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Outputting Large Numbers

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Usually when you output a large number (>14 digits), it takes it and turns it into an exponential expression (eg: 1.6E+15). Is there a way to change it so that it doesn't turn it into that and just keeps outputting all the digits?

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The first two options that spring to mind would be assigning the value to a string variable type, or using the number_format() function (which returns the value as a string, and also groups the digits in blocks of three seperated by a comma, by default).

For example:

// If printed, would display '1.e+14'$number = 100000000000000;// If printed, would display the value as a string, exactly as you see it// (the quotes indicate a string value)$number = '100000000000000';// If printed, would display the number with digit grouping$number = number_format(1.e+14);

Hope that explains things for you.

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