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Video Streaming In Web Browser Through Java Or Jsp video streaming in web browser

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Can anyone give idea about video streaming in web browser through java or jsp


I need to play video presentation in my web browser to show all members of the company.For I want to put my video file in web server and anyone can access that video just playing on their browser our web browser is firefox.




We donât want to use any active X properties or any default media player in web browser . Our Platform is linux fedora core4, web server is tomcat 5 . We read the JMF java media Framework API, but I couldnât understand how to use this in our server for linux. There is scripts for player in java




try {







} catch (Exception e) {}



// Create an instance of a player for this media

try {

player = Manager.createPlayer(mrl);

} catch (NoPlayerException e) {


Fatal("Could not create player for " + mrl);



// Add ourselves as a listener for a player's events



} catch (MalformedURLException e) {

Fatal("Invalid media file URL!");

} catch (IOException e) {

Fatal("IO exception creating player for " + mrl);



// This applet assumes that its start() calls

// player.start(). This causes the player to become

// realized. Once realized, the applet will get

// the visual and control panel components and add

// them to the Applet. These components are not added

// during init() because they are long operations that

// would make us appear unresposive to the user.




* Start media file playback. This function is called the

* first time that the Applet runs and every

* time the user re-enters the page.



public void start() {

//$ System.out.println("Applet.start() is called");

// Call start() to prefetch and start the player.

if (player != null)





* Stop media file playback and release resource before

* leaving the page.


public void stop() {

//$ System.out.println("Applet.stop() is called");

if (player != null) {






public void destroy() {

//$ System.out.println("Applet.destroy() is called");






* This controllerUpdate function must be defined in order to

* implement a ControllerListener interface. This

* function will be called whenever there is a media event


public synchronized void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent event) {

// If we're getting messages from a dead player,

// just leave

if (player == null)



// When the player is Realized, get the visual

// and control components and add them to the Applet

if (event instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) {

if (progressBar != null) {


progressBar = null;



int width = 320;

int height = 0;

if (controlComponent == null)

if (( controlComponent =

player.getControlPanelComponent()) != null) {


controlPanelHeight = controlComponent.getPreferredSize().height;


height += controlPanelHeight;


if (visualComponent == null)

if (( visualComponent =

player.getVisualComponent())!= null) {


Dimension videoSize = visualComponent.getPreferredSize();

videoWidth = videoSize.width;

videoHeight = videoSize.height;

width = videoWidth;

height += videoHeight;

visualComponent.setBounds(0, 0, videoWidth, videoHeight);



panel.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);

if (controlComponent != null) {

controlComponent.setBounds(0, videoHeight,

width, controlPanelHeight);




} else if (event instanceof CachingControlEvent) {

if (player.getState() > Controller.Realizing)


// Put a progress bar up when downloading starts,

// take it down when downloading ends.

CachingControlEvent e = (CachingControlEvent) event;

CachingControl cc = e.getCachingControl();


// Add the bar if not already there ...

if (progressBar == null) {

if ((progressBar = cc.getControlComponent()) != null) {






} else if (event instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {

// We've reached the end of the media; rewind and

// start over

player.setMediaTime(new Time(0));


} else if (event instanceof ControllerErrorEvent) {

// Tell TypicalPlayerApplet.start() to call it a day

player = null;


