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What looting system does your guild use in the endgame content. We use a DKP system and here is a brief explanation on it well not brief lol but an explanation none the less. These are from a forum of which I myself posted the information as you see it here. So to Quote myself:::: you can find my postings as you see here http://com5.runboard.com/bthethievestavernrt.t3|offset=10
This tool is immensly useful and has saved me from a few sites when I have done searches on google and such. I suggest to anyone who is questioning wether or not that they need or want this to go ahead and get it.Any questions about it feel free to ask I have been using this since almost its release.
a shoutbox normally has a refresh tag that automatically refreshes it and if the site is having heavy traffic each refresh it is reloading information also if your site does store graphics in a person's cached due to settings they have set that also uses bandwidth having to redownload the graphics each time instead of pulling them from the cache.shoutbox is probably biggest causer of raised bandwidth though
omg guys you rock, that was the issue completly i feel like such a noob now lol, like i told tyssen i gotta stop working on this stuff when i am half asleep. thanks for the help awesome find.
FRAME SYNTAX Frame syntax is similar in scope and complexity to that used by tables, and has been designed to be quickly processed by Internet client layout engines. <FRAMESET> This is the main container for a Frame. It has 2 attributes ROWS and COLS. A frame document has no BODY, and no tags that would normally be placed in the BODY can appear before the FRAMESET tag, or the FRAMESET will be ignored. The FRAMESET tag has a matching end tag, and within the FRAMESET you can only have other nested FRAMESET tags, FRAME tags, or the NOFRAMES tag. ROWS="row_height_value_list" The ROWS attribute takes as its value a comma separated list of values. These values can be absolute pixel values, percentage values between 1 and 100, or relative scaling values. The number of rows is implicit in the number of elements in the list. Since the total height of all the rows must equal the height of the window, row heights might be normalized to achieve this. A missing ROWS attribute is interpreted as a single row arbitrarily sized to fit. Syntax of value list. value A simple numeric value is assumed to be a fixed size in pixels. This is the most dangerous type of value to use since the size of the viewer's window can and does vary substantially. If fixed pixel values are used, it will almost certainly be necessary to mix them with one or more of the relative size values described below. Otherwise the client engine will likely override your specified pixel value to ensure that the total proportions of the frame are 100% of the width and height of the user's window. value% This is a simple percentage value between 1 and 100. If the total is greater than 100 all percentages are scaled down. If the total is less than 100, and relative-sized frames exist, extra space will be given to them. If there are no relative-sized frames, all percentages will be scaled up to match a total of 100%. value* The value on this field is optional. A single '*' character is a "relative-sized" frame and is interpreted as a request to give the frame all remaining space. If there exist multiple relative-sized frames, the remaining space is divided evenly among them. If there is a value in front of the '*', that frame gets that much more relative space. "2*,*" would give 2/3 of the space to the first frame, and 1/3 to the second. Example for 3 rows, the first and the last being smaller than the center row: <FRAMESET ROWS="20%,60%,20%"> Example for 3 rows, the first and the last being fixed height, with the remaining space assigned to the middle row: <FRAMESET ROWS="100,*,100"> COLS="column_width_list" The COLS attribute takes as its value a comma separated list of values that is of the exact same syntax as the list described above for the ROWS attribute. NORESIZE The NORESIZE attribute has no value. It is a flag that indicates that the frame is not resizable by the user. Users typically resize frames by draggin a frame edge to a new position. Note that if any frame adjacent to an edge is not resizable, that entire edge will be restricted from moving. This will effect the resizability of other frames.The NORESIZE attribute is optional; by default all frames are resizable. The FRAMESET tag can be nested inside other FRAMESET tags. In this case the complete subframe is placed in the space that would be used for the corresponding frame if this had been a FRAME tag instead of a nested FRAMESET. <FRAME> This tag defines a single frame in a frameset. It has 6 possible attributes: SRC, NAME, MARGINWIDTH, MARGINHEIGHT, SCROLLING, and NORESIZE. The FRAME tag is not a container