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Skemb -- Site Preview The personal family webpage...

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Well now, I like that I am adding my post, but throughout life I have learned to try to take judgment better! I was trained to try to get things perfect, and I am trying to not do that anymore. I plan to try to have fun with this personal site, and not always have to do things to the 'T'.

I notice that I am not as original as I thought I would be... and the uniqueness isn't really coming out how I would like it. I think it is because it is a family oriented site, and not one of my older SINGLE person site... So like, I am trying to put things from the family, or for my family... and this is a first, because for a long time even when I had a wife and kids, I was always just updating MY site.

So, I am trying to make it more family and not so dark and well, the old me... haha... I am trying to keep it general at most, and then start giving it character as I go along... I plan to keep this site going for a LONG time! And my daughter is dying for her own page... so the uniqueness will end up coming later on.

I am so trying to add new techniques and am doing a lot of Flash and such too... it will just start being added when I am able to. And I do use many images... but I try to keep it fun with kids pics for the grand parents hahaha!

So I do like hearing thoughts and opinions and whatnot... and will try to be a good boy if they don't seem to go as I plan... hahaha! Well, other than that semi-rant... I hope you enjoy!

I am working the site from IE and Firefox... and if anything else comes along I will try to adapt to it...

Thanks all!
- skedad -

SKEMB -- The Official Home of the Horner Family

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I have revamped my site to a more basic approach. I just was tired of seeing my site continuously keep getting sucked into grand backgrounds with hard to match flash documents and such... and figured that going back to the basics with a little detail here and there may have been a good move at the moment... Or maybe it wasn't.... I love animation... always have, always will and I still wanted to incorporate it when I could without over killing it... enough to have fun with.And this also was a cheap plug for all to see my site again hahahahaha....

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It's a really good family-oriented website. Like it has the feeling that it isn't professional and it's all just for fun, that kind of feeling. It's a really basic but very rugged layout and it just simply works which is key I think.Great job!xboxrulz

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Thanks everyone!I think that was the thing... I was making my family site too professional looking, and it just started to bother me. Like I will still try to make it clean looking, but definitely will drop the professional ads and banners and all that.

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Nice site yes, but annoyingly slow to load. While I am a dial up user, I'm still used to seeing graphics load quicker than on your current pages. You should be able to hit better compression ratios in Photoshop / Gimp (For photos, have JPG which just start to show something like heat haze, then pull back a little). Alternatively, there are Website Optimizers you can purchase to do the job, like at http://www.webopt.com/index.php/de/

Good luck on the next adding content stage. ;)

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