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Infedility... Right Or Wrong? What would your reaction be if someone you knew was cheating?

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Hello,What would you do if your parent or friend was cheating on their partner?.I mean this is a serious problem. Would you blame the married/committed for having the affair or the other person?The married/committed would justify that they are not happy in their relationship and that they have sacrificed a lot for the family or partner and found comfort in their lover's embrace. The lover would either say that they did not know or that they were helping or openly claim to love your acquaintance.For it is proven that If your family member is cheating then there is a high risk that you too would cheat.You tell me what your reaction would be. Cheers,;)

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No excuses in my eyes, if it ever gets done on me there straight out lol, never again.If they had a problem, they should open there mouth and speak instead of opening something else for someone else eh. Or errr vice versa (minus the opening part depending on how you read it).

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Exaggeration: I would want to rip their face off of their skull.


I do not think that anybody has any excuse to cheat. I would be forgiving of the person who has cheated (I am very religious and believe in second chances). I would be willing to take them back if they truly felt remorse for what they have done. Them cheating would definitely put romance on hold until trust is built back.


All in all, cheating is a very bad thing and is not kosher (pardon the expression) at all in any case. Go through the proper channels (divorce if married or break-up if dating) if you want separation.

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i think it might also depend on why they r doing it in a sense its wrong wither way but if u fall out of love with the one u cheated on then maybe there isnt anything wrong with it but u should definetly break up with youre partner and tell them that u cheated on them

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Hello,One of my friends had cheated on her boyfriend because he was not there to provide emotional support, later she did tell him and he went on suspecting her even though she never cheated ever again. He knew that but he kept putting himself as he was scared of being hurt but ended up hurting himself more than ever. They broke up for he put her in a depression all over again.I mean I was confused on whose fault it was the guy's or the girl's and it is disappointing for they both were responsible for the break up. So I guess it takes both partners to end the relationship.

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I don't agree with that at all frankly. I mean yes one partner might do something that drives the other to cheat BUT relationships ALWAYS have hard aspects to them. If instead of communicating and dealing with a problem you just run to the bed of someone else it is that persons fault NOT the one who "caused the issue" that drove you to it. Fights happen in relationships, disagreements happen, its the way life works.Basically I think if you cheat on someone you shouldn't even be allowed to ask to get back together with them. The entire idea of cheating makes me sick, I mean, you can't love someone if you would do that to them regardless of why you convince yourself you did it. Break up with them first at least so that if they want to take you back, and least you were honest the entire time and not hiding what you were doing.So to summarize I don't think you can justify it, and claiming it's both peoples fault doesn't jive with me. One might react to the others actions but if partner A does something partner B dislikes, that doesn't justify partner B cheating.

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Beh... Hard subject.For myself, as far as I'm concerned, I will never cheat and never want to be in a relationship that's anything but monogamous.But, for anyone else, as with every other subject, I say 'whatever works'.I think if two people are in a relationship and just don't care if the other person is committed or not, let 'em at it.I have a really similar concept on almost anything... I have my own opinion and standards for myself and my own situations, but for anyone else, as long as all parties are in knowledge and consent, I don't see anything wrong with it.Hell, I don't think there's anything wrong with ritualistic sacrifice as long as the sacrificed has agreed to it. Y'know?I don't think society (Covers law, government, culture, and other opinions) has any place in trying to limit what you can do.If you want to do something, I say go for it as long as it isn't something that will unwantedly destroy another person's life.

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I think if two people are in a relationship and just don't care if the other person is committed or not, let 'em at it.

Agreed. I would say there's no point in pushing your beliefs on other people. All circumstances, are, after all, different.

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