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The Government And Riaa ARGGGGG

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I have really become mad and pissed at the government and espcially the RIAA over the music downloading stuff....I read an article about a single mother that didnt get child support and worked at a sugar factory making 21 000 a year....Her 14 year old daughter was downloading music and was caught by the RIAA and they fined them 500 000 dollars....the mother said she couldnt pay it (DUH) so they offered to close the case at 4000 dollars but the mother couldnt pay it....I didnt sea the outcome but this makes me wonder.... The government says that we cannot work until age 16....okkkk so no money is getting made here....The government says we have to PAY for our cds to get music....Ok so I cant make money but I have to buy music.....The government then finds P2P going on and they start fining people thousands of dollars for getting something they want due to the laws the government made....Now the government made the patriotic act which takes away alot of your rights and allows them to hack our computers, tap our phones, stalk us, and take information of ours that they shouldnt have.....This makes me feel like they are making a dictatorship... Its just very hard for a 15 year old to live in a time like this... Do you guys feel like this?

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I completely agree with this 100%, and I was wondering about the legality of the government hacking our computers just for financial gain, and you agree with me on this :)I read a story on the internet that says that the MPAA or RIAA (I don't remember) sued a deceased woman (not a typo). This tells us that the MPAA or RIAA ONLY wants money because they don't take the time to research on the person they're suing, or in this case, to find out if they're alive or not.

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welll why should the person downloading the music get sued first of all? the person that puts it on the site should get sued. or something..this RIAA industry needs to dos omething and not make some people pay for nothing. y should it be illegