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Security Guidelines For Internet Users

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Security Guidelines for Internet Users

1. Install an anti-virus software, you can free ones like AVG Free. Ensure that it's regularly updated - this is of the utmost importance.

2. Anti-virus software is not enough, the security can be tightened using a firewall software which will help you prevent unauthorized incoming and outgoing communications from your computer while connected to the Internet.

3. Disconnect your computer from the Internet when not in use. The longer you are connected to the Internet, the more opportunity you give for persons to gain unauthorized access.

4. If your computer is used by others, keep an eye on what they install and modify in the system. It's safest to make a policy not to allow any software to be installed without your permission. You can the other user access the computer using a limited account.

5. Ensure that you logout of sites properly. Failing to do so you allow others who use your computer to gain access to those services and you can be blamed for their activities.

6. Always use an alphanumeric password with not less than 8 characters. Never use anything that is related to you like your name, place bate of birth as your password.

7. Be very careful in chat rooms as these are places where Script Kiddies and other undesirable elements of the online community are very active.

8. Never visit any Warez sites as they usually contain infected files and pages.

9. Do not visit sites that you do not know what they are, they could be link crashers, IP spoofers, or VBScript worms.

10. Never install any software that you get from unreliable sources.

11. Always scan the CDs, DVDs and other removable media that you get from other with the Antivirus before exploring the contents.

12. Keep away from softwares that contain or reported to be spywares.

13. If you notice anything suspicious in your computer, check online for the symptoms or get in touch with an expert to identify the issue.

14. Always use the latest browsers, and other clients and also keep them updated with latest patches to keep your system from any possible attacks.

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