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Vtigercrm Help Vtiger CRM is very important open - source

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Here are some useful coding on most useful open source in PHP i.e Vtiger.


Steps to add Account field (related Module) in Campaign Module


1. Insert value in vtiger_relatedlists table

insert into vtiger_relatedlists(relation_id,tabid, related_tabid, name, sequence, label, presence)values(83,26,6,'get_accounts',10,'Accounts',0);
2. Create New table (i.e. vtiger_campaignaccountrel) to maintain relation


CREATE TABLE `vtiger_campaignaccountrel` (  `campaignid` int(19) NOT NULL default '0',  `accountid` int(19) NOT NULL default '0',  PRIMARY KEY  (`campaignid`,`accountid`),  KEY `vtiger_campaignaccountrel_accountid_idx` (`accountid`),  CONSTRAINT `fk_2_vtiger_vtiger_campaignaccountrel` FOREIGN KEY (`accountid`)   REFERENCES `vtiger_account` (`accountid`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8

3. To get campaign related accounts, define a function(get_accounts) like get_contacts/get_leads in modules/Campaigns/Campaigns.php


4. To display related accounts in campaign's related list, do the required changes in Smarty/templates/RelatedListContents.tpl


{elseif $MODULE eq 'Campaigns'}					<input alt="{$APP.LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL} {$APP.Account}" title="{$APP.LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL} {$APP.Account}" accessKey="" class="crmbutton small edit" value="{$APP.LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL} {$APP.Account}" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Accounts&return_module={$MODULE}&action=Popup&popuptype=detailview&select=enable&form=EditView&form_submit=false&recordid={$ID}&parenttab={$CATEGORY}","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' type="button"  name="button">

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Hi, Falguni.Ganatra,
Thanks for the info.
You first posted your text in the Tutorial section of our forum. Just a small detail. Please have a look at the "Tutorial Specifications" as expressed here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6-forum/
Namely, your post does not meet the first specification :

1. The Tutorials have to be of a bare minimum length of 500 words to be accepted.

Your topic is far below this 500 words threshold, that's why I moved it here.Also, when you post some code examples, don't forget to wrap them between "code" tags, this makes your text more easy to understand for standard people. I did the "code" tags job for you, please do it by yourself next time.
By the way, what is Vtigercrm ? "Virtual Tiger Customer Removable Material" ?

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