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About psychochicken

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. back in the day when hotmail was 10MB, i will d\most definetly go over my limit.. now it's 250 and i sometimes reach 80% full.. but i hardly use hotmail anymore.. i use gmail! much more organised and MUCH MUCH more memory! 2450KB and still increwsing
  2. any1 play that game? Outwar.com is a web-based massive multiplayer game.. it's good to play when u are really bored! it's really hard to explain how to play it u just have to see it urself.. make a character and tell me what u think..
  3. I owned a nokia N-GAGE about 1 and a half year ago.. i relly liked the features on that phone but unfortunatly it was stolen! .. after 5 months, i would like to replace my crappy nokia 7250i for either a P800 or the nokia N-GAGE.. i'm all open for opinions.. thnx
  4. Egypt, canada, USA, mexico, Caribbean.. I would really love to visit France and Germany..
  5. building ur own computer is great.. I have done it myself.. ofcourse I work at a computer repair shop so some people will critisize me when i say it's easy.. lol
  6. I never attempted to overclock my computer but i did overclock my video card..Nvida Geforce4 .. it worked fine for the first 4 months.. then i moved into a new apartment.. i guess the place i put the computer in didnt allow much air ventallation or something but all of a sudden my computer starts crashing when i run heavy games and programs and a week later my power supply was fried.. so what i did is i bought a new 80x80 mm fan and a new 400watt power supply and my computer has been working beautifully for 2 years now..
  7. My two fav characters have to be: 1. Homer Simpson 2. Mr. Burns I just lovve when Mr. burns says "EXCELLENT!!" and as for my fav episode, it'll have to be the one when homer, his dad go to canada to get prescription medicine!! SOOO Funny!!!! every1 has to agree on that!.. "Burns: Smithers! who is that fat guy sleeping?" "smithers: uh, I believe its Homer Simpson, sir"
  8. i think it would be better if they lock the gmail invites down but as long as they keep increasing the memory they way they are now.. last i checked(1 min ago) it was 2448 KB+ which is the best on the web so far! i just hope they dont shut down completely
  9. yea i played and finished NFSU2.. it's a gr8 game and really fun but when i actaully beat the last guy i got bored of it for some reason.. I play it online every once in a while now..but the truth is, racing games are NOT the my #1 choice.. i mean i like them but i'd prefer action games like CS, halflife, and Battlefield.. u can never get bored of these games!
  10. I hardly use IE anymore! firefox is much better at many things.. but what makes it best for me is that IE always installs these stupid toolbars automatically which i really hate and they always get pop-ups! ofcourse i can easily remove them but it's a hassle.. In the end, I believe firefox wins hands down
  11. That looks great! I am tryin to make a template myself but i have failed miseraly! lol.. well i am an amature i'm just doin it for fun! but anyways that looks really nice.. what did u use to make it?
  12. i dont understand why any1 would kill innocent people just for no reason.. i'm a muslim and i know the quran but it doesnt ever mention anything about killing innocent people even if they dont believe in islam! this is very humiliating to all muslims around the world and it doesnt follow the islamic ways at all.. the Islam in arabic in arabic actually is derrived from the arabic word "salam" which means peace.. I guess brainwashing is true.. you tell someone if u blow urself up or kill a bunch of people then you will go to heaven!! wow this is crazy...
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