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Why Are American's Bred To Hate Communism

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umm I hope you understand that the richest of the rich from at least countries in Asia move to America for the better of their children..Lol the poorest of the poors? are you talking about when it's the BIRTH OF AMERICA? lol 

How do you explain all the rich kids from EUROPE AND ASIA coming to America to get America's education? Every country is imperfect ... Please don't just hate on Americans. Grow up. You're an example of what you've just described as an American.

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  Well, I think there will always be more lower class people in society that there are rich. In this world things are just bound to end up this way. The basic principle of a communist society is to share. Simply stated, to make everyone and everything equal. The only problem with this is there is that the president of this particular country or nation will make take on the role of a dictator. This is the case we have in the 21st century. It's not much of a surprise either.Not only in the 21st century but the previous years as well. I'm only 14,so my knowledge of this is very limited.If everyone in the community is supposed to share and/or provide for each other, what happens when one ceases to? Countries ran by communists often have a corrupt goverment and the people have no say. If a country is ran by a corrupt leader you will find that the people are oppressed in one way or another. In this case, no freedom of speech and things that we have in America. Most recently 7 dissidents were freed from Cuba. They were imprisoned. One of them in particular was told Spain or staying in prison just beause he wanted to come to America.  His name is Pablo Pacheco. He believes the resason he got a  20 year  prison sentence  by the Cuban government  was beacause of his 2002 application for political refuge is the United Staes. The U.S government refused it. Communists believe doubting or doing anything that doesn't uphold your government a treason. Now he's being supported in Spain by the Spanish Red Cross. At least he's happy to be reunited with his wife and son. The Spanish government should also give him a permit which enables traveling wherever he wants. I think that a Communist government never works successfully for the people, but there are areas in which the nation is successful.  Cuba has some of the best surgeons you can ever have. Their people at times are also well educated. To wrap this up Americans are prejudice and base their opinions upon other people based on their own experiences instead of observing everything from a 360 degree angle. I have always wondered why there are only 32 degrees in Masonry. Hahaha. Enough said Americans think their solution and wayt of things is The only way. If there is another way they Make it Theirs. Don't get me wrong...America is a nice country but, it seems to me that in history they have always looked down upon other nations and countires if they didn't favor their thinking. America will always remain this way. It will claim it's founded upon Christianity and not know what Christianity means (in its entirety).

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Been to communist countries. Why Are American's Bred To Hate Communism

People hate Communism because Communism is simply another word for tyranny. Think of what the word itself says. Common-isim. All property held in common and distributed by the rulers. So it means the violent theft of your personal property and the violent imposition of a one party government. You can't do anything or build anything up without a loser coming to take it away to be distributed to his fellow losers. Communism is just gangsterism writ large. Americans love freedom and once they understand what Communism really means, they fight it.


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Just FYI...  why Americans don't vote?...  Because it makes no difference, the rich who've corrupted, and now own and rule our entire system make our decisions for us, and only allow us the ILLUSION of having a choice.  Both parties take money from the same multibillion dollar corporations, and the same rich fat cats, and the same special interests these days.  When we vote, they still do what they like.. And usually your choices are both totally corrupt douche bags who only want elected so they can get richer and give kickbacks to their other rich friends. 

Also, the rich pretty successfully brainwash the masses here, with billions of dollars thrown into advertising and commercials, and news channels that contain no news (any rich man can buy a network, and spread anything he likes under the banner of factual news these days watch Fox if you doubt it) even if one does get their vote effectively counted and not tossed aside, chances are those brainwashed by the fear campaigns will outvote them anyway.  You see, most people who actually understand that it's all a scam here, have given up voting, as they realize that here Democracy is a just an illusion.  We value the right to vote, we simply realize that at the present time our system has become so corrupt, that our vote means nothing.