so it has no matching end tag. SRC="url" The SRC attribute takes as its value the URL of the document to be displayed in this particular frame. FRAMEs without SRC attributes are displayed as a blank space the size the frame would have been. MARGINWIDTH="value" The MARGINWIDTH attribute is used when the document author wants some control of the margins for this frame. If specified, the value for MARGINWIDTH is in pixels. Margins can not be less than one-so that frame objects will not touch frame edges-and can not be specified so that there is no space for the document contents. The MARGINWIDTH attribute is optional; by default, all frames default to letting the browser decide on an appropriate margin width. MARGINHEIGHT="value" The MARGINHEIGHT attribute is just like MARGINWIDTH above, except it controls the upper an lower margins instead of the left and right margins. SCROLLING="yes|no|auto" The SCROLLING attribute is used to describe if the frame should have a scrollbar or not. Yes results in scrollbars always being visible on that frame. No results in scrollbars never being visible. Auto instructs the browser to decide whether scrollbars are needed, and place them where necessary. The SCROLLING attribute is optional; the default value is auto. NAME="window_name" The NAME attribute is used to assign a name to a frame so it can be targeted by links in other documents (These are usually from other frames in the same document.) The NAME attribute is optional; by default all windows are unnamed. Names must begin with an alphanumeric character. Named frames can have their window contents targeted with the new TARGET attribute. <NOFRAMES> This tag is for content providers who want to create alternative content that is viewable by non-Frame-capable clients. A Frame-capable Internet client ignores all tags and data between start and end NOFRAMES tags. Syntax <TABLE>...</TABLE> Attribute Specifications ALIGN=[ left | center | right ] (table alignment) SUMMARY=Text (purpose/structure of table) WIDTH=Length (table width) BORDER=Pixels (border width) FRAME=[ void | above | below | hsides | lhs | rhs | vsides | box | border ] (outer border) RULES=[ none | groups | rows | cols | all ] (inner borders) CELLSPACING=Length (spacing between cells) CELLPADDING=Length (spacing within cells) BGCOLOR=Color (table background color) these again are courtesy of various websites and books i own and information i have gathered and comiled into a MS word .doc credit goes to the originators of this information. Notice from BuffaloHELP: When you copy from another source you must use QUOTE tags. If your post consists of more than 10% quote, provide link instead. Site source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
Greetings all, a few posts down under this one you will see a Tooltips mimicing post i have posted. Well after reviewing the posts I found the link tyssen posted to be more along the lines of what i was wanting to accomplish. the page located at http://tcs.trap17.com/test.html is the page in reference in this post, as you see the example one they gave the 2nd one on the page works flawlessly or at least to the point that I am satisified where as the link above it works well shall we say doesn't work at all rofl. The coding for the page is as follows. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/domLib.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/domTT.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var domTT_styleClass = 'domTTOverlib'; </script><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Untitled Document</title></head><body><center><br /><br /><br /><br /><a href="test.html" onmouseover="domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', 'Shining Silver Breastplate<p>Binds when equipped</p><p>Chest Mail</p><p>214 Armor</p><p>+14 Strength</p><p>+6 Stamina</p><p>Durability 120 / 120</p><p>Requires Level 24</p>' 'styleClass', 'niceTitle', 'x', this.offsetLeft + 5, 'y', this.offsetTop + 5);">Shining Silver Breastplate</a><br /><br /><br /><br /><a href="index.html" onmouseover="domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', 'Many weblogs are now sporting this look.<p>i.e. http://blog.codefront.net</p>', 'styleClass', 'niceTitle', 'x', this.offsetLeft + 5, 'y', this.offsetTop + 5);">nicetitles style</a> </p></body></html> the .js files are located in the same directory as test.html but yet i can't duplicate the results desired as they have been accompolished with the 2nd link. any help that can be given to help me solve the problem would greatly be appreciated. If you have any further questions as to my set up feel free to ask and i will answer them asap. the domTT is located at the following link, as which i have searched for tutorials and what not to help me try and figure out what I am doing wrong and with no avail. http://www.mojavelinux.com/projects/domtooltip/ thanks again in advance.
