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Check Out This Interesting Information I Found. Science research.

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Bone, Knee, Hip and Joint Advances"Recommended. The information in this program, as well as the entire series, is up-to-date and of interest to both general audiences and to medical specialists." -EMR Online
"Osteoporosis" - a new diagnostic device screens for signs of weakening of the bones; "See Through Bones" - a new x-ray machine which offers doctors extremely accurate details of bones; "Dem Bones" - lasers can now be used to stimulate bone growth; "Thinking Knee" - a new artificial knee is computerized, meaning amputees will find walking easier; "Artificial Knees" - a new artificial knee promises patients active, pain-free joints; "Big Hip" - x-ray measurements help program a pain-free, limp-less, artificial hip. 01/06DR IJSCA 30 min.

Cancer Advances
"Marrow Harvest" - presents a new technique in which marrow cells can be extracted from a patient's bloodstream without the need for surgery, a welcome alternative to painful bone marrow extraction; "Cell Selection" - how scientists have developed an ingenious system to separate good cells from bad ones using electricity; "Light Cure" - a new instrument focuses a light on cancerous cells that have been soaked with a cream painlessly curing certain skin cancers; "Oncological Frogs" - carry cancer-killing venom which can eliminate cancerous cells. 01/06DR IJSCA 20 min.

Dental Care Advances
"Tooth Protection" - plants are being bred to produce specific molecules to protect teeth; "Fillings By Numbers" - computers, an infra-red camera and a robot are used to create once-in-a-lifetime fillings; "Glass Teeth" - a new way of protecting the teeth of younger patients with fluoride; "Growing Teeth" - dentists are on the verge of re-growing teeth, eliminating the need for fillings. 01/06DR IJSCA 20 min.

Doctors Using High Technology
"Recommended. A wide variety of technology advances; each segment presents a brief overview covering 4-5 minutes for each advance from development to implementation." -EMR Online
"Paramedic Sight" - wearing a special transmitter a paramedic sends pictures of a patient back to a doctor for expert assessment; "Heart Phone - a band on a patient's chest relays a heart beat by phone to a cardiac specialist; "TV Diagnosis "- videoconferencing allows country doctors to speak to and consult specialists in real time; "Telecare" - a sensor can check an elderly person's moves, providing them with independence knowing help is at hand; "Digital Hospital" - digitizing x-rays means fewer are needed and they can be called up instantly using a computer; "Surgery Trainer" - a new virtual reality training system allows doctors to do keyhole surgery in front of a computer. 01/06DR IJSCA 30 min.

Eye, Ear and Nose Advances
"Laser Eyes" - laser surgery, which takes 15 seconds, brings life-long benefit for people with nearsightedness; "Glaucoma" - by asking patients to identify flickering targets on a computer screen, early signs of glaucoma can be detected; "Liquid Specs"- inexpensive glasses, made from plastic bags and water, can bring sight to impoverished people in Third World countries; "Sound Breakers" - Tinnitus, a disease that causes sounds and "ringing" in the ears, can now be relieved by listening to a specially recorded song of the sea; "Dizzy Spells" - tiny crystals caught in the inner ear is the most common form of vertigo. Now an arcade-like simulator helps dislodge those crystals; "Snore Stop" - a simple operation in which a laser cuts a thin layer of soft palate helps people troubled by snoring. 01/06DR IJSCA 30 min.

Heart, Blood and Breathing Advances
"Fatty Heart" - a new and simple test for the chemical hydro peroxide offers an indication of the risk to life from a heart attack; "Vibrating Arteries" - a safe new method using a vibrating catheter, its gentle oscillation breaks down dangerous fatty tissue in veins; "Miniature Miracle" - a miniature ultra-sound probe, so small it can be guided along arteries, proves better than x-rays to surgeons; "Deep Vein Screener" - a simple checking of veins to avoid thrombosis during an operation; "Powerbreathe" - a new exercise device, excellent for asthmatics, helps people exercise their breathing muscles; "Breathing Easier" - a new heat exchanger for the home kills dust mites, making breathing healthier, especially for asthmatics. 01/06DR IJSCA 30 min.

