch thick. The driveway out was uphill. We had to throw sticks and mud under the tires to get traction.


    I think it was the same year, the school bus was about ten minutes from our stop. There was no snow whatsoever on the ground. After we got off and got home, mom said we was going to take a trip to Tennessee and to hurry and get our things so we could get out before the snow got too thick. Within twenty minutes, everything was buried in snow. They ended up closing part of the interstate.

  7. That depends on a few things, one of which being how charged it was at the time. With mine, I can get anywhere from two hours to three from a full charge, depending on what I do on it. The more you do on it or the more resource intensive things you do in it, the faster the battery will drain. If I play one of the few games it supports, I'll only get two hours out of it. If I listen to music, it'll last just over two hours. Browsing the internet will get me an hour and a half. Writing text files will get me up to three and a half hours.

  8. Back on topic, here is my experience. Back over one year ago, maybe two, I bought an old laptop from my older sisters then boyfriend. It had a busted screen and the battery didn't last but five minutes on a full charge. I had the screen replaced and bought a new battery so I could take it to college as I had an hour and a half between classes. My younger sister had a laptop, but her charger didn't work. So she used mine, which, obviously, didn't fit. Her forcing it to fit damaged the cord so badly, I had to get a replacement charger.


    The replacement charger was designed to fit multiple types of laptops, so the plug didn't fit. By positioning the plug a certain way, I could make it fit. But because it was too small, I had to keep the battery in so that if when it lost connection, it wouldn't shut down if I were in the middle of something. The replacement charger no longer makes a connection, so I use my dad's charger (the odds of his charger meeting the requirements of my laptop? well it does). But I am in the habit of leaving it plugged in while using it. I always unplug the charger when I'm not using it (I use that outlet for other things too). I've not noticed much, if any, performance decrease by doing so.


    Lastly, I will post something I heard on another forum (which was taken down and replaced with a blog which was then taken down and I don't know the future plans with it). When I first got the new battery, I was told to fully charge the battery, then let it die completely. I guess this is for calibration reasons? I also read somewhere that laptop batteries have a "memory" in that you should leave it fully charged when not in use. I guess the lower the charge you leave on it, the less capacity it will have over time (shorter life).

  9. I have decided to post this because I find it kind of, in a weird way, funny. (note to mods: feel free to move this if you find necessary)


    Here is some math you may need to know. 1GB (GigaByte) = 1,024MB (MegaByte). So 1024MB/1GB = 1GB/1024MB = 1. And x/y/z = (1/x)*(1/y)*(1/z).


    Why am I telling you this? Well I have decided to copy 385GB of music from one USB HDD to another. Using USB 3.0 standards, the current data transfer rate is 4.47MBps (MegaBytes per second, or MB/s). This tells us that if we divide 385GB by 4.47MB/s, our answer will be in seconds. So much of them, in fact, that Google Calculator went ahead and converted them into days. 1.076 of them, actually. Before I went to bed, it was estimated to take 8.5 hours.



    the transfer rate increased to 4.96MBps and Windows estimates it'd take 5 hours and 15 minutes. But I need to cancel it.

  10. Well according to the NEC, every living space needs to be protected by AFCB's (living rooms, bedrooms, etc). As always, this does not apply to homes built before the change and it may be different in your area. And if your plugs are getting melted, AFCB's should help. Just keep in mind that AFCB's are 10x more sensitive than GFCB's, and something as simple as a light blowing can trip an AFCB. But in my case, we were outside, so the breaker was a GFCB.

  11. There were no fuses, just circuit breakers. We could have removed the breakers, but that would have been more dangerous to everyone (think electrical fire). The only option we had that wasn't dangerous was to kill the main service (on the pole outside) and put a lock on it so no one could turn it back on.

  12. And instead of rewriting the wheel, here is a post I made on another forum nine days ago:


    So I've been going to this house with some classmates to help do electrical work. It's something to do as I usually have nothing going on after class. And today was no different. Class ends and we go to that house. Well earlier, between classes, we go and get me some tools I really needed. One of my classmates asked me to buy him a couple of things and he would trade me some pliers for them (because I needed pliers and he needed those things, the value of it all was about the same). They were good pliers, they were just extra he picked up for $15. Back to the story.


    My first task was to gank some lights on the porch. One of them didn't have all the parts we needed, so we only got one up. Next we went outside to the garage to hang lights. We get on the ladder for the first light - the middle one. We check for power, as we should, and read none. We hang it without incident. We get the rightmost light next and it went without incident. We go to get the leftmost light next. We check for power and read none. The classmate that was helping me was going to do the wiring, but had to go find a ladder because holding anything above your head is tiring, so I was to get the wires ready.


    When you go to wire a light on a new house, there are steps you're supposed to follow. You start by cutting the outer insulation with a certain tool. You then peel off the insulation and any paper you uncover (two strips of paper). You then measure six inches from the back of the box and cut the wires one at a time at the six inch mark. I had way too much wire to work with, so I was going to cut it at a random point and measure later. I took those pliers and started to squeeze down. There was a loud pop, a bright flash, and sparks. The pliers were insulated, so I was unharmed. The pliers, on the other hand, went from great condition to poor in an instant.


    In less than one minute from when we checked for power to that incident, one of the drywall guys had turned the switch on to the outside lights and left it. Between me and my two classmates, we had four incidents today. The drywall guys had turned breakers on that they shouldn't have. They had no business getting into the breakers at all. And on top of that, when we started working on those lights, the drywall guys had just finished smoking weed.


