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Hi, didn't know where to post this or if I may post this at all. But I'm looking for someone to make ranks for a clan.

I was wondering if you do this for free or do you charge for your work?



Graphic Category: Ranks

Image/s: Posted Image It should look something like this

Size: 120px X 25px

Colours: It has to match the forums: http://www.freeforums.org/forum-error.php?u=onlinegameing.freeforums.org

Text: No text

Additional Information:


anyways, I would appreciate a set of army ranks, I have a sample for you so that you know what I want.

Posted Image


I need:


Private First Class



Staff Sergeant

Gunnery Sergeant

Master Sergeant

Sergeant Major

Second Lieutenant

First Lieutenant



Lieutenant Colonel


Brigadier General

Major General

Lieutenant General


Vice President ( same size but you are free to make whatever you want, and maybe in a diffrent bg color, like red/green/white)

President ( same size but you are free to make whatever you want, and maybe in a diffrent bg color, like red/green/white and there needs to be a slight diffrence between Vice President and President)




Thank you, I really hope you can make this for me! It would be much appreciated!

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Hi. This looks like a fun project.You should be up front about whether you're wanting to pay people. It's kind of awkward to expect them to ask.I'm about to run out the door. In the meantime, for all those ranks, do you have available reference to the stripes etc along the lines you would be wanting the designs based on? Without time yet to pull my own research, I'm assuming there's a definite code and it may vary from station to station, country to country etc. Last thing you want to do is to tell a designer they are wrong after they put the hours in.

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hi, thank you for responding!I don't have any money, sorry, I understand if you don't want to do this for free.I currently don't have a link for you with ranks. but I want them to be based on US Army ranks, Like the ranks put on those imakes like you see on the pic I posted above.

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They need to match our Website and current ranks, if you are going to make these, here is a link where you can look at our website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you go to our forums>Information>Rank Structure you'll see the ranks we have now. If you could kind of make similar to those only in that size or a little bigger.They don't have to look like the once I provided above, but I like the concept of those ;)

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You're wanting free help but can't seem to be bothered asking the question clearly.


First of all, please make the job easier by bothering to post definite links. You should have posted http://combatcorps.com/forums/rankstructure.php rather than sending me to a non-link of the front page and having to click-through my way to the information.



Secondly, the ranks you are wanting, and the reference images you provide (on your site) should at least match up.


Your website shows ranks for: Recruit, Second Lieutenant, Corpsman, First Lieutenant, Corpsman First Class, Captain, Senior Corpsman, Major, Staff Sergeant, Lieutenant Colonel, Technical Sergeant, Colonel, Master Sergeant, Brigadier General, Senior Master Sergeant, Major General, Chief Master Sergeant, Lieutenant General, Command Chief Master Sergeant, General, Vice President and President


...whereas you are wanting decorations for: Private, Private First Class, Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier General, Major General, Lieutenant General, General, Vice President and President


This means that your website shows ranks for Recruit, Corpsman, Corpsman First Class, Senior Corpsman, Technical Sergeant, Senior Master Sergeant, Chief Master Sergeant and Command Chief Master Sergeant but you don't seem to want them and yet...


...you are wanting ranks of Private, Private First Class, Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant, Master Sergeant and Sergeant Major

...but have failed to supply the reference images.


I may be able to illustrate, but I'm lacking the military background. You're not paying me to research, so please clarify what you want...


...because, when asking people to work for free, it's really annoying if your mistake means they have to repeat.

Edited by Lancer (see edit history)

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Those ranks on the website are our current ranks. I wanted to change the Corpsman, Corpsman First Class, Senior Corpsman, Technical Sergeant, Senior Master Sergeant, Chief Master Sergeant and Command Chief Master Sergeant ranks because I'd like to change those ranks with army ranks. 


here are the rank insignias that I'd like to have the US Army insignias. I'm sorry for not providing you exactly what I want! I'm from Norway so my english in writing is rather limited, you you want you could add me to MSN: petter_91_13@hotmail.com so that you could talk to me for better details if you feel that you need more info!

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Are you wanting the Army or the Marine ones?Marine has no "Private" whereas Army has no "Gunnery Sergeant".MSN not good with me. Getting frantically busy and nailing me on messengers would not be ideal.

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You should offer hosting credits. I also have a question? Would this be work for higher or who would have the copyrights or credits to the work on your web site/forum?

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