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Review My Website & Blog

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Well I gave my website a overhaul, more or less, after starting to upload my writings to my website the old fashion way I begin contimplating about how to do it more efficiently. So I bit the bullet, installed wordpress 2.7, uploaded some stuff and came to realize that I should have been doing this long ago. Although I am not a full time blogger, I came to realize that a lot of the stuff I posted on Xisto I could have posted a lot of my stuff in one.
Which of course I have done, thanks to the help of predating blogs I got stuff from 2005 in my blog :mellow:, I don't consider it dishonest since I have already posted it already here on Xisto. So for the next few week, and while in school I be trying to get as much of my good topics uploaded to my blog. So content wise I am set for a very long time, it is a just a matter of getting it all on there. However, the only content I wouldn't be uploading is my sigs, not because there is a lot of them, or the fact I could add a plugin to add a gallery, it would be the lack of content these sigs would have. Although, I am still thinking about the process of moving the blog over to the main page, but want to see how things go before I do that.

However, knowing how SEO and websites work I have to think about it pretty quickly before I get too many visitors :P. In the mean time though, I be going through about a thousand of my topics and see which stuff I will be adding and what I won't be keeping and so I bring you my blog.


So comment away and any suggestions from master bloggers about what I can do and of course looking for other websites to connect with and stuff.

Also check out my website too, although I might be getting rid of it and let the blog take over everything.

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