It's like the woman who stays with a husband who beats her.  She wants to believe he'll change, and that he's worth keeping, but the more he smacks her in the face, the more she starts to realize she's just a prisoner, and though she loves him dearly, he would throw her to the wolves in a heartbeat.  He started out super sweet, and she's sure any day now, he'll just change on his own right back to that guy she first met... In short, Americans are in love with the dream that is America, which is a far cry from the reality.  The more we get hit in the face, the more we start to realize that telling people how great he is, doesn't make him any more of a catch.  We try to fix him, and we make excuses, but in the end, eventually, we just give up, and avoid voicing an opinion all together, after all, he's not listening anyhow.


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 quote: "Think of what the word itself says. Common-isim."

uh actually the word is more intended to be like "commune-ism" which essentially means communal living where people all share labor and produce between eachother without any other thing they want in return (ie. Money)

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To (G)Jim or whoever was going on about violent theft being a problem. First: if everything was everyones then there would be no need for violence. Second: you could take it back from those people. Third (to all who are against Communism): Communism itself is not evil or tyrannical. The problem is the leaders. Just like with us Capitalists/Democrats in America who hate it. In America, if we hate Communism, why do we owe trillions of dollars to the "Communist" China? If the right people could implement Communism, then it would most definitely succeed. Am also glad others have realized pop culture and propaganda is the real reason we hate Communism. It is those things that make it appear "evil".

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Both Communism and Capitalism both has got their own share of pros and cons. Firstly we really can't deny the fact that America hates communism, a very concept spread by undivided Soviet Union. I think the root cause of it is the 1929 financial crisis that Russia survived so nicely when America's economy was truly crippled.Somewhere there was a kind of competition between America and Russia. Now since the former one believed in Capitalism and the later one in Communism. The war between the 2 superpowers has translated into something called as the war between these 2 ideologies.When Soviet Union displayed a huge progress using Communism.It ended up the rule of Tsar.Then It established a sense of equlity between various classes.

I think that communism is a beautiful ideal, but I it has it's flaws, just like any other social structure. Ideally I would think that communism strives to make everyoneequal and that is great,

I very much agree with the above.On one hand an ideology that is emphasizing on 'Egalitarian' concept on the other it is supressing any view/outlook that opposes this ideology. The best view one can have about communism if one goes through the novel called "Fall Of Giants". When Bolsheviks came to power after ending Tsar rule the they used to hang anyone till death if he happens to refrain from joining the party gathering.Brutality in communism makes it an ugly concept when basically its a wonderful concept.It brought in a culture that dreams of establishing a classless society.Capitalism on the other hand is a byproduct of consumerism. It favors only the corporate class undermining the interests of the labor class.It spawns greed and exploits the proletarian class as much as possible to accumulate money.The extent these 2 ideologies differ make the American's breed hate communism.

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I live in America, and while we were studying the Cold War this year, I was wondering why America was interfering so much with other governments...  And honestly I thought it wouldn't have been a problem to leave the other countries alone.  We kind of had a few unnecessary wars (by the way, we're only 400 years old and we've probably gotten into more wars than a lot of older countries combined!!!) because we wanted everywhere to be like America.  There would be no culture then!
These are the views of a 14 year old that probably doesn't fully understand whatever we're talking about!!  Please don't yell at her if she doesn't completely understand!!

I think that you have a lot of insight for a fourteen year old. One of the main things that Brits hold against America, well not all but a lot, is America's interference in other countries politics. A lot of us were against both Gulf wars and are also against the war on Afghanistan and we're certainly not communists.

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People think communism is wrong because of the multiple dictatorships that at least claimed to be communist. Its a little weak to claim that none was "truly" communist (no true scotsman), however, not a single one of those regimes came from peaceful reform, rather the opposite. That is enough of an explanation for the past. Communist and Socialist Americans are worlds apart from the dictatorships of the past, just as the catholic church, though still flawed, is worlds apart today from the institution it was during the inquisition. I think it is time to move beyond fear, and towards seriously debating communism on its actual economic and social impact.

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