    Then there was another drywall guy upstairs - who had nothing to do with what was going on on th first floor - who had to cut some holes in the studs. If he had his one of the wires, he could have been hurt because that breaker was also supposed to be off. And then in the basement, while our boss was there, one of my classmated too a jold because yet another breaker was on that was supposed to be off (actually, that one may have been a GFCI instead of a breaker. But still).


    Our boss is pissed that the incidents happened and he's going to contact the drywall guys' boss tomorrow to let him know. Today has just been a bad day.



  13. Or you can get yourself a static IP address (which only comes with business class internet service, if you can afford it) and host your own website. We have TWC and are paying for custom internet service and our IPA hasn't changed ever, as far as I am aware. And ashiezai is correct. Downtime is dependent on the host, not the registrar. Both of my domains are through namecheap. I would have went through godaddy, but I heard that they tend to screw people over who want to transfer to someone else.


    But as I said, both my domains are through namecheap and I am looking at getting hosting here.

  14. The images are not loading please update this I need this for my assignment :(

    border-radius: 6px;

    That's what I did on mine with no images. Just remember to make the border larger than zero pixels:

    border:2px solid

    And here is just one line of the file:

    p.two {border:2px solid #00f;padding:9px;border-radius:6px;background-color:#007;color:#dd0;}

    Just increase the radius for a larger curve.


    And as a bonus, here is the code for a text area:

    input[type="text"] {background-color:#222;color:#ddd;border-radius:9px;border:2px solid #777;padding:3px;}

    And here is the page I done it on:


  15. just to let you know both Those browser are slower than Internet Explorer and plus

    both are no good when it comes to more than a few windows (explorer is not any better in this regard)


    I feel as though you have not tested these speeds recently. A month ago, when we still had Vista, Chrome ran at least three times faster than IE. I just ran a speed test on our new computer (running Win 7) and both Chrome and IE ran roughly the same speeds. Any difference between them was small enough to ignore; just a few milliseconds. I've not tried opening multiple tabs yet, though. But I give mine a few months to really see a difference. As for FF, I do not have FF. I stopped using it when I learned about Chrome.

  16. I don't even think it asks when you have a lot. I've gotten the same message before and, as far as I knew, I had no addons. If there is an x on the message box somewhere, you could click it. I'm not sure if it'll as again, but it's worth a shot if it don't.

  17. |------ BACK STORY --------|


    I have had it with iTunes and iPod and Apple altogether. I built a new computer recently and got around to finally reinstalling iTunes. I connect my iPod and decide to sign into the Apple store to make sure my apps and stuff would get deleted. iTunes wouldn't accept my password. I wasn't really sure what I had made it, so I decided to reset it. I follow the instructions and the **** webpage kept saying my session had timed out, though I was on there for less than five seconds.


    The next day I tried again. It finally proceeded to the page telling me an email has been sent. It never arrived, so I tried again with the same results. After who knows how many password reset emails I didn't receive, I tried to log into the app store on my iPod and it worked. So I tried on iTunes again, but no. I finally found how to reset my password and iTunes finally let me log in. But was I done? Hell no.


    So I go to sync my music library and found files I never added. After ten minutes of searching Google, I managed to purge the library and rebuild it with the correct folders. And I'll be d***ed if I still wasn't done. After iTunes converted 60+ (67, I think) files to AAC - for the third time after the latest install - and I told it to sync, it reported I didn't have enough memory. iTunes said that the current collection would be purged and replaced, so why is there not enough memory. All that was going to change was two, maybe three, songs were to be added.


    What was the solution, you ask? After an additional ten minutes of searching, I found that I had to sync the iPod with no music selected to manually purge the music collection. I then got to let iTunes automatically sync the music library. The entire process of updating my music library took over one week. Over one *** **** week to add two songs to a *** **** "mp3 player."


    |-------- QUESTION --------|

    Can any of you recommend an MP3 player (not an iPod nor anything by Apple) with these specifications:

    • Drag-N-Drop Music Transfer: If it takes more than two mouse clicks, it takes too many
    • MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG* support: These make up my entire collection
    • No Video Support*: My videos look terrible as it is; I don't need a small screen to make them worse
    • Internal Battery*: This is a biggie for me. AAA's die on my one gig MP3 player before I make it all the way through the songs. That is with me skipping half of them.
    • At least 8GB Internal Storage*: My collection currently is almost a full 6GB.
    • FM Radio*: For when I get bored of my collection and/or want to fish for other music to get

    * OGG isn't a must, but would be nice

    * If video support comes with it, that's okay. I just want as basic a player as I can.

    * Eh, 15 hour should be enough

    * 8GB minimum, preferably 10GB

    * Not an absolute must, but a big factor


    The Sensa by SanDisk seems good, but the $40 version doesn't have the radio. The $50 version has the radio, but more features than I need. (I don't know where those numbers came from)

    Sensa Link

  18. Either no such topic exists, or my finding skills are lacking. I did come across a topic by Buffalo where he stated he'd post a code when he go one. If memory serves, it was posted in 2005, but no code was ever given (unless a certain plugin in my browser is hiding it, which it's done before). One or two dollars off isn't too much, though. I'll just pay full price. Thanks.

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