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E-mail List Error

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I just coded this e-mail list, it works well for entering data into database, but if user leaves the field blank or adds an already exist e-mail it gives him the error message and stops loading the rest of the page.


<?php// Connects to your Databasemysql_connect("localhost", "my_username", "mypassword") or die(mysql_error());mysql_select_db("Database name") or die(mysql_error());//This code runs if the form has been submittedif (isset($_POST['submit'])) {//This makes sure they did not leave any fields blankif (!$_POST['email']) {die('<font color=red><b><i>No e-mail added</i></b>');}// checks if that e-mail is in useif (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {$_POST['email'] = addslashes($_POST['email']);}$mailcheck = $_POST['email'];$check = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM maillist WHERE email = '$mailcheck'")or die(mysql_error());$check2 = mysql_num_rows($check);//if e-mail exists it gives an errorif ($check2 != 0) {die('<font color=red><b><i>Already subscribed</i></b>');}else{echo"<font color=blue><b><i>Subscribed successfully</i></b>";}// now we insert it into the database$insert = "INSERT INTO maillist (id, email) VALUES ('0', '".$_POST['email']."')";$add_email = mysql_query($insert);?><?php}else{?><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"><table border="0"><tr bgcolor="#6652D8">	<td width="140"><span class="style1"><span class="style1">Get our Newsletter</span>: </span></td>  </tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="email" maxlength="100"></td></tr><tr><th colspan=2><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Subscribe"></th></tr><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#6652D8"></td></tr></table></form><?php}?>

1- i need to make it say the error message and continue loading the rest of the page.

2- checks for the entered text "if it's a valid e-mail format xxxxxx@xxxx.xxxx."

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1- i need to make it say the error message and continue loading the rest of the page.

Don't use the die() function then. It does exactly what the name suggest: makes the script commit suicide and print out the error message you specified as it's last words. Simply print out the error in a conventional way ( echo, printf) and make the script not to perform the other subscription steps (such as adding the email to the database).

2- checks for the entered text "if it's a valid e-mail format xxxxxx@xxxx.xxxx."[/color]

For that you need to use a regular expression. There's thousands of examples available online. Here's one thread about the subject: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/80809-topic/?findpost=1064280124

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Don't use the die() function then. It does exactly what the name suggest: makes the script commit suicide and print out the error message you specified as it's last words. Simply print out the error in a conventional way ( echo, printf) and make the script not to perform the other subscription steps (such as adding the email to the database).

That's already what i need, i can't get a function to do that, i need a function to show the error message and stop loading the script while loading the rest of the page.


For that you need to use a regular expression. There's thousands of examples available online. Here's one thread about the subject: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/80809-topic/?findpost=1064280124


Thank you so much, this link helped me so much, specially Houdini's post, he is really a php guru.

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I hope that the following code help you, is a registration and activation page, its very simple and self explanatory, if you dont understand something please send me a PM.

