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About Acidify
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There are a lot of these kind of content mill websites now where you are paid little to nothing to post articles. I use to use associated content, but I think the problem with all of these content mill websites is that they pay very little for the time required to write these articles. On top of there, there is no gurantee that the articles will be accepted. For example, I wrote 10 articles on associated content once and didn't recieve payment for any of the articles written.
You should learn to love and respect that teacher, because if he is being that strict it means that he actually cares about your future. I know this is because cliche, but it is true; if he allowed you to come in his class late and without consequence, then it means that he does not care about your education and about you being an individual who is professional and prepared for the world outside of the classroom. I think you will come to realize that as you get older. The teachers I look back and admire most are those who were strict and attempt to teach me the importance of being on time and turning in assignments early rather than late. If you are on a job, you will not be able to arrive late to school or turn in a work assignment late.
There very definition of racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. The truth does not change whether or not a belief, theory, fact, or scientific law is racist or not. If you believe that race plays a factor intelligenc which contribute to making one race superior to another, you are racist. This does not say that racism will not become socially acceptable if science proves that one race is superior to another, but it will still amount to racism.Of course racism and discrimination is two different issues. I think the problem though is that racism leds to discrimination. If you believe that an individual or group of people are inferior, you treat them differently. Human beings have not, and unfortunately, will probably never envolve to a leave where the belief of inferiority or supriority will not be explioted to the detriment of one or both parties. If someone presumably is inferior, it is easy to abuse that individual without it being socially unacceptable and outside of the social norms of society.However, the very idea that intelligence based on race is relevant is quite problematic. Not only, as already mentioned, intelligence is difficult to measure, but how can the obtainment of intelligence be measured? How can other factors be caculated? How can family background, enviroment, wealth, education, and opportunity to factored in to decide if one race or another is inherently more intelligent then another? I personally do not believe that one race is natural superior to another. I do believe in superior, but I don't believe it is determined by race. No more than someone's inherent physhical strength or attractiveness is based on race. Some people, for one reason or another, are born with a stronger brain. Their skin color has nothing to do with the strength of their brain.In addition, it would also be difficult to define race. If you didn't know, scientifically race does not exist. All people fall under one race, and that is the human race. Race was actually created around the time of slavery in order to justify the enslavement of other human beings on the basis of them being inferior. Even if we were to successfully define race on the basis of something such as color, how does that work? Do you put everyone side by side and measure the color of their skin? Do you go all the way back through their bloodline until the beginning of time to see how light or dark each member of their family was or to see what ethnic groups their answers were in. Do you take two guys with white skin and check to see how many guys with dark skin is in their ancestry.
Blasphemy! The best thing you can do is ignore her and stop giving her sex until she learns to obey and honor her husband. She should have no say in you guys marriage and you should be the supreme law of your home. If you have an extra room, protest by locking yourself in the room for hours and leaving only for work and food. Also, do things like come in at 3am in the morning and instead of getting in the bed with her, go lock yourself in the room and turn the tv up load. Arguing with her makes her win, ignoring her makes her lose. It tells her that what she say means nothing to you. Also, say stuff like "yea yea" or "right" when she tells you something important. Remember...give her no sex and masturbate your way through the months and months of protest. If she ask for sex, tell her "nah, don't feel like it" or "hmm...my d__k says otherwise". Also, say stuff like "opps...masturbated already". If you want personal 1 on 1 counseling, my price is $1200/per hour. But, since you are a fellow Xisto member I will give you an $500 discount, bring my price to $700/hour.
Most people who are saying they are ok with rape screens have no family close to them have ever been raped. Movies should allow those kind of scenes ethier. Its terrible when youre watching a movie with a family member that has been raped and next thing you know someone in the movie is raped! It makes you feel unconfertable and you can just turn the tv off or walk out the room. Rape scenes are not needed and wrong. Americans are addicted to sex and porn also. The majority of males on this forum watches porn. I just hope no one here watches porn rape screens or taboo type porn. Porn is all about fantasizing. Now if you fantasize about raping someone or chocking them, then youre a sadistic pervert. I dont see how any gentleman can be turned on by that. So if you watch taboo or rape screen porn, you dont have to wonder if youre a pervert or potential rapist...because you are.
