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Generator An online data generator script

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Generator is an online tool written in Javascript, PHP and MySql for use in testing software, populating databases, etc. that generate very quickly custom data in various formats like HTML, SQL, or XLS. It's free, open source and very easy to use.

About Generator

Generator Online

Download and Installation instructions of the Data Generator Script

Best regards,

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This definitely very useful. I remember typing in my own test data for populating a database...and though I did make the names quite amusing, it still was wasted time I could've spent on something else. :-) I really like the numerous options it gives, especially the SQL one. I can really see this being put to use on some test project.


Looking at the generated data, I see there's lots of use of lorem ipsum. ;-) Funny!


It reminds me of this site: http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ which also offers data generation. Granted, it doesn't offer as many options to morph the data (say the phone number format can be changed in generatedata.com, but not in fakenamegenerator, but it does offer more options for the names. Nor does it make it so easy to download the test data. Granted, I think fakenamegenerator is more for a web user who wants to fake their identity on a (possibly) spammy form.


Either way, thanks for posting this. :-)

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You are welcome, since i found this online tool i start using it for my last project to test my database and helps me a lot of time.The website you post is also very helpful and i guess that i will use it for test other piece of my project, thanks.Best regards,

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