} else if (event instanceof ControllerClosedEvent) {





void Fatal (String s) {

// Applications will make various choices about what

// to do here. We print a message

System.err.println("FATAL ERROR linenums:0'>import java.applet.Applet;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.lang.String;import java.net.URL;import java.net.MalformedURLException;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.Properties;import javax.media.*;//import com.sun.media.util.JMFSecurity;/** * This is a Java Applet that demonstrates how to create a simple * media player with a media event listener. It will play the * media clip right away and continuously loop. * * <!-- Sample HTML * <applet code=SimplePlayerApplet width=320 height=300> * <param name=file value="sun.avi"> * </applet> * --> */public class SimplePlayerApplet extends Applet implements ControllerListener { // media Player Player player = null; // component in which video is playing Component visualComponent = null; // controls gain, position, start, stop Component controlComponent = null; // displays progress during download Component progressBar = null; boolean firstTime = true; long CachingSize = 0L; Panel panel = null; int controlPanelHeight = 0; int videoWidth = 0; int videoHeight = 0; /** * Read the applet file parameter and create the media * player. */ public void init() { //$ System.out.println("Applet.init() is called"); setLayout(null); setBackground(Color.white); panel = new Panel(); panel.setLayout( null ); add(panel); panel.setBounds(0, 0, 320, 240); // input file name from html param String mediaFile = null; // URL for our media file MediaLocator mrl = null; URL url = null; // Get the media filename info. // The applet tag should contain the path to the // source media file, relative to the html page. if ((mediaFile = getParameter("FILE")) == null) Fatal("Invalid media file parameter"); try { url = new URL(getDocumentBase(), mediaFile); mediaFile = url.toExternalForm(); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { } try { // Create a media locator from the file name if ((mrl = new MediaLocator(mediaFile)) == null) Fatal("Can't build URL for " + mediaFile); /* try { JMFSecurity.enablePrivilege.invoke(JMFSecurity.privilegeManager, JMFSecurity.writePropArgs); JMFSecurity.enablePrivilege.invoke(JMFSecurity.privilegeManager, JMFSecurity.readPropArgs); JMFSecurity.enablePrivilege.invoke(JMFSecurity.privilegeManager, JMFSecurity.connectArgs); } catch (Exception e) {} */ // Create an instance of a player for this media try { player = Manager.createPlayer(mrl); } catch (NoPlayerException e) { System.out.println(e); Fatal("Could not create player for " + mrl); } // Add ourselves as a listener for a player's events player.addControllerListener(this); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Fatal("Invalid media file URL!"); } catch (IOException e) { Fatal("IO exception creating player for " + mrl); } // This applet assumes that its start() calls // player.start(). This causes the player to become // realized. Once realized, the applet will get // the visual and control panel components and add // them to the Applet. These components are not added // during init() because they are long operations that // would make us appear unresposive to the user. } /** * Start media file playback. This function is called the * first time that the Applet runs and every * time the user re-enters the page. */ public void start() { //$ System.out.println("Applet.start() is called"); // Call start() to prefetch and start the player. if (player != null) player.start(); } /** * Stop media file playback and release resource before * leaving the page. */ public void stop() { //$ System.out.println("Applet.stop() is called"); if (player != null) { player.stop(); player.deallocate(); } } public void destroy() { //$ System.out.println("Applet.destroy() is called"); player.close(); } /** * This controllerUpdate function must be defined in order to * implement a ControllerListener interface. This * function will be called whenever there is a media event */ public synchronized void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent event) { // If we're getting messages from a dead player, // just leave if (player == null) return; // When the player is Realized, get the visual // and control components and add them to the Applet if (event instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) { if (progressBar != null) { panel.remove(progressBar); progressBar = null; } int width = 320; int height = 0; if (controlComponent == null) if (( controlComponent = player.getControlPanelComponent()) != null) { controlPanelHeight = controlComponent.getPreferredSize().height; panel.add(controlComponent); height += controlPanelHeight; } if (visualComponent == null) if (( visualComponent = player.getVisualComponent())!= null) { panel.add(visualComponent); Dimension videoSize = visualComponent.getPreferredSize(); videoWidth = videoSize.width; videoHeight = videoSize.height; width = videoWidth; height += videoHeight; visualComponent.setBounds(0, 0, videoWidth, videoHeight); } panel.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); if (controlComponent != null) { controlComponent.setBounds(0, videoHeight, width, controlPanelHeight); controlComponent.invalidate(); } } else if (event instanceof CachingControlEvent) { if (player.getState() > Controller.Realizing) return; // Put a progress bar up when downloading starts, // take it down when downloading ends. CachingControlEvent e = (CachingControlEvent) event; CachingControl cc = e.getCachingControl(); // Add the bar if not already there ... if (progressBar == null) { if ((progressBar = cc.getControlComponent()) != null) { panel.add(progressBar); panel.setSize(progressBar.getPreferredSize()); validate(); } } } else if (event instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) { // We've reached the end of the media; rewind and // start over player.setMediaTime(new Time(0)); player.start(); } else if (event instanceof ControllerErrorEvent) { // Tell TypicalPlayerApplet.start() to call it a day player = null; Fatal(((ControllerErrorEvent)event).getMessage()); } else if (event instanceof ControllerClosedEvent) { panel.removeAll(); } } void Fatal (String s) { // Applications will make various choices about what // to do here. We print a message System.err.println("FATAL ERROR: " + s); throw new Error(s); // Invoke the uncaught exception // handler System.exit() is another // choice. }}

What I am not avail to understand this script

Please help me to run video in web browser (firefox ) through video streaming technology.



Now currently I am using the flash player and convert avi file to swf file to play in web browser. Which is not good idea




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Video Streaming In Web Browser Through Java Or Jsp


Hi guyz.Anyone with any code for video streaming in java?Please send me the code.Thanx



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Sample code for Video streaming in JavaVideo Streaming In Web Browser Through Java Or Jsp

Replying to FeedBackerI am looking for Java code samples for both accessing video data from a streaming media server or video data from a file stored on a Web server.If anyone has examples please pass them along. What is the best video file format to use?

-reply by Mitch Hall

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