I myself prefer ConTEXT located here http://http://blogic14.blogspot.de/ great program and also allows you to write in anything and color codes it as well.
Basic Tagging included is basic HTML Commands / tags
Trystim replied to Trystim's topic in Programming
believe it or not i still use the <font size="#" color="chartreuse" family="arial">text</font> I myself haven't gotten into CSS although i should -
The HTML tag Although not currently required by all clients, the <html> tag signals the point where text should start being interpreted as HTML code. It's probably a good idea to include it in all your documents now, so you don't have to go back to your files and add it later. The <html> tag is usually placed on the first line of your document. At the end of your document you should close with the </html> tag. The head tag Just like the header of a memo, the head of an HTML document contains special information, like its title. The head of a document is demarcated by <head> and </head> respectively. For the purposes of this class, only the title tag, below, should be included in the document head. A typical head section might look like <html><head><title>My First HTML Document</title></head> Titles A title tag allows you to specify a Document Title in your browser window. When people make hotlists, this title is what they see in their list after they add your document. The format is: <title>My First HTML Document</title> Remember, the title usually doesn't appear in the document itself, but in a title box or bar at the top of the window. The body tag Like you might expect, the body tags <body> and </body> define the beginning and end of the bulk of your document. All your text, images, and links will be in the body of the document. The body should start after the head. A typical page might begin like <html><head><title>My First HTML Document</title></head><body> Headers There are up to six levels of headers that can be used in your document, h1 through h6. Header 1 is the largest header and they get progressively smaller through header 6. Below are each of the six headers and how they usually appear in relation to one another. <h1>This is a header 1 tag</h1>This is a header 1 tag<h2>This is a header 2 tag</h2>This is a header 2 tag<h3>This is a header 3 tag</h3>This is a header 3 tag<h4>This is a header 4 tag</h4>This is a header 4 tag<h5>This is a header 5 tag</h5>This is a header 5 tag<h6>This is a header 6 tag</h6>This is a header 6 tag Headers, as you notice, not only vary in size, they are also bold and have a blank line inserted before and after them. It's important to use headers only for headings, not just to make text bold (we cover the bold tag later). Paragraphs In HTML, a paragraph tag <p> should be put at the end of every paragraph of "normal" text (normal being defined as not already having a tag associated with it). <p> causes a line break and adds a trailing blank line <br> causes a line break with no trailing blank line As a convenience to yourself and others who might have to edit your HTML documents, it's a very good idea to put two or three blank lines between paragraphs to facilitate editing. Blockquote The blockquote tag indents the text (both on the left and right) inside the tags. The blockquote tag looks like this: <blockquote>...</blockquote> and displays like this: Blockquoted text is often used for indenting big blocks of text such as quotations. The text will be indented until the ending tag is encountered. Again, note that the text here is indented on both the left and the right margins. Center You can center text, images, and headings with the center tag: <center>This is a centered sentence</center> This is a centered sentence. The center tag automatically inserts a line break after the closing center tag. Horizontal Rule To separate sections in a document, you can insert a horizontal rule tag <hr>. A horizontal rule is displayed as follows: Addresses The <address> tag normally appears at the end of a document and is used most frequently to mark information on contacting the author or institution that has supplied this information. Anything contained within the address tag appears in italics. The address tag is another example of a logical tag, and although it currently does nothing but make text appear in italics, this could change as HTML code advances. Here is an example of how an address might appear: <address>Introduction to HTML / joe schmo/ joe_schmo@blah.com</address> And it would appear as: Introduction to HTML / joe schmo / joe_schmo@blah.com Comments It is possible to include comments in a source HTML document that do not appear when seen through a browser. This is most useful for giving warnings and special instructions to future editors of your document. Comments take the form: <!-----This comment will not appear in the browser-----> The comment can even break lines <!