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Where To Get Free Scripts?

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hey i need help getting a free script does anyone knows where i can get one?a script that i would mostly need is a military type like gundam like scriptalso where do i start on making a text base game?and i dont know any thing for coding

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Mccodes are always eazy to find on google as McCodes V2 was put out to the public ages ago you can get the files from alot of places. But you need coding experance because just haveing the codes will do you no good. And many of the files are courrupted.

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If you are interested in making your own rpg, I suggest first of all you learn html, css, php and mysql. Don't be lazy, you want to make this stuff then you will have to WORK for it. Say goodbye to the shortcuts and hello to the grind!

After you have learned all the basics then you can start with my series of tutorials I am currently writing. The first is an advanced user account registration, login, lost password, account validation system. Once you have learned all there is to know from this tutorial then it is time to move on to the second part of the tutorial, this includes creating the main home page and module system with health/energy display, cash on hand and so forth. Also it includes two starter modules for you which is a player stats page and a bank for depositing and withdrawing money. Also there is a configuration file which is constantly being updated and later on we will be making a nice and easy user interface so you don't have to keep editing the config.php file.

Go through these tutorials and learn as much as you can, by the end of it you will have your very own working rpg written in php, mysql, html, css and some javascript. From there you can edit and build on it.

Part 1: Advanced user account system
Part 2: Home page and module system + Stats and Bank Modules

Once the tutorials are written I am considering opening a site devoted to independant developers creating their own modules for anyone using the free system. Hopefully it will grow and develop in to a large open-source community project.

Edited by 8ennett (see edit history)

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Well, if your looking for free scripts you will probably want to set your own text based game up.You can get free game engines (which include all scripts to set up a basic game), but the problem is that these are very rare for free and mostly you need to purchase for a free game engine.You can get a free Engine from MCCodes. MCCodes offer 1 free pack which is called "mccodes lite" (free version). This will give you the basics to set up a basic text based game.You can then alter the scripts to customize and make the game you want, as you already have the engine and basic structure set up. But if you want to alter your script you will need to learn php code ;)You can get free scripts (mods) for your engine from websites such as makewebgames.com

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I'm using HotPotatoes for generate some quiz, maybe that's what you mean by " text games" ?If use HotPotatoes, after designing the game, you can export to webpage. Then, you will need to embed it on your site.Currently, I'm planning to make my quiz games a bit more fancy. I'm considering GameMaker. Seems it can export to xml.

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