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Posts posted by sukhi

  1. there is a famous question asxked by a chinese philoshper : " If in a dream i am a butterfly and when i wake up like man , is the man dreaming the butterfly or the butterfly dreaming the man ?It cannot be answered and is the basis of the thinking that after death a person doesnt see any changes and just gets up from level of dream to another. When one dies and when one wakes up .. can one tell if a person was alive before or dead before ? Thus death is a myth it is just a transformation from one dream to another dream.

  2. One of the best ways to reduce weight is to go vegetarian. I do not know what is your diet right now. but having more fruits and raw veggies will help in decreasing the fat faster as these veggies help in dissolving fats faster.It is difficult to really cut down on the food we eat. It is really difficult but with slight diet modifications and little bit of ground exercises like jogging , swimming are the key to fat reduction. It works for me too even though my main problem is the tummy fat , rest is all fine :)

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