----This comment won't be seen by anyone either even though it's broken between lines---> Strike-through Should you want it, there is a strike-through tag which displays text with a strike. <strike>This is struck through text</strike> displays as This is struck through text Special Characters Finally, if you often use the characters which make up HTML tags (such as < >, and &), or you use special characters not in the ascii standard, you will have to use special tags. Here are the codes: á .... á â .... â ć .... ć ŕ .... ŕ & .... & ĺ .... ĺ ă .... ă ä .... ä ç .... ç é .... é ę .... ę č .... č đ .... đ ë .... ë > .... > í .... í î .... î ě .... ě ď .... ď < .... < ń .... ń ó .... ó ô .... ô ň .... ň ř .... ř ő .... ő ö .... ö " .... " ß .... ß ţ .... ţ ú .... ú ű .... ű ů .... ů ü .... ü ý .... ý ˙ .... ˙ Preformatted text The preformatted text tag allows you to include text in your document that normally remains in a fixed-width font and retains the spaces, lines, and tabs of your source document. In other words, it leaves your text as it appears initially or just as you typed it in. Most clients collapse multiple spaces into one space, even tabs are collapsed to one space. The only way to circumvent this is to use the preformatted tag. Visually, preformatted text looks like a courier font. <pre>this is an example of a preformatted text tag</pre> And this is how it displays: this is an example of a preformatted text tag Boldface and Italics You can add emphasis to text by using the boldface and italic tags or the emphasis and strong tags. There is an underline tag as well, but most people don't use it since text that is linked is often underlined. The potential for confusion and the archaic nature of underlining in general make it a poor marker for emphasis. When using these tags, you usually cannot (and probably should not) have text that is both boldface and italics; the last tag encountered is usually the tag that is displayed. For example, if you had a boldface tag followed immediately by an italic tag, the tagged word would appear in italics. Physical tags This is a <b>boldface</b> tag. This is how boldfacing appears. This is an <i>italic</i> tag. This is how italics appear.Logical tags This is a <strong>strongly emphasized</strong> tag. This is a strongly emphasized tag. This is an <em>emphasized</em> tag. This is an emphasized tag. There is a subtle distinction between the above "physical" tags which merely change the displayed font, and "logical" styles which are used (or eventually will be) to make types of emphasis client specific (for instance, using the <em> tag would make text red). While either style is fine, be aware that differences in these two kinds of tags may be more apparent with advances in HTML. Lists There is an easy way in HTML to have numbered, unnumbered, and definition lists. In addition, you can nest lists within lists. When using lists, you have no control over the amount of space between the bullet or list number, HTML automatically does this for you. Neither (as yet) do you have control over what type of bullet will be used as each browser is different. Unnumbered lists Unnumbered lists are started with the <ul> tag, followed by the actual list items, which are marked with the <li> tag. The list is ended with the ending tag </ul>. For example, here is an unnumbered list with three items: <ul> <li> list item 1 <li> list item 2 <li> list item 3 </ul> Here is how that list would display: * list item 1 * list item 2 * list item 3 Numbered lists Here is the same list using a numbered list format: <ol> <li> list item 1 <li> list item 2 <li> list item 3 </ol> Here is how that list would display: 1. list item 1 2. list item 2 3. list item 3 Definition lists Definition lists allow you to indent without necessarily having to use bullets. <dl> <dt> This is a term <dd> This is a definition <dd> And yet another definition <dt> Another term <dd> Another definition </dl> And here is how this would be displayed This is a term This is a definition. And yet another definition. Another term Another definition Nested lists Finally, here is a nested list within an unnumbered list (we could just have easily had a nested list within a numbered list). <ul> <li> list item 1 <ul> <li> nested item 1 <li> nested item 2 </ul> <li> list item 2 <ul> <li> nested item 1 <li> nested item 2 </ul> <li> list item 3 <ul> <li> nested item 1 <li> nested item 2 </ul> </ul> Here is how that list would display: * list item 1 o nested item 1 o nested item 2 * list item 2 o nested item 1 o nested item 2 * list item 3 o nested item 1 o nested item 2 Font Commands Font Face Examples: <font face="Arial">Arial</font><font face="Cooper">Cooper</font><font face="Times">Times</font><font face="Broadway">Broadway</font> Font Size Examples: <font size="1">1</font>,<font size="2">2</font<font size="3">3</font><font size="4">4</font><font size="5">5</font><font size="6">6</font><font size="7">7</font> Text Formatting: <b>Bold</b><strong>Strong</strong><i>Italic</i><u>Underline</u><strike>Strike Through</strike><em>emphasis</em><sup>Super Script</sup><sub>Sub Script</sub> Font Colors: <font color="#FF0000">Red</font><font color="#00FF00">Green</font><font color="#0000FF">Blue</font><font color="#000000">Black</font> Hope you find this useful it is the most commonly used html tags in my opinion. any question feel free to ask. This is courtesy of various websites and books that I have viewed over the years and is in a compilation ms word doc that i have on my computer at all times. edited to add code tags and Font commands..dont know how i missed those lol
