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Everything posted by melkonianarg

  1. Presonally, i think Bush has better ieas of how to run a country, and he has managed OK. What I really hate is the mob that sits behind him, kissing his *bottom*, and basically telling him to do all this crazy stuff that make most of amreica like him but is really not good in the long term...Anyone agree?
  2. My school, you have to alot of work, but i like that. I actually like doing things otherwise I get bored really easily... does anyone elso suffer from that, because i honestly cannot just sit and do nothing....luckily i have lots of stuff to be doing..backetball...school work..music...art...you name it !
  3. Google is awsum, and the actual results you get are usually very good. On the other hand it is always useful to browse any search engines you know with the same query because diffreent things come out on top, and you can get more results that you actually want by looking around. But, it has to be said that google does have the best search system i've seen around...
  4. Earning thourgh your site is a great thing, since it can involve no money input by you, so its money for nothing...Nithing wrong with that is there?
  5. Its OKAY but some of the top little links to reputation and stuff like that are not working yet, so it could be good...but not yet...HOWEVER, I like the new buttons for, for example, ADD POST and NEW TOPIC etc. I look sleek and modern. Very proffessional...!
  6. I found it at Click Here Free Hosting Reviews, they have a huge database of other providies aswell. I recommend people go and visit the site.
  7. This is probably a really stupid questoin but here it goes:how do you make an installed script at YOURNAME.trap17.com/main become your homepage at YOURNAME.trap17.com so that that page just loads automatically? The installed script in question is MAMBO.Please help...
  8. Well, I think mambo is certainly easier to use, but the main reason why the thing is not working is almost certainly the diskspace. Try mambo though, I think youll like it more...(yes i know it is iwned by phpnuke)
  9. These gmail logoie thingysare awsome, thanks for the generator!!!Real nice...
  10. I use mozilla ff, and popups dont bother me, but if you want to stick to your own browser, eithre use aprofessional blocker integratecd firewall, from norton, or the google toolbar.
  11. can i ask hat is WWE. i have no idea. All i know is WWF
  12. Absolutely, the actual idea is good, but the time limits should be increased to allow for actual excuses, and if the person does not return within the already set by the admin, woul they really return a week later anyway? Probably not.
  13. i wana try tikiwiki, but could someone explain what that is exactly?
  14. I just sent one to chris_gst, so only 5 left now ( i got one more, so not four anymore). GMAIL is the best webmail around even if some peop;e think your privacy is not too secure...
  15. OK, dreek at phayze dot com has recieved an invite There are 4 left, so hurry...
  16. I forgot to mention the arcade and army thingy. these are more great featres of this wonderful community. At the moment I am champ of the curveball, but that'll probably change quite soon. Get involved in the army game quikcly if your intereted because the first people to start will have a huge advantage!
  17. Yeh, welcome to the forum. I havent really had the chance to be active in a forum before but now i have access to a computer everyday with broadband, I can be on here for alot of the time. I hope ou enjoy this forum, and hosting as much as i hope i will. Enjoy!
  18. I know they do use them for the ads, but I heard that they still monitor some accounts at random by just looking through emails, thats what really wories me, not that I have anything too sensitive in my inbox anyway... GMAIL IS THE BEST ANYWAY!!!!!! HOTMAIL SUCKS, AND SO DOES YAHOO.
  19. Am I the only person that cannot get onto that website, or has it been suspended since everone had said all the nice things on this thread. Someone please tell me whats goin on.(THe page sounds great buddy, but i havent seen it yet...)*The page sounds really good though*
  20. AT the moment, I am the CURVEBALL champ, taking the title this morning. Its really ewasy, dont you think? Its definately the best game in the arcade, and my personal favourite.*I LOVE THIS FORUM*All the games are great and the community is just grand.(P.s. DOES THE ADMIN GIVE YOU ANYTHING FOR BEING A CHAMP?)
  21. Yeh, MUSE are pretty good, but a bit past it in my opinion. The new 'IN' band at the moment has to be KEANE. I have their album and I think their music is great. The lead singer reALLY is talented. Its so refreshing not using guitars in a big way aswell. I think we all get too used to them in a band now adays.
  22. Sorry, this question is whey old, but I still never got a good answer: DOES ANYONE KNOW WHETHER GMAIL ACTUALLY HAS PEOPLE THAT READ YOUR EMAILS, OR IS IT JUST SCANNED BY A PROGRAM TO SHOW ADS ON THE SIDE OF YOUR MAIL?I have never really found out, but friends have always been very cautious about using gmail because of that problem.
  23. I dont know their name but somone has a little film as their avatar.AWSUM!!!!!I wouldnt like that though
  24. OK all the original invites are gone, but I just got 5 more an hour ago, so keep on posting!!! Also, ot answer a question posed by someone ealier, you get invites pretty regularly, so this is why gmail have no need to go public: everyone who want an account can get one easily!
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