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How To Make A Country Drop Down List In Wordpress? country field in user profile

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I am using wordpress, my theme gives the option of adding user profile field. When I add Country field, I can chose drop down list as this field input method. But it's simply imposible for me to type in hundrads of countries to make the drop down.Is there an easy way I can get the country drop down list?

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Why don't you sort it via continents ? That way countries will be automatically sorted as per the continnent and then drop down list becomes much smaller than you think. I'm not sure of the official source on how to do this. You should consult to wordpress theme support for more information. If possible make sure you present your country drop down list as screenshot so that they can understand the problem better and help you effectively. Hope this helps to some extent.

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I asked in the theme's forum, nobody answered me. So I asked here. I found out Asta is a more resourceful forum. thanks for your suggestion. I will try to get the theme support, if can't, I'll give up this country field.

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Have you asked in wordpress official forum at wordpress.org site ? If not then try and ask there and i'm sure that you'll get it answered. There are plenty of good people there to help, so you'll definitely get some help for this. Xisto is resourceful but just inactive sometimes so it gets difficult to get help if you need it in certain time frame. I'll see if i can get some help to you.

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I nearly forgot wordpress forum, yes, that's another resourceful place to go. I will give it a try.I just started re-building my blog, lots of things need to be done, and nearly every change I wish to make will need a long learning curve. So, it's not urgent. I can pick up easy things first, then, go for the tough stuffs later.Thanks, starscream!

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