Help With Tooltip Difficulty mimicing
Trystim replied to Trystim's topic in Websites and Web Designing
hahaha, sorry Michael already responded before i came to post so disregard mine lol. Thank you for the links both Tyssen and Saint Michael great help there.Admin/Mod please close this topic as it has been resolved.PS:: would it be possible to get DomTT installed onto my webspace? or is it already and i just dont see it? -
Greets fellow designers, let me first post an example of what I am going to be talking about. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/= now located on that page is a bunch of images and such inside of a table, (those who play this is probably a familiar site) what I am trying to mimic is the tooltip you get when you mouse over an image, I have gone so far as to even take the source from the page and try to modify it for my own to no avail Located on the site i have put together for my guild a listing of what we have in the guild bank but i would like to move it to it's own page and do similiar to what you see in the above link for each of the items. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If anyone can possibly give me a hand with this by writing a source that I can edit or telling me how to go about it by linking me to tutorials I would appreciate it. Again thank you for your time and consideration in helping me. PS: I have tried to do it with the alt="blah" part of the img src code and that doesn't work whatsoever
My fiance uses inboxdollars.com and she makes a decent chunk of money each month. the stipulation is they will pay you 30 days after the end of the month which you request your payment, in other words request payment in April, you will see your check in june. Once you get things rolling though and making some decent money you can get checks each month if your a member of 2 or 3 of them and they add up quick. your already checking your email take a few more seconds and click a link to get paid for doing it is my opinion.I dont see it taking more then .12 usd to move my finger and depress the mouse. Some of them out though are pretty bad with their payout program per click. Do a little research and you will find the goods ones out there.Last year my fiance bought a car with what she made off inboxdollars it wasn't a brand new car but it was a car that was like new. That is saying alot considering the program.
Web Designs Working on getting resources up.
Trystim replied to Mich's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
I surfed your site for about 20 mins you have some very creative layouts and there is quite a selection.I specifically like the orange one under the Land and Seascape Sets, keep up the good work. -
I myself believe that religion was put here (by religion i mean different denominations) to scare people into saying you have to come do this and do that. The bible states that lift a rock you will find me. If you do just the little bit of research it takes you will find that the shape of the windows in a church/synagogue are symbolic of the womans vagina and the steeples are symbolic of the mans penis.They constantly saying this and that to bring things into their perspective so that they get more worshippers to their particular religion when in reality the bible is clean and cut and any confusion can be sorted out by praying to God and asking him to help you clarify it for your understanding.Just my 2 cents on the subject sorry if i offended anyone not meaning to to but it happens when you open a discussion about religion.
Xbox 360 Vs. Playstation 3 The good and bad about each
Trystim replied to SoCalAztec's topic in Computer Gaming
to keep it safe from fanboy wars (wishes he could find the link again)Stats wise the ps3 will be better if they deliver the stats they say they are going to. The link I was looking for was an actual Microsoft Rep for the 360 that stated that the ps3 will beat them out if they deliver the specs as well. Probably doesn't have his job anymore either lol.I myself am a Sony fan and will be, each game that comes out on the market now a days comes out for all systems with the exception of one or 2 games for each system so that is what you need to keep your eye on i guess. Is which system is going to have the "exclusive" to which system.