Russia Warns Usa/europe Russia Threatens to Attack Europe
Acidify replied to Acidify's topic in General Discussion
I dont think the United State is out of line. Russia is the one who has been developing the multi-warhead missiles for several years in secrect. That sounds much more aggressive them placing a missile defense system in Russia bordering country. When was the last time using missile defense tool was an act of war? Why would someone want to retaliate against a defense? Why dont Russia want the missile defense system there? Who in the hell are they going to nuke? If they are not going to nuke anyone, why would they even care? Personally, I don't believe that Iran is into developing nuclear power just for the energy. Even if they are not capable of launching missiles at Europe, why wait till they are capable? Is Russia some how supporting Iran or Al Quida. They could be a big time weapon supplier of Iran and Al Quida from all the fuss they are making about a defense system. They must be planning to nuke countries in Europe. -
Russia Warns Usa/europe Russia Threatens to Attack Europe
Acidify replied to Acidify's topic in General Discussion
When we say "Russia/Russians", we are refering to the Russia Government....not the people. Once again, I believe he is refering to the Russia Government. I think they should continue. Thats like telling the United States that we cant place missile defense systems on our border states. The problem is Russia thinks that they control Poland and have every seen the Great Wars. They also threaten the lives of Europeans when they should be working on some dipomacy with Poland. In fact, threaten Poland before you threaten Europe! I think we have Stalin Jr on our hands. -
Russian President says that if the United States continues to proceed with their plans to install a missile defense system in Poland, they will be forced to aim their missiles at United States military bases in Europe. A few days ago Russia also announce their Russia multi-warhead missile which surposely can penetrate any missile defense system. Washington has not made any comments on President Putin threats. Last week Russia tested the missile. United States analysts believe that the missile has been under development for many years and President Putin says that the missile test is a response to the United States missile defense system plan. I think that Russia should be ashamed of themselves for making such a threat against two World Powers, specially Europe. They are endangering world peace and their President should apologize to Europe and the United States. If Russia attacks Europe, we are looking at a world war. This will involve at least the United States, Europe, and Japan against Russia. I myself dont trust Japan not even a tinsy winsy bit and I am pretty sure I am not influenced by propaganda since the United States and Japan are allies and their relationship has increased over the past years. Sources:
Carson....Americans are killing the same people that Saddam was killing, the Shia Muslims. The same people who wanted Saddam overthrown are commiting sucide bombing and trying to kick the United States out. Also our President and Senators ordered our military to kill 1000's of innocent women and children when they ordered airstrike on Iraq. So should every Senator that voted for war on Iraq be hung?
Actually propaganda influenced us to bomb thousands of Iraqi woman and children leaving over 45,000 Iraqis dead after the American invasion. If they WMD were so hidden, why how they still not found any! No area is restricted anymore and even our own government has said that it was a mistake when they said Saddam had WMD. They said he had infact got disposed them back in 1991 and abandoned the program. We been over there for years and not 1 bit of evidence has yet to be found. The U.N was never wrong, America was. The U.N oppose war on Iraq, then our Congress approved it. We call ourselves wanting to give Iraq democracy but yet Saddam didnt even have a fair trial. What happened to innosent untill proven guilty? Apparently no evidence was found linking him to terrorist or WMD. It was based on a big lie and still is. First, it was never proven that Saddam was a terrorist whatsoever. You say we want to give the whole world democracy and then you go back and say that we dont give African countries democracy because they are not affecting us? Then you go right into it and say that African has no oil, so we dont wanna invade. That support exactly what I said. America doesnt give a *BLEEP* about the Iraqians and how many are being killed. Them there to stop terrorism is just a big lie. Even if Iraq did have WMD, they dont even have the technology to launch one far enough to even come close to hitting the United States. For the prison case.....this isnt 1 in a million. There have been many reports that Iraqians and Iranians have been tortured in the American Prisons. Complaining about gas prices is related to the war. Gas priced plunged when the war started and most Americans blame the war for the high gas prices. So how can you say its not related to the war. So why were the Shittes that Saddam killed murdered? Why cant that be seen as giving them a death penalty? Propaganda is such a powerful brainwashing tool isnt it? Lets not forget that if you look over in Iraq now that the Shittes are killing off the sunnis and committing acts of terror. These are the same people who Saddam executed. Mr.Cheney threatening them states that he has no skills in foriegn relation. You dont threaten people like that. Also robocz033 the United States has the most powerful military in the world but not our ecomony is crap. You cant maintain a powerful military without a strong ecomomy to back it up. We continue to give our money to China for their cheaply made accessories and now we decide to notice that China have over 1 Trillion in foreign dollars that they have not decided what to do with. Well, its 2 words.....Technology/Military. In about 20-30 years China will have the most powerful military and I will be happy because there are too many cocky Americans who think that its imposeable to be wrong and show other countries respect and courtesy. No I dont want Hiliary as President. You dont have to act like you dont have a socil life to be President. You dont have to act like some robot that tells the Americans whatever we wanna hear. I dont wanna see that kinda politician ever. Also when I said sense of humor, it was an example of what I would expect from a everyday person. The American Government should be ashamed for brainwashing our citizen to believe that we are so holy and rightous. Our government is dirty as it gets. Most Americans are cowards no matter what anyone says. We are overprivileged and care about no one else other then ourselves.
