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Purchasing Credits (suggestion)

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I was told that since Xisto is a free hosting service and people prefer to post in forums more than paying money to keep there acounts. And for that reason the purchase credits options is no longer available

When you enter purchase credits you get

404 : Not Found
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.

What I am suggesting is to bring back the ability to purchase credits but with extra options.

1-You can purchase for others.

2-You don't need to be registered to purchase for others.

3-Make scripts like paypal when purchasing (extremely helpful for game sites).

Its common knowledge that with every post made here the things you can discuss gets smaller and smaller, and there are many people who are finding it hard to maintain their credit count and are forced to go to paid hosts.
This can be solved by making it possible for these people to make links in there websites like make a donation. If that is clicked the user is directed to a page where he purchases credits for the owner the site. Also the owner can make side scripts that run when the purchase is done, like add resources or increase vip days. This will help alot, helps the site owners to maintain a steady flow of credits assuming they have a good site, they might even go for that 280 credits .com deal, and it helps Xisto by bringing in money. I dunno if Xisto is using this to make money or just as a project to offer service, but some money won't be any harm. Finally the one making the purchase will get what he wants assuming its a game or he justs feels good because he donated for a website. So its a win-win-win situation, this might need some improvement, but i'd like to see this happen. Especially since i live in a 3rd world country that paypal doesn't deal with. So it'd be pretty hard for me to make money online, but i can still use possible money to improve my site.

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I missed out on that one now, too. Now that I am putting in so many hours at work, it would be nice to be able to put in a few dollars here and there, and heck, still post.I would think that adding purchasing would be additional income or financial addition to the forums, or to the service overall.... Hmmm guess I will just wait and see what happens in the future.

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