<?php /*** Generate an activation code* @param int $length is the length of the activation code to generate* @return string*/function generateCode($length = 10){   $password="";   $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890";   srand((double)microtime()*1000000);    for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++)   {	  $password .= substr ($chars, rand() % strlen($chars), 1);    }    return $password; } // config file with database info (db, host, user, password) and connection functions.require("config.php");?><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Registration http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><style type="text/css">body {	background-color:#131313; 	font-family:Verdana, Arial; 	font-weight:bold; 	font-size:9px; 	color:#FFFFFF;}.register_box { 	border: 1px solid #323232; 	background-color: #202020; 	font-family: Verdana, Arial; 	font-weight: bold; 	font-size: 9px; 	color: #FFFFFF; } </style></head><body><?php$action = (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : "new";switch($action) { 	//-------------------------------------- 	//	   [New Registration] 	//-------------------------------------- 	case "new": 		if(!isset($_POST['register'])) { 			echo "			<form action='registration.php' method='POST'> 			Name: <br /> 			<input type='text' name='name' class='register_box'> 			<br /> 			Email: <br /> 			<input type='text' name='email' class='register_box'> 			<br />			Nickname: <br />			<input type='text' name='nickname' class='register_box'>			<br />			Password: <br /> 			<input type='password' name='password' class='register_box'>			<br /> 			<input type='submit' name='register' value='New Registration!' class='register_box'> 			<input type='hidden' name='action' value='new'>			</form>"; 		}		elseif(isset($_POST['register'])) {			$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']); 			$email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']);			$nickname = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['nickname']);			$password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password']); 			$activation_code = generateCode(25); 			$nameq = "SELECT name FROM registration WHERE name = '$name'";			$emailq = "SELECT email FROM registration WHERE email = '$email'"; 			$nickq = "SELECT nickname FROM registration WHERE nickname = '$nickname'"; 			//put errors into an array I need to change these if I change the db			$errors = array(); 			if(empty($name)) { 				$errors[] = "The name field was blank! <br />"; 			}			$reg=mysql_query($nameq) or die(mysql_error());			if(mysql_num_rows($reg) > 0) { 				$errors[] = "The name given is already in use! Please try another one! <br />";			}			if(empty($email)) { 				$errors[] = "The email field was blank! <br />"; 			}			$reg=mysql_query($emailq) or die(mysql_error());			if(mysql_num_rows($reg) > 0) { 				$errors[] = "The email given is already in use! Please try another one! <br />";			}			if(empty($nickname)) { 				$errors[] = "The nickname field was blank! <br />"; 			}			$reg=mysql_query($nickq) or die(mysql_error());			if(mysql_num_rows($reg)>0) {				$error[] = "That nickname is already taken.  Please try another one.<br />";			}			if(empty($password)) { 				$errors[] = "The password field was blank! <br />"; 			}			if(count($errors) > 0) {				foreach($errors as $err) { 					echo $err; 				}			}			else { 				$sqlq = "INSERT INTO registration (name, email, nickname, password, is_activated, activation_code)";				$sqlq .= " VALUES ('$name', '$email', '$nickname', '".md5($password)."', '0', '$activation_code')";				mysql_query($sqlq) or die(mysql_error());				echo "Thanks for registering! You will recieve an email shortly containing your validation code, and a link to activate your account!";				mail($email, "New Registration, gigasoft.astahost.com;, "Thanks for registering on TRIVIA at GIGASOFT.\n\nHere are your login details:\n\nNickname: ".$nickname."\n\nPassword: ".$password."\n\nIn order to login and gain full access, you must validate your account.\n\nClick here to validate:\n\nhttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/trivia/registration.php?action=activate&nickname;;			}		} 		break;	case "activate": 		//-------------------------------------- 		//	   [Activate Account] 		//-------------------------------------- 		if(isset($_GET['nickname']) && isset($_GET['code'])) { 			$nickname = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['nickname']); 			if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT email FROM registration WHERE nickname = '$nickname'")) == 0) { 				echo "That username is not in the database!"; 			} 			else { 				$activate_query = "SELECT is_activated FROM registration WHERE nickname = '$nickname'"; 				$is_already_activated = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($activate_query)) or die(mysql_error()); 				if($is_already_activated->is_activated == '1') { 					echo "This user is already activated!"; 				} 				else { 					$code = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['code']); 					$code_query = "SELECT activation_code FROM registration WHERE nickname = '$nickname' LIMIT 1"; 					$check_code = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($code_query)) or die(mysql_error()); 					if($code == $check_code->activation_code) { 						$update = "UPDATE registration SET is_activated='1', regdate=NOW(), last_login=NOW() WHERE nickname = '$nickname'"; 						mysql_query($update) or die(mysql_error()); 						echo "User $nickname has been activated! Thanks!"; 						echo "<br />Please <a href=\"login.php\">Click here to Login</a> and enter the site."; 					} 					else { 						echo "The activation code was wrong! Please try again!"; 					}				}			} 		} 		else { 			echo "No ID or user given to activate!"; 		}		break;	}?> </body></html>

Best regards,

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Thank you so much, i respect your effort to paste this registeration system here though in fact i do need only to fix some problems in my own script, i already fixed some of them, so i will paste the new edited code, i hope to find some help fixing the rest of my code errors:


<?php/// Connects to your Databasemysql_connect("localhost", "my username", "my password") or die(mysql_error());mysql_select_db("my db name") or die(mysql_error());///This code runs if the form has been submittedif (isset($_POST['submit'])) {///This makes sure they did not leave any fields blankif (!$_POST['email']){[COLOR=Red]die[/COLOR]"<font color=red><b><i>No e-mail added</i></b>";}/// checks if that e-mail is in useif (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {$_POST['email'] = addslashes($_POST['email']);}$mailcheck = $_POST['email'];$check = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM maillist WHERE email = '$mailcheck'")or die(mysql_error());$check2 = mysql_num_rows($check);///if e-mail exists it gives an errorif ($check2 != 0) {echo"<font color=red><b><i>Already subscribed</i></b>";}else{$insert = "INSERT INTO maillist (id, email) VALUES ('0', '".$_POST['email']."')";$add_email = mysql_query($insert);echo"<font color=blue><b><i>Subscribed successfully</i></b>";}///now we insert it into the database?><?php}else{?><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"><table border="0"><tr bgcolor="#6652D8">	<td width="140"><span class="style1"><span class="style1">Get our Newsletter</span>: </span></td>  </tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="email" maxlength="100"></td></tr><tr><th colspan=2><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Subscribe"></th></tr><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#6652D8"></td></tr></table></form><?php}?>

still that red die above in the code stop loading of the whole page, and if i use print or echo, it will tell the error message but will not prevent inserting to database, the above red die in :


///This makes sure they did not leave any fields blankif (!$_POST['email']){[COLOR=Red]die[/COLOR]"<font color=red><b><i>No e-mail added</i></b>";}

stops all the page from continue loading, when i used echo instead, it didn't prevent inserting a blank row to database.


the second problem is, i have another form in the same page, when i press submit, it excute both scripts, what should i do?

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