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Anyone Gonna Buy Starcarft 2? Looks Sweet.

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If past performance is any indication it will take at least another three years. I remember when Diablo II was announced and it was almost three years before it was officially released. This is usually a good thing because Blizzard (or who ever owns them now) doesn’t release crap. All of the Blizzard titles have been rock solid and game of the year when they were released. This means that you will have to wait but the wait is usually worth it.

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true that...i waited forever with diablo II but i think that starcraft isnt going to pull the same stuff. Way too many people have got there hopes set on this so im hoping to buy it the day it comes out at the end of the year

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Yeah well let's just hope it's worth the wait. Many times, games that have such hype before it's released turns out to be a major failure.Or they release a badly coded game and cash in on the name (Starcraft) that was cool more than ten years ago. Will it really be the Starcraft we knew and loved? Or will it just be a sorry excuse for a game that game reviewerss will find some good in, because they can't write a bad review about a game that has been eagerly awaited for more than a decade. If you know what I mean.

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I think that it will be a fun game and will release next year.The main thing that annoys me is the fact they are being money hungry and splitting it into 3 games for more cash.A major feature of it that I want is a good map editor like Warcraft 3 ( being able to make custom triggers, terrain, units, and ect). I'm not particularly a fan of the heroes like in Warcraft 3, they basically ruined Warcraft's melee for me.Major annoying being rushed by just 6 panda mercenary heroes and whatnot.My computer can definitely handle this game though its extremely fast and up to date.

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