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What's The Deal With Game Cheats? Games and its cheats

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I'm not sure if this would offend anyone. If it does, I do not mean to offend you. I only wish to talk about this to other people, and to see their reactions, opinions, and beliefs.I noticed quite a lot of games that are really great and amazing nowadays. They pop up in advertisements and soon, they have a server of teens playing them. Another thing I noticed was, they [users/Members/Players] always found a way to cheat the game, such as God mode, Infinite items and the like.As soon as these players are reported, the game's administrators start banning IPs and not allowing users to play.What I don't understand is, why don't the administrators try to look for the sites that provide the cheats.----Okay, now that I have stated what I noticed, I want to say what I think is happening. I'm not sure, but maybe the game makers ACTUALLY SELL? the cheats to the sites for a price and the sites get money from the users. It would be another source of income for the game makers. And whenever they do find people who hack, they don't try to look where the users got the hacks! They could easily search in yahoo the cheats and all the hacking forums out there would be exploited. No, I think that the admins sell the cheats and keep banning the users. All in all, we lose money, and we get banned.My opinions. Not to offend anyone.[What I mean...]Game Makers - Admins, Programmers, and the like.

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Well theres this little thing called internet freedom which gives people the right to display cheats and what not for games; however, as for concern for online games people are hacking into the system to exploit these cheats, so in a way they gaming company can report hacking attempts on it's servers to the authorities. But since there are to many players to really keep track of who is doing what, you usually can't pin point who is posting cheats or hacks on other sites.Most gaming companies mention cheats when games come out, but most of the cheats especially the the ones people user uber hacks to get them (like on the PS2 and xbox) are ridiculous and most of the time they don't work. I don't think companies would sell cheats in order to make a profit because in reality they won't, because then a person just has to rent the game insert the cheat and finish the game in one sitting. That way instead of spending $60 for a game they pay $4 for a rental and call it a day.

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I also agree--there is something called Internet freedom. Those companies really can't do anything to those who share cheats. It's like saying Microsoft should sue the person who made a cracker that was able to crack the password of a Window's machine. The creator wasn't performing a crime since you could use that password cracker for a legitimate reason (if you really did lose your password). It's those who use it that are accused as being criminals as they are the ones who are using the program for illegal means.

Any tool can be used illegally. Another analogy might as well be the pencil. Pencils can be turned into weapons too, assuming that you decide to make use of them in the wrong way and stab people. But pencil manufacturers don't get sued for something like that.

however, as for concern for online games people are hacking into the system to exploit these cheats, so in a way they gaming company can report hacking attempts on it's servers to the authorities.

Those people could potentially be accused of a crime. Assuming that the hacking attempt is particularly serious, the companies probably would take action. But it all depends.

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I enjoy this, because you are talking about cheating like it's breaking a crime. If a game creator leaves dev tools in as cheats, OR programs in cheats that go above and beyond these original testing options, it is there prerogative. Further it is their right to do so with these 'cheats' whatever they want to do. Past this, others can cheat or exploit or anything else they want to do with a game. Sure it might not be the experience many of us would choose, but if this is what they want it isn't our right to stop them. The game creator can ban cheaters if they want, but thats about the strongest course of action they could take.And I don't know about selling, but of course game companies have for many years told others about the cheats. I mean those prima strategy guides come out WITH the games and yet have insane cheat codes or exploits or whatever that you could never just happen upon, you'd either need to be told or hack the code and search it thoroughly, which would take ages and never be ready for launch day.So in conclusion, I agree with the others, freedom is present. Sometimes it leads to things we, or you, don't agree with. That's life.

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In addition, usually cheats are in game manuals, when you buy a game and not download it like a pirate, you usually get a manual and support, usually cheats are included in the manual for a certain game, you also can buy books full of cheats for different games and usually a lot of official sites has cheats in their content.. Some play with cheats, some doesn't.. Another thing, you don't usually need a certain cheat, like earlier, when I used to be a kid and didn't have a will to finish the game without cheats, I used a program called Cheater, which in searching the memory and changing values could find the value for money, for example a lot of whom knows a game UFO or in USA called X-Com, when in world view you could get money, I just needed to use that program, I was inserting the value say 50000 if I had this kind of sum of money, so it needed to be somewhere in the RAM, then I just needed to change the value, like buy something, the value would be 49500, so I inserted this value and it only left the values in memory which changed since then, after several times like this, I had the address to this value and could change it to 5000000$, another thing is that it could be search in byte memory, long byte and long long byte, can't really remember, but this is how it is done.. I don't know if this kind of things could be done even on new games, due to they use lots and lots of memory, not only 2MB like UFO used to, but it is really possible to change values in your memory, even though sometimes I changed on other games other values, so a game can go on guru meditation <_<

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If the system has builtin cheats, then it's fine, as long as it's in single player. However, if it's a mod that's specifically to cheat, then I'm against it. There should be no reason to mod a system just to glitch the loopholes in the system just so that you can claim that you're a "1337h4xx0r" because seriously, no one really cares. They would only care when you're cheating in games, especially online which can get irritating. The ones I really hate are glitchers, especially on Gears of War, it is one of the most annoying things ever. Then again, the game itself is buggy as hell.xboxrulz

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Well, some online games block cheating, however people program mods for the cheats to work. I don't understand though, where's the urge to WIN a game!? Where's the fun of playing when you can beat it in one minute!?

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That's true. However systems like Punkbuster can be bypassed easily by some "haxx0rz" who always think that they're so "1337" and that everyone is "nubcaeks" since they can't bypass the system to initiate their cheats and start raking in points by cheating.I despise all "haxx0rz"!xboxrulz

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I do agree with everyone else here that there is Internet freedom. Anyone can say what they want, including game cheats and hacks. So you can't go and sue these people for posting these. The only thing the admins can do is to ban IPs and users.In my opinion, cheats and hacks are okay to use if it's not unfair to other players (i.e.: single-player games), but as soon as it affects other players and makes it unfair to others, then it's just bad to cheat. If you're not good at the game, too bad; practice more, or just give up.Serena

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