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Sony's Patent On Apparent "matrix-like Technology"

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Sony patents 'real life Matrix'


Obviously the news report has been hyped up to a large extent, but this patenting is ridiculous.


The patent - based only on a theory, not on any invention...


I mean, how the hell can you patent a theory...? Does that mean I could go off and make a patent on something currently in development and yet not fully developed and have exclusive rights to the technology or what? And does that mean they have exclusive rights to that technology? (I think so, but then, I'm not an expert in IP law)


Anyway, this is not a new idea. Researchers have been working on this stuff for years.

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Well I had always assume that patents applied to physical inventions and the like, and copyrights to intelectual property. Clearly this falls under the catagory of intelectual property. In performing a quick websearch on what can be patented though I discovered I was incorrect in my belief (sort of). I discovered this site which clearly describes what can and cannot be patented. As such it is clear that a theoretical device that is described in the article CAN be patented. However because, as you stated the theory isn't exactly new it might not really be a legit patent, because all patents must be novel ideas. Novelty is aparently defined as:

Novelty simply means the invention must be new. That is, it must differ from knowledge already existing in the public domain (referred to as prior art). Patent law defines prior art in several ways, including: - Anything that is described in a publication: 1) before the date you made the invention, or 2) one year before you file your patent application.

- Anything that is in public use or on sale in the U.S.: 1) before the date you made the invention, or 2) one year before you file the patent application.

- Prior patents that were issued: 1) before the date you made the invention, or 2) one year before you file the patent application.

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The patent has few details, describing only a device that would fire pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify the firing patterns of neurons in targeted parts of the brain.

That doesn't sound good. I don't really trust a big corporation to fire ultrasound at my brain and do only what they say they will. It's ludicrous to think they won't put some form of marketing or that this will have no adverse affects on brain activity at all.

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I'm sorry to write another post; I couldn't find an edit button, but this also sounds like it could be EXTREMELY (if it were acually invented) dangerous in the wrong hands. Think about terrorists manipulating people in high places or for torture or something.

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It's hard to say, for me at least, if I would like this. On one hand, you could transmit yourself into your favorite movie or game, becoming the main character. That would be so sweet. Think about it...becoming Neo or Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction...But, there's always a bad side. As others have said, this could be dangerous in the wrong hands. Ever heard of brainwashing? With this, it seems it would be possible. You could be trained for a terrorist act and not know it. Or, you could be trained to kill and not even know it. It's difficult to say if I would like it...I guess I would have to decide when it becomes "real"...

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I think that if it is your idea, yes you should be able to put a patent on it. But i just don't think that sony had anything to do with the Maxtrix movies. I mean at least samsung threw in a few cell phones. I guess when your as big as sony you dont really have to play by the rules. I think when the time does come for matrix-like technology, sony will have to fight for it just like everyone else, with or without their patent

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I think if Sony ever went on to develop this idea furtther into a working technology, they would either make it almost completely safe or warn about long-term usage. Either way, if people didn't die every now and then from using it, I would try it to see what it was like, to see how realistic it could be. I've always figured this was the next step in digital entertainment.Brainwash? I doubt it. At least not from Sony. But I suppose if terrorists felt so inclined as to use this technology against someone, they could make it harmful. But why would they bother? They'd rather detonate a bomb somewhere and get it over with.Though the brainwashing idea does kind of remind me of that movie "Brainscan" starring Edward Furlong. That was a crappy, crappy movie. But interesting nonetheless.

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That is actually pretty damn cool. I really like that idea because it does give everyone the ability to actually forsee a time where computers are almost non existant.

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That's extremely dangerous.That will cause serious brain damage.


Really, how many studies have you run on this yet to be developed technology, or how many studies have you read about that have been conducted on the technology that exists only in the imagination of some ultrageeks at Sony?. Of course there is the possibility of it causing brain damage instead of allowing for an immersive media experience, however there can be no way that anyone would know this without running tests, and that can't happen until they have a way of making an actual device.



It's ludicrous to think they won't put some form of marketing or that this will have no adverse affects on brain activity at all.


Well I'll agree with you that it is ludicous to think they won't put in adverts, however, I think it is a little bit alarmist to assume it would have adverse affects, unless you believe that TV commercials are dangerous.

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Well I'll agree with you that it is ludicous to think they won't put in adverts, however, I think it is a little bit alarmist to assume it would have adverse affects, unless you believe that TV commercials are dangerous.


TV commercials don't go into your brain and modify the paths of neurons, though. I wasn't saying that the ads would have adverse affects, just the technology of changing brain function.

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Why spending time on a machine that changes your mind? Why simulate things to happen? Why not just follow the "lucid dreaming technology"?You can have much more fun when lucid dreaming, all you need is hypnosis or a radio that beeps a few time loudly and lets you know your dreaming?Besides making it into our brain, why don't we just wear some goggles that brings safe(not eye hurting) pictures into your eyes and good sounds into your ears?You really can do that, further more, you can make a motion master-like chair to simulate other things!Thing don't need to be artificial real to be fun.

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