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I think that you mean "Test Based Game".Have you tried mc codes? (I think thats what they're named :P)or you can create your own, like I did :)or do you mean an offline textebased game, written in C/C++ or that kind of language?

Edited by Feelay (see edit history)

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I think he has in mind, that he wants a resource where he could find Text Based games written in PHP which would work on a Web server which would have a PHP and maybe a DB like MySQL. I did a google search, but found some commercial games only and some already working, with no source. :)

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Sorry, I meant "text based game" xD
Here you go. Here is a link for mc-codes.


Here is link for the downloads.

MC-Codes Downloads.

The first one is the light version. It is free, but I don't think it is so advanced. The ones that you can buy, are very expensive, but I guess they are more advanced.

But as I said.. I would recommend you to learn php/mysql and create your very own text-based game.. That is the best thing to do. because then, you can really take all the credits and so on..
But it is your choice.

Regards //Feelay

Edited by Feelay (see edit history)

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