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Mass Dogicide - One Of My Worst Days In Recent Times Shocking but True

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The lane my house is situated is pretty densely packed with stray dogs. Ever since I shifted here (about an year back) I've been seeing batch after batch of puppies being born and growing up to nice big doggies... One nice thing about this place is that apart from us - all our neighbours keep providing food for them everyday. Rarely do they go unfed. Moreover, my girlfriend (who's an intense dog-lover) makes it a point to cook for them every single day. More often than not - these pups adopt our home at theirs and spend their entire growing-up stage in our courtyard at the front of the house. Once they're full-grown, of course they take off... I shoulnd't have to emphasise what fun it is to watch these playful little tykes every time I look out from my living room.


Now there's this big furry dog (probably a mixed-breed i.e. a mongrel) gave birth to 5 ultra-cute multi-coloured pups about a month and a half back (2 pitch-black, 2 brown and 1 white) at this deserted house right across mine. Someone ran-off with 2 of them (a brown and a black) just a couple of weeks after their birth - but that's good considering they got a home rightaway. As for the remaining three - once they were big enough to venture out, instantly took to our courtyard as their home. They spent every single moment out here except for when someone gave them food (outiside on the road).


Here are a couple of pics of them..



Whenever we were free, we'd let them into our house and watch them play. Quite naturally, both me and my girlfriend grew really attached to them. She'd even take time out and clean 'em up of those pesky ticks and give them a bath once in a while.



Last evening we were on our way out... I was locking up the doors when I heard my girl's panic striken yell.. I ran out and found the white pup lying in our courtyard convulsing like crazy and frothing at her mouth.. We thought she was having some sort of a seizure and I ran out to ask for my neighbour's help in taking her down to a vet. They immediately realised what had happened and tried squeezing in raw eggs, milk, water and what not down her throat to try and make her throw up... unfortunately it was too late. When we'd spotted her she was at her last breath. She stopped moving / twitching altogether within a couple of minutes. :)


Our neighbour seemed very agitated and walked out and started yelling. Soon almost everyone from the houses around had stepped out. We were still at dark as to what happened coz we don't speak much of Thai and couldn't figure out what exactly was up - but we guessed something had gone seriously wrong. Within minutes we found everyone else turning the whole lane upside down in search of the other pups. They were found soon... one below a car and one behind a bunch of flowerpots - dead... with glossy eyes and frothy mouths. :( :( And so were found two other fully grown-up dogs.. in similar condition. Some bloody motherf***ing son-of-a-***** had dumped poisoned food on the road (trust me when I say that I've got the choiciest expletives on mind right now - just that I can't post 'em all here). Must have been a very strong poison to kill so many in such a short time. There's this pregnant doggie, who'd eaten some of that food too and had just started dribbling. We all got hold of her, force-opened her mouth and poured like 10-12 raw eggs and milk into it. Once we let her go, she vomited all that out and I guess along with that, the poisoned food. She was pretty subdued and looked sick for a long while after that, but today she seems totally normal... being able to save her was the only consolation - but I wonder if her babies survived this ordeal.


The general notion around is that someone's upto no good - i.e. there's going to be a robbery soon. Most likely the prospective thief wasn't being able to step into this lane because of so many dogs - so he left the poisoned food around. Saddest part was that all the pups fell victim to it. My home seems so bloody empty ever since.. :( I believe in karma... i.e. what goes around comes around. Whoever did this should survive a similar fate.. i.e. should live to see something like this happen to a near and dear one B) that bastard should rot forever in the deepest darkest dungeons of hell.


What can I say.... I'm struck speechless at this tragedy..Just yesterday afternoon I was comtemplating on how beautiful these pups were gonna looks once they were all grown up... and now this !!!! :)


Really really sad.... I miss those little ones SO MUCH !! Why did it have to be them ???

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man that sucks bad mojo right there, heck if the dude does come I don't think no one will mind beating the snot out of them and of course forcing the same poison food down their throats as well for doing that to these cute little puppies. With the pregnant mother it would be hard to say since don't know how long the food has been out, I would say bring her to a vet and see if they are alright or not. Also to think the idea of eating cats and dogs was bad enough but people killing dogs for no apparent reason just because they are there.Of course the thieves are stupid enough to do this as well, because now everyone knows that someone is coming and these thieves don't even realize they just set themselves up bad as well. Let us know if you caught these beeps and throw in a couple of punches for me B).

