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Phpbb & Postgresql

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Alright, I'm trying to install phpBB on a PostgreSQL (which is faster than MySQL since Xisto's MySQL is already taxed as it is, and I want to use PostgreSQL so in case MySQL crashes again, my phpBB would still be up). However, the only problem is that it complains that it requires a UTF8 database and not an US ASCII/SQL ASCII, so is there a way that I can change it to UTF8? Right now I don't have any privilege to do so, cPanel locked it.xboxrulz

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I was never successful changing the language of a database.So, if you already have data in your database, do en export (or a backup, depending how your database names that) and destroy the database. Then re-create the database in the correct language convention.I don't understand why your database is locked in cpanel. Except, of course, if you are an Xisto many-database user converted to a Xisto one-database account, you have exceeded your databases quota, so you must submit a ticket for being allowed having more databases. :rolleyes:

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