In my opinion Saddam was innocent. Our government used propaganda and influenced our nation that Saddam was a threat to us and some people still believed he was such a evil person. There were no WMD found. Even our President said live at the White House that it was a shock to him that Saddam had NO WMD. No evidence was found that proved he was funding any terrorist organization. The U.N said that the evidence that President Bush presented was crap after crap. President Bush was caught many times in lies when presenting different evidence. Saddam never kicked the U.N out of his country. Saddam invited them in to search every crate, box, and hole. The U.N found not a tinsy winsy bit of WMD. Next thing you know, we all of a suddenly care about the people of Iraq and want to give them democracy. OMG, Saddam wasnt even amongst the most cruel dictators. Go to Africa and give some of those small unresourceful countries democracy! But our government said No, We need oil.....not gold! So we say Saddam is killing all those people over there and making children run through mine fields. So we take our jets and bomb more women and children then Saddam massacred during his whole regime. Then we overthrow Saddam and setup little prisons where our so called brave troops rape and kill Iraqis. Some gentlemen huh? Wow! I said something bad about the troops. Go ahead and get mad and flame me. Then think about what have you done for the troops? Half of the people in this community have not even took the time to send a letter! One of the most cheapest things you can do! But you sit behind your military and complain about gas prices. Wow, youre such a great American who are dedicated to the troops...NOT! So now Saddam is captured and then murdered. So now a bunch of christians that lived in Iraq decide to come forward and tell their story on how Saddam protected them against Shittes. Wow, such a convinent time to place that on the new Fox and CNN! Now we are over there and see the position that Saddam was in. The Shittes are over there murdering Sunnis and trying to kill *BLEEP* Cheney at the secured Army Base in Iraq. We do the Shittes a favor and now they stab us the in back. Then we have the idiotic *BLEEP* Cheney on fleets threatening Iran. Mr.Cheney you must want our whole military destoryed! You better believe that the British wont get involved, but we will break out necks for them....and they still hate us. Now our citizens are scared and want to pull out. So who do we wanna point the finger on? We will blame Bush, wont we? I dont only blame Bush...I blame every Senator that voted for this war and Hiliary dont deserve to be elected President. She is just a old hag and Bills rag doll. No I am not sexist. I would love for a woman to be President, but not someone who acts like a robot and avoid questions. She has no sense of humor and she puts me to sleep when she talks about issues. Lie after Lies after Lie. RIP Saddam and enjoy the fall of the American Empire.
If There Really Is A God, He Is Trying To Kill Us Off!
Acidify replied to squeaky's topic in General Discussion
I dont blame god for the mistakes men make. We have damaged the world beyond repair. Now we try to blame everything on god. We say he is trying to kill us because of illnesses we also created. In Africa they started killing the hippos in the river because they thought the hippos were ugly. Now there was no one to flush the bactria at the bottom of the river. Wow another deadly disease because of men. This is only one of hundred examples. Every disease exist for a reason which men caused. Even normal typical sickness such as cancer. God didnt create cigerittes and make you smoke them did he? They even blamed God for 9/11. What was god surpose to do....knock the plane out of the sky? It was just the people time to go when they died. Here are a few 9/11 Facts..... Most of Americans dont even believe in God or are sinners. Yet they try to blame God for their problems. But what else can we expect. When you let a bunch of perverts,racist,and criminals do what they want to do without having cruel punishments youll have no control over crime. I like the freedoms America even though I dont know how it feels not to have those freedoms I dont take advantages of those freedoms. So dont blame god when you dont thank him for the luxury you have in life. You dont even believe in god so why blame him for anything when you dont believe he exist. I must add if God wanted to kill us he has the right to do so. If he wanted to kill us we would be infact dead already. What people also dont understand is God isnt going to end the world. People are going the cause the world to end. -
The Best Way To Make Money I have earned 675? this month
Acidify replied to mimi_hat's topic in Business Forum
its a scam Notice from rejected: This post is SPAM..do not do it again. -
Yes this is a scam and he is connected wit 12dailypro.com which is a scam and have been proven to not eve earn enough money to pay everyone lol.And the dude has the link on his site.A big connection of scams.
Strange Thing I Saw Anyone know what it could be?
Acidify replied to FuChelle's topic in General Discussion
I believe in ghost and UFOS and I believe it was a dead soul.I dont know why its with you lol but someone in your family must have passed away or someone who use to live in your house.I have never seen a ghost but I think I seen a UFO before but I am 100% positive that they exist.I am not very sure UFOS do but I know ghost do.Its not to be scared of though because they wont do anything to you.