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Having grown up with plenty of dogs in the neighborhood, I know how it feels when you loose those dear creatures. Your story has refreshed their memories in my mind, considering the fact that the place I am in right now, doesn't have much canine population. I will just try to relive my experience with them, turning the clock to some 12 odd years back. There was this female dog (that single lettered word is too rude to be referred to them) who's name I can't seem to recall (Name?? Yeah, we used to do all the nomenclature for them). She was the regular stray dog of our locality. It wasn't like she was the darling or something but she did enjoy a bit of affection from the people who more or less covered her food expenses.Once while we were playing 'Hide and Seek', we came across two of her puppies in one of the old abandoned houses just across the street. They could barely walk and remained in the bushes for most part of the day. Dunno what took over me, but I picked them up and put them inside my jacket, just for the fun of it. Eventually, I decided to take them home as it was nearly sunset and the cold was setting in. I was afraid of as to what dad would say on seeing them, so I made a small home for them at our roof. It was made out of the construction bricks. Finally, I lodged them in and shut the door after ensuring a breathing orifice for them. After having persuaded mom, I was hoping that dad wouldn't come to know of them and we would see what could be done on the next morning. As poor as I was in concealing things, dad did notice something fishy. Finally, when the puppies started to squeak and squeal, mom had to spill the beans. I knew I was in deep trouble, but dad's first immediate concern was the well being of the poor creatures in such chilly cold and that too under the open sky. We rushed to their dwelling and seeing their plight I faced some amount of scolding for keeping them there. Dad took them inside and planned on letting them spend the night in. We gave them some milk and chapati. The night wasn't over yet, for they seemed unhappy or perhaps frightened of the place. Despite all our attempts, they kept on crying for most part of the night, until they finally fell asleep.On the next morning, I was pretty sure that they would get bumped courtesy of the show that they had put up. But, it wasn't to be and we finally decided to keep them. Me and the neighborhood kids had loads of fun with them and they became a seamless part of our lives. We named the puppies as Tommy and Blacky. Tommy being the older and more powerful of the two was the boss of the locality. I remember on one occasion he was dragging Blacky by the ears for one of his mischiefs. It was like the big brother giving the smaller one a bit of bashing. I tried to stop them, but my friends barred me from doing that for they were enjoying the scene. We had countless good moments with them.But the good days were not ever lasting. Once, Tommy got sick and wouldn't eat anything. We started growing increasingly concerned about him and took him to the local vet. He gave some medicine which seemed to have some effect on his health as we could finally get his jaws apart and get some milk in. However, his condition started deteriorating toward the evening and he finally gave up his struggle. He was foaming from the mouth and might have been poisoned as well. The reason could also be very similar to what m^e stated.At that point of time, I was at a complete loss and felt guilty of bringing them in at our very first meeting. Perhaps he would have been alive otherwise. With time though, things fell in place once again and the good days began again, only on this occasion it was with Blacky alone. He grew up to become the tiger of the locality and would fend of any strangers. Thieves couldn't dare place a foot at our place, all thanks to his dare devilness. As he grew up, he started expanding his exploration area and would sometimes be out for hours and even days, causing immense concern on our part. Nevertheless, he would be back for his Sunday mega feast.He must have been with us for 7-8 years. His death was even more sorrowful. We were out for a vacation to Kolkata. On returning we were stunned by the news that Blacky had been run over by a truck. It took us some time to sink all that in. Then we were told that he was still alive, barely alive. We rushed to him and saw him badly punctured. I don't want to recall the horrible battering that his body had taken. But, he was surprisingly alive, as if to have a final meeting with us. I was panicking from the scene, knowing not what to do. Yet again, I was in a scenario when I felt like the guilty one. If only we remained at our place and didn't allow him to go out and be run over by those monstrous vehicles - driven by drunken monsters themselves. But, ifs and buts were all that I had. Blacky finally passed away along the treacherous road after sipping some milk that dad had given him. I was acting like I didn't care as to what had happened to him, telling to myself that it is their fate. But I was only lying, to others and myself.There family didn't end there as some of his kids that had survived the bitter cold grew up and furthered their legacy. Most of them suffered the ill fate. Some died following unknown reasons while some were run over by the familiar monsters. To this day some or other dog pertaining to the same family lives around the locality. But not quite bounded to the extent they were before. From all of these years, I have learned a lot about these faithful creatures, enjoying their company, their love and compassion. They've left their mark on our lives and no matter where they are, they'll always remain with us, even if its just the memories.Coming back to m^e's terrible experience. I would be wrong to say that I can feel his plight, but I would say, I've been in those situations before. Why did it have to be them? I don't know whether the world is driven by Karma or it is the utter randomness that holds true. I wouldn't ask for the one who did all of that to suffer the same fate. Revenge is certainly not the way to go, at least not when it can't stop this from happening again. You can say that I wouldn't have said all of this, had it been me in your place, for I am vulnerable to the same humanly emotions as rest of us. But, try to get a hold on yourself and think deeply. Is it what you want? Blood for Blood!

Edited by turbopowerdmaxsteel (see edit history)

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This is REALLY SHOCKING! I played with them at MSE's place and I can't believe.. those lovely puppies are no more. I hope your Gf is alright. She was very much attached to them.

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Hey,I know what kind of a sick^%$&%^&^%&* would do this for ever since I was born my place has been flooded with animals of all kinds and My female cat was poisoned by a neighbour....I right now have 3 dogs, A Fish Tank full of different kinds of Fishes(Plural used when differnt breeds involved), A hamster and 2 cats so I know how you must have felt. I love my pets and would not want anything happening to them. I have seen a lot of people do this because they are in their weird little trances that the animals are dangerous, or they are malicious or like you said for their selfish purposes. Some people harm other animals just because they hate animals. Psychopaths. If that man was caught I know that he would have been bashed up. There is this show "Emergency Vets" on Animal Planet where a nice mannered German Shepherd was poisoned by a neighbour because the man did not like the dog/animals. The man was caught by police who represent animals. I liked that a lot for we definitely need that all over the world.Maybe Xisto and Xisto can combine and form a Global Police online lol.

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