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Making This Compatable With Trap17's Php

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ok, i have a php script that is not compatable with Xisto's php (4.4.4) i believe it was made to run on php 5, if anyone could help, id really appreciate it, thanks :blink:

<?phpfunction something($info) {$script = new mirc_script($info);$script->highlight();return $script->get_script();}class mirc_script {  private $data = array();  public $chars = array();    // By specifying TRUE for $beautify here you can save a bit a processing time rather than call the beautify method later  public function __construct($script = NULL,$beautify = FALSE) {    if ($beautify && $script !== NULL) {        $this->beautify($script);    } else {      $this->script = $script;    }  }    // Attempt to beautify the script a bit    public function beautify($input = NULL) {        // Beautify the script        $script = ($input === NULL ? $this->script : $input);                // Break apart commands separated by |        $script = preg_replace('/\s+\|\s+/',"\n",$script);                // Put newlines before } and after {        $script = preg_replace('/\s+\}\s*(?:\s|$)/',"\n}\n",$script);        $script = preg_replace('/(?<=\s|^)\{\s+/',"{\n",$script);                // Put () around some if conditions        $script = preg_replace('/(if|elseif|while)\s+([^\(].*?)\s+\{/','\1 (\2) {',$script);        $this->script = $script;    }  public function __set($var,$value) {    $this->data[$var] = $value;        if ($var == 'script') {      if ($value !== NULL) {        $this->split_script();      }    }  }    public function __get($var) {    return $this->data[$var];  }  // Split the script into an array of characters  private function split_script() {    $this->script = str_replace("\r",'',$this->script);    $this->chars = array_slice(preg_split('//',$this->script),1,strlen($this->script));    array_map(array(&$this,'escape_chars'),&$this->chars);  }    // Escape HTML characters  private function escape_chars(&$char) {    $char = str_replace(array('&','<','>'),array('&','<','>'),$char);    }    // Apply highlighting to the script  public function highlight() {    $open = '\s,!@^&*\050='; // Characters that start a token    $close = '\s,!@^&*\051'; // Characters that end a token        $script = $this->script;        // Conditional Operators    $operators = '!?(?:=|==|===|>|<|>=|<=|\/\/|\\\\|&|isin|isincs|iswm|isnum|isletter'.    '|isalnum|isalpha|islower|isupper|ison|isop|ishop|isvoice|isvo|isreg|ischan|' .    'isban|isaop|isavoice|isignore|isprotect|isnotify|iswmcs|\|\||&&|\+|\-|\*|%|\^)';        // Patterns to match for different parts of mIRC scripts    $patterns = array(      // Comments      //Block Style      // Here I've put a d in front of the pattern. This is a lazy thing I did to tell the script to delete the matched portion of text. It's not part of the regular expression.      'd/\\013?\s*(\/\*.*?\*\/)\s*\\013?/s'        // The first element of the replacement will go before each callback, and the second element after each callback        => array('<span class="mirc_comment">','</span>'),      // Single Line      'd/^\s*(;.*)$/m'        => array('<span class="mirc_comment">','</span>'),            // Number      '/(?<=^|['.$open.'])([+-]?[\d]+?(?:\.[\d]+?)?)(?=$|['.$close.'%])/m'        => array('<span class="mirc_number">','</span>'),            // Identifier      '/(?<=^|['.$open.'])(\$[^\s\050\051\[,]+)/m'        => array('<span class="mirc_identifier">','</span>'),      // Identifier Property      '/(?<=\051)(\.[^\s$\051]+)/m'        => array('<span class="mirc_identifier">','</span>'),            // Variable      '/(?<=^|['.$open.'])(\%[^'.$close.']+)(?=$|['.$close.'])/m'        => array('<span class="mirc_variable">','</span>'),            // Operators      '/(?<=[\s])('.$operators.')(?=[\s])/m'        => array('<span class="mirc_operator">','</span>'),            // Special Characters      '/([\[\]\{\}\050\051\|]+)/m'        => array('<span class="mirc_character">','</span>'),            // Events      '/(?<=^)\s*(on|ctcp|raw)\s+([^\:]+?)[^\:]+?):/m'        => array('<span class="mirc_event">','</span>'),            // Commands      '/(?<=^|[\{\|]\s)\s*([^\$\%\s]+?)(?=\s|$)/m'        => array('<span class="mirc_command">','</span>'),      // Command Switches      '/(?<=^|[\{\|]\s)\s*(?:[^\$\%\s]+?)\s+(-[^\s]+)(?=\s|$)/m'        => array('<span class="mirc_command_switch">','</span>'),    );        $patterns_keys = array_keys($patterns);    foreach ($patterns_keys as $rpattern) {      // Iterate through each pattern      if ($rpattern{0} == 'd') {        // The 'd' switch means delete the text after matching        $delete = TRUE;        $pattern = substr($rpattern,1);      } else {        $delete = FALSE;        $pattern = $rpattern;      }      if (preg_match_all($pattern,$script,$matches,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {        // Get all matches for this pattern        array_shift($matches); // Shift off the part we don't want        foreach ($matches as $matches2) {          // Iterate through each callback          foreach ($matches2 as $match) {            // Iterate through each match of each callback            list($text,$offset) = $match;            // Put the first element before the first character of the callback            $this->chars[$offset] = $patterns[$rpattern][0] . $this->chars[$offset] ;            // Put the second element after the last character of the callback            $this->chars[$offset -1 + strlen($text)] = $this->chars[$offset-1 + strlen($text)] .              $patterns[$rpattern][1];            if ($delete) {              // Delete the entire matched text so we don't match it again              $script = substr($script,0,$offset) . str_repeat(' ',strlen($text)) .              substr($script,$offset + strlen($text));            }          } // End iterate through each match of callback        } // End iterate through each callback      } // End if    } // End iterate through each pattern    return $line;  }    // Returns the script after processing  // Specify TRUE for $indent to have the script indented  public function get_script($indent = FALSE) {    // Implode the array of characters into the finished script    $output = implode('',$this->chars);    if ($indent) {      $lines = explode("\n",$this->script);      $output = explode("\n",$output);      $level = 0;      foreach ($lines as $key => &$line) {          if ($in_comment) {              // Don't indent parts of the script that are commented out              if (preg_match('/^\s*\*\//',$line)) { $in_comment = FALSE; }              continue;          }          // Check for beginning of a comment          if (preg_match('/^\s*\/\*/',$line)) { $in_comment = TRUE; continue; }          if (preg_match('/^\s*;/',$line)) { continue; }                    // Remove spaces at the beginning of the line          $output[$key] = preg_replace('/^\s*/','',$output[$key]);                    // Decrease indentation if there's a }          $decrease = preg_match_all('/(?<=\s|^)}(?=\s|$)/',$line);          // Increase indentation if there's a {          $increase = preg_match_all('/(?<=\s|^|{(?=\s|$)/',$line);          // Increase indentation if there's a $&          $increase = preg_match_all('/\$\&\s*$/',$line);                              $difference = $increase - $decrease;                    if ($difference < 0) { $level += $difference; $difference = 0; }          if ($level < 0) $level = 0;                    $output[$key] = str_repeat(' ',$level * 2) . $output[$key];                    $level += $difference;          $difference = 0;      }      $output = implode("\n",$output);    }    return $output;  }}?> 

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Post the errors it shows when you run it so we know where exactly to look in order to fix it. Im not an expert on what is in what version of php even though i do a ton of programming in it. Let us know where the errors are and we will help you.

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