Muscle Mobility Advances
"Standing Up" - electrode implants stimulate leg muscles and help paraplegics stand; "Electronic Insoles" - electronic insoles redistribute pressure on the feet and help a polio victim walk; "Meyer Hip Brace" - Dr. Paul Meyer's brace helps children with Cerebral Palsy sit upright and walk with less difficulty; "Gait Lab" - brain-damaged children are given a mind poison to relax their muscles, allowing normal development to take place; "Village Wheelchair" - a low-tech wheelchair offers hope to less fortunate people who cannot get jobs because they are not mobile. 01/06DR IJSCA 20 min.

Natural, Synthetic and Innovative Advances
"Highly Recommended. Each segment of the program is clearly delineated and the content of each is brief and informative. The video and audio quality are clear and well edited, and at 30 minutes long it is ideal for a class showing with time for discussion. Enough information is given so students can easily find more information in the magazine or journal literature using library databases." -EMR Online
"Sugar Vaccine" - a natural sugar has been developed to preserve vaccines without refrigeration, making them simple to transport; "Biomimesis" - a natural, human molecule is synthesized, allowing surgeons to coat objects being inserted into human bodies and not reject them; "Pips and AIDS" - a virucide against AIDS has been isolated from the seeds of the pomegranate. Now researchers are trying to manufacture the agent from other plants; "Xenova" - profiles a small bio-technology company that analyzes plants to look for natural cures of illnesses; "Stomatex" - a comfortable, non-irritating support bandage mimics the way plants breathe; "Battery Blanket" - an innovative blanket, warmed by battery power, is safe, portable and ideal to use in cases of shock or exposure; "Pure Nicotene" - nicotene can now be crystallized; then turned into lozenges to help people quit smoking. 01/06DR IJSCA 30 min.

Pain Relief Advances
"Ametop Gel" - a new gel that acts as a skin anesthetic. So powerful, it is now used during skin-grafting operations; "Pain Relief" - an electronic device bursts high voltage signals through the spinal column helping to alleviate chronic pain; "Superglue Stitches" - a chemical superglue that will set in warm, wet wounds eliminates the need for stitches; "Meningitis Test" - a new blood and ultrasound test for meningitis that gets vital results within three minutes; "Popping Pill" - a new pill for sufferers of Arthritis that can be taken at bedtime and begins to work two hours before a person wakes up. 01/06DR IJSCA 30 min.

Scanners, X-Rays and Lasers
"Surgeon's New Eyes" - a safe, non-invasive MRI scanning system allows surgeons to see organs moving inside the body; "Kindly Light" - a non-invasive, portable scanner, using light not x-ray, to scan a baby's brain; "3D Computer" - digitized 3D imaging of the human skull are fast becoming necessary tools in hospitals and schools of dentistry; "Laser Blood Flow" - a laser technique has been refined to observe blood flow in major arteries, an important development in dealing with diabetes; "Burnt Laser" - the Doppler Effect is being used to precisely diagnose burns, which may help in avoiding disfiguring scars. 01/06DR IJSCA 30 min.

Using Animals and Insects in Medicine
"Transgenic Chickens" - an essential chemical for hemophiliacs has been discovered to reside in a chicken's egg and is now readily and inexpensively available; "Leeches" - Leeches provide a dependable anti-coagulant to help prevent blood clots and consequent heart attacks; "Tissue Culture" - artificial skin, necessary for some forms of plastic surgery, is grown on membrane of a hen's egg; "Medicinal Maggots" - maggots can now be used as "instruments" to delicately clean wounds; "Dog Caregiver" - dogs can provide excellent care for anyone who is incapacitated, such as stroke victims; "Venomous Viper" - new knowledge about snake habits and their venom could help save many lives. 01/06DR IJSCA 30 min.
Associated Article: Annals of Medicine: Bloodsuckers -The New Yorker, July 25, 2005

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