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About mranimationist
Newbie [Level 1]
Hi, All I hope yuo've enjoyed my last few posts and topics this may well be my last programming post for a week or two.Okay I am going to be talking about how to get a website that has javascript in it :)just copy the below If you do not understand it comment below <html><head><title>My first javascript ~ Wooo!</title></head><body><script type="text/javascript">document.write("Hello World");</script></body></html> as you can see it goes along side HTMLSo thats the text part done Now on to the pro stuff.This is for an alert box <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function show_alert(){alert("Hello! I am an alert box!");}</script></head><body><input type="button" onclick="show_alert()" value="Show alert box" /></body></html> Now onto selection popup boxes <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function show_confirm(){var r=confirm("Press a button");if (r==true) { alert("You pressed OK!"); }else { alert("You pressed Cancel!"); }}</script></head><body><input type="button" onclick="show_confirm()" value="Show confirm box" /></body></html> Prompt Box <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function show_prompt(){var name=prompt("Please enter your name","Name");if (name!=null && name!="") { document.write("Hello " + name + "! How are you today?"); }}</script></head><body><input type="button" onclick="show_prompt()" value="Show prompt box" /></body></html> In this tut i am not going to explain what they meen because I do not have the time Notice from rvalkass: Please make sure you use the correct BBCodes in your posts.
FouGilang started following mranimationist
mranimationist started following FouGilang
Basically I have tried all of the servers ect.. and it wont work and then i found a website hoster which allowed me to open phpmyadmin on there server and create databases I was just wondering what do I have to do to the coding where your ment to put localhost what do i put there ?? Thanks because even though I could probably get a degree in html I still cant figure out how to use asp which wont work and ive tried everything so I gave up and used someone elses host I wanted to know would there server work for the coding ? Ok but i recently upgraded to win7 home Pro does that have something to do with it ??? The FTP sounds to much like hard work I will just leave my website kinda boring
Hi all I just wanted to tell you all about halo reach beta.The beta is truly one of the best i have ever played.Firstly there are loadouts which rule. Its not like call of duty games where you unlock weopons, instead you unlock armour,by earning credits (CR) you do by getting kills and playing well.For each load out there is an armour abilitiy. There are 5 in total, 4 are usable when playing spartan vs spartan, and 1 when you do elite vs elite. The four for spartans are Sprint, Invincibility (You can not move while using this) active camo (stalker) and lastly,my favourite, the jetpack. The last one is an elite only ability which allows you to roll to avoid sticky situations, as bungie say: Play with your food. These abilities can turn the tide of the battle to your advantage, whatever the game mode. Also new weopons are in, and others have changed. Battle rifles are out, but don't panic, the DMR is now in, very similar to the BR, but fires one shot at a time. The magnum is a cross between the halo 2 magnum and the ODST magnum. It fires as fast as you can squeeze the trigger, but has a scope (Its not silenced). Even the trusty assuallt rifle has been modified, it can now hold less per clip, but still brilliant. The rocket lancher has its lock on function back now. Amazingly even the plasma-pistol has had a makeover. New weopons include: Grenade lancher, needle rifle, DMR, Sticky grenade lancher and many more. If you are having trouble trying to get the beta, come back soon and i will have uploaded a How to get the beta post.Thanks for reading
Thats what i did i started out using yola.com and started using the html tool and then wrote this and im only 13 but i am very good at building websites. Still havent cracked myspace yet so i can edit layout coz the layout is crap! Thanks for taking time to read the post thats a good point but you have to buy it use notepad its free I had a look but its not all that but still good and will help beginners in my next tutorial i shall be doing an advanced users using mysql and all that but i still need practise
Hi, i was thinking to myself the other day about forza 3 and how god damned great it is. I mean the game has perfect layouts easy to use. Helps train you in road awareness. And then you can do all the same online. After all this greatness there becomes a great downfall !? The noobs that think its funny to knock you off of the track post a topic on this explaining why it happens please !
