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Creat a small online version 3d Mmorpg Maker Softwere?!

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Creat a small online version3d Mmorpg Maker Softwere?!

Hello, I want to make a complicated game or to interest some one else into making this complicated game.

I have seen many mmorpg and played them, I have played many strategy games as well.

I want a game where you can make buildings, Make Armies, Make Ships and found your own empire.

I want a game where I can craft items, gather resources , do quests, get a reputation or just go around slaying my enemies may it be npc or players.

That is what id like to mix into one great game for every one, but to do so..Sounds impossible.

I have looked around on google for a game creator for such a experiment but can find non.

The closet to such a game that I know of is Bounty Bay, but its far from what I am after.

If I could I would make such a game but I need help to try it out, Not interested in creating a full game but rather a small online version.

If it work out then I will look for a team to finish a full version.

My idea might not be possible but I hope it one day will be.


-question by Random Guy


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