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Sony's Patent On Apparent "matrix-like Technology"

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That is ridiculous, you need to actually have a product developed to make a patent for something... Maybe different rules apply in different countries, but it does seem to be very strange to be allowing the to put a patant on non-existent products.

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WOW. Matrix type huh. Wow. Maybe I will be the one.Lol Sony has a few ideas up their sleeve but i think they getting too carried away. Sony is the microsft one yeah? I remeber some 4 months back they were saying they had a wii type console for the Xbox 360 and instead of a controller it had an eye thats plugged in to the box and it scans the room to see what the room looks like so it ignors room objects when you do input then its says stand up and sort of scans you and then then you statr playing if its a driving game you sit down and drive an imaginary car changing gears and all and the camera picks up your moves and translates then to in game similar to the wii but with a camera not a controller. It was called Project NATAL or NAto or something like that so you can google it and see if you never got to hear bout it. But then wheres that technology right now. I havent seen it yetSony and Microsoft are going crazy trying this trying that. Good luck to them though

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WOW. Matrix type huh. Wow. Maybe I will be the one.
Lol Sony has a few ideas up their sleeve but i think they getting too carried away. Sony is the microsft one yeah?

I remeber some 4 months back they were saying they had a wii type console for the Xbox 360 and instead of a controller it had an eye thats plugged in to the box and it scans the room to see what the room looks like so it ignors room objects when you do input then its says stand up and sort of scans you and then then you statr playing if its a driving game you sit down and drive an imaginary car changing gears and all and the camera picks up your moves and translates then to in game similar to the wii but with a camera not a controller. It was called Project NATAL or NAto or something like that so you can google it and see if you never got to hear bout it. But then wheres that technology right now. I havent seen it yet

Sony and Microsoft are going crazy trying this trying that. Good luck to them though

What do you mean by sony is microsoft? Well anyways they are two different companies. Yes Microsoft is currently working on project Natal which is a device that will let you interact and play games on the 360 without a controller because it senses your movement. Perhaps sony has there hopes up and think in the far future the technology will be made available, and they will be able to grab it up. I mean if you go back in time years and years and bring back a 360 and a tv people would be freaking out and probably would be calling you a witch. So I think its possible. The technology we have now was thought to be magical back then.

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