Whats been bugging me for the last few weeks since i got mw2 a little lait this year, is that they kept noob tubes which is a noob way of getting a nuke. I havent yet got a nuke but I think im the only person who hates noobtubess now. And no offence to high levels but why is it always you that use noob tubes. The clue is in the name Noob = A newbie = A new player = No good guns = not very good = noob tubes = Me = Angry. But when level 2nd prestigers level 60's use them thats stupid you must be so crap that you have to use it !! :)Thank you you and comment !!
Help Me Name My Website
mranimationist replied to Soviet Rathe's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Wseller Or websales.com webhoster.net something like that or domaintrader.com -
Best Way To Backup A Website?
mranimationist replied to rpgsearcherz's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I see your problem I had the same when i owned a habbo retro but for you to back up a website I think you should open up all of your web pages and notepad and go to the first page press ctrl + u and that shows the source (html) of website paste it into notepad and save as my website page one or something and go through all of the pages doing that I think that is the easiest way because if you loose your site you can copy the code over to another webserver and redo the database part which wont take long -
Hi All, As i signed up today I thought that I should help people on making there websites better and more suffisticatedToday I am just going to show you how to make a very simple website.But first I shall show you what the main tags you will be using meen.You will be using: <html></html><head></head><title></title><body></body><h1></h1><h2></h2><u></u><b></b><i></i><p1></p1><p2></p2> Thats about all you'll need to create a dull website.Your probably thinking Is this kid nuts.Its okay but by the end of this you will know so much you wont stop making your great website.Advanced Users Please skip this bit because you should know what they are already.What do the tags mean? <html> This shows your webbrowser (firefox, Safari and IE) That you are starting a web page.<head> This is the top of your website where you place <title> And <h1> sometimes <h2>.<title> This is the bit that shows at the top of the tab and browser very important.<body> This is the main part of your website, this is where <p1>,<p2> and <p3> go.<h1> This means Header One. This is the big bold letters at the top of a page. Usually placed in the <head> Tag.<h2> This means Header Two. This is usually a sub heading which may sometimes be placed in the <head> Tag but isnt all the time. It doesnt matter but it is coded better if it isnt.<u> One of the simplest tags. This underlines the text inbetween the <u> and the </u>.<b> Another simple tag. The same as the other one but makes the text bold.<i> The last simple tag I have for you at the moment because I forgot what the other one did and if it still works. This is the Italic tag.<p1> This stands for Paragraph one. Placed in the <body>.<p2> This stands for Paragraph two. Placed in the <body>. Ok now you know what the tags mean lets put them into action. Ok For you to follow this tutorial from here onwards you will need to open up notepad.Once you have done that place this in. <html><head><title>Your Website</title><h1> The Website </h1></head><body><h2> The great website </h2><p1><B>Information about the great website</b></p1><p2><u> More information about the almighty website</u></p2></body></html> As you can see You can merge tags toghetherSave it as Learning HTML as all files and make sure its on the desktop so you actually remember to use it!So before you save it it should look like this Learning HTML.html .html is the file the browser reads and creates the file into a webpage only you can view.It should look something like this! <title>Your Website</title><h1> The Website </h1><h2> The great website </h2><p1><b>Information about the great website</b></p1><p2><u> More information about the almighty website</u></p2> I'm sure you think it all looks wierd aligned to the left so to make it go in the centerput <h1 align="center"> Then type your text </h1> try it outNow you've made that create a folder on your desktop called "My Websites"Open it And create another folder Called "Test Website"right click, select new and then notepad document or something like that.call it index.html saved as all files.now right click "index" and select open with notepadnow do the above again but this time we shall put a link in.so you need to type:but inbetween <u> and more information put: <html><head><title>Your Website</title><h1> The Website </h1></head><body><h2> The great website </h2><p1><B>Information about the great website</b></p1><p2><u> <a href="https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl; Google </a>More information about the almighty website</u></p2></body></html> <title>Your Website name</title>So yer create other pages and link them toghether maybe soon I shall make a tut on how to upload but enjoy for now any problems or somethings not working right post a comment.Good bye all