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May I ask What Linux Is??Is it like microsoft but a newer version or something?? I've never heard of it. Is it Like Html?? Like it is weird so many things going around the internet world these days, i can't keep up. :(:P:P;););):P:angry::angry::angry::angry: Haha

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linux is an operating system.it has nothing to do with microsoft or html, just an alternative to mac os or windowsits also free, theres heaps of different kinds too, its open source.

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Linux is a UNIX-clone, and it's open source, that means that it's software "blueprints" are available for you to edit and customize. Best of all, it's free!

It was started by Linus Torvalds, father of Linux in 1991 and is the core of the GNU "operating system". It started out as a hobby for Linus to learn the i386 architecture, however, hobbist and now, corporations have interests in Linux.

Linux powers many servers around the globe including Xisto's servers and even as large as Facebook.

For more information on Linux, look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux

I recommend SuSE Linux for desktop uses and Red Hat Linux for servers.


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^bumpanother vote for SuSE -- And another note for linux noobs --- if you have plenty of HDD space free, you can actually install fairly easily with a dual-boot setup using Lilo or Grub... but you may want to research how much space to dedicate to "/" "/home" "swap" and/or any other partitions that might seem appropriate... I generally use a different HDD for each, leaving a slot for my CD/DVD+-RW drive... Assuming you don't possess an extra IDE or ATA expansion card....However, probably the most recommended way to try is downloading a Live-CD or DVD, where the DVD version would obviously have plenty more features...I started with Knoppix back when it was version 4.0, and I had some good results, especially with the ease with which it mounted my NTFS drives and properly detected "most" of my drivers... however, I noticed the knoppix-installer option left my system a bit sloppy... and I never really tried the 5.0 version...Nowadays, I tend to refer people to the Kubuntu LiveDVD, which can be downloaded as a .torrent... And also gives a graphic installer option.... and of course, it comes with KDE, which I ultimately prefer to GNOME... initially because of the bouncy icons and Konqueror (image thumbnails, easy internet browsing, etc...)If you're really stuck on "microsoft" apps... there's always wine... I just installed a few older systems with linux and wine to run Starcraft and Warcraft III (possibly Starcraft 2 ?) ---Although if you're still calling software by its company name... (I knew a girl who insisted her photo editing software was called "adobe," lol) - you may just want to stick with what comes easy... although if you want to avoid virus/malware/spyware, and/or the propagation thereof... you should look into finding yourself a comfy release of linux (save for Lindows which just sucks...)...and don't forget to look up and install "restricted packages" for proprietary formats, Java, flash, and the like... (Note: she never called Flash adobe, nor reader for that matter ;)Anyways, as you progress in experience, you'll find *nix to be the OS of choice by far too many reasons... And I prefer .RPM / YaST2 to most other install managers anyways... (Kubuntu is Adept... apt-get, or whatever...)In any case... check out LIVE CD releases of various distributions... and Kick the Windows... screw backslashes "\" ! lol

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i have centOS on my old hard drive, the drive completely carked it, and its fussy. all i can get to install is centos and kubuntu.i want to get vector linux on there.

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