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Timeshift Discussion Story and Time Travel (SPOILERS)

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*ENDING and STORY SPOILERS*The ending felt like an episode of Quantum Leap. Your character makes all things right, and is forced into another time jump. Lame....Let's talk about the use of Time Travel in this game, since I'm a nerd about time travel.Ok, so in the beginning of the game, Krone sets a bomb and goes back in time to create a new reality. You see the bomb go off, and follow him into the alternate reality. You essentially take down his entire army and kill Krone. With Krone's suit, you somehow jump back to your original reality several seconds before you originally left it (Like Marty in Back to the Future) You stop the bomb and the "Paradox Imminent... Jump sequence initiated" message sounds, and your character jumps back in time again against his will.Ok, so let's discuss this "paradox."Picture yourself back at the beginning of the game (right after you beat it...) The cutscene would go as follows:-You're getting in the suit-Krone sets the bomb timer-You're looking at the monitor at your girlfriend-She looks up, but nothing happens (no explosion). (The "You" that just beat the game is standing over her)-Krone is still back in time and changing the present-You get pulled through time since the new reality is created by Krone (though the bomb did not explode, nothing stopped him from leaving)-You play the game as normal, trying to get Krone.The only paradox I can see is that though you actually kill Krone at the end of the game, you did not stop him from creating the alternate reality in the first place! The "you" that turns off the bomb at the end of the game will be forced back into the alternate timeline again, since he hasn't stopped Krone from becoming a dictator in the past.So if you wonder what TimeShift 2 is going to be about, that's what I'm guessing its going to be.The only way to resolve this is to either stop Krone from going back in time... or killing Krone when he's in the past before he can become a dictator... Either way, that would be rather boring.

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Technically once krone change the past he would of change his own past. There fore the alpha and beta suit would never been created. Also he didn't need to blow up the building it would of been gone from the paradox. Lets assume once the suits are active they are out of time/space and there manages to exist.The beta suit couldn't prevent the bomb to go off cause its the reason why he got into the suit in the first place. He would have to go back stop the bomb stop time and save people then start it again. So his past self thinks its urgent to get into the suit or he could of stop krone 5min before he hammered his girl friend and left note for his past self to do the same.-time

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Timeshift Discussion


Replying to iGuest

The reason why the character is going after krone is because the department of defense hired him assinate krone if he attempted to jump into the past. And in the fact the beta suit was secretly made to kill krone hence its military style as apposed to the alpha suit. And the girl was used by you to simply have the beta suit equipped how you needed it to be, you know with shields, high tech trouble identification software and so in, so in all realism if krone went back in time your character would go anyway to eliminate him like he is being payed too. For information regarding this check the cutscenes for clues and go to wikipedia and search for timeshift


-reply by chris

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