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Maya Trial Vs Ple Licensing Now 30 day, so are Autodesk lightening up or tightening up?

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Does anyone know what's happening to the Maya Licensing?


Yes, the "proper" full blown Maya is expensive, but they have always had a PLE version for student (etc) use. This version was not compatible with the full version (different file type), it could not be used as a node for a render farm, and had really bad watermarks right across any work.


...but at least it allowed students to use the tools for learning purposes. In my case, I use Blender a lot, but I could keep "up with the know" on how Maya works... and legally. :rolleyes:


Now however, this PLE version seems to have been taken down. All that can be found is a 30 day trial version. :P


Are Autodesk tightening up or lightening up here?


I mean...

I think the 30 day trial version does *not* include a Linux flavour - am I mistaken?

As for the 30 days... does the program have ultra tight new security preventing users from reinstalling the application once time is expired?

Can someone who knows the product please answer the above two questions?


Thanks in advance.

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Poor students vs rich corporations.Maya Trial Vs Ple Licensing

$130 Australian Dollars is still a lot of money.  You don't actually get the product, you get  a license for a pathetic 12 months. I have trouble paying student bills, let alone rent and food, and I am working my *bottom* off.

30 minutes worth of downloading will give me a full version.

 When I am rich, I will have no problem throwing around money. But to demand money from tech-savvy poor students is asking for trouble.

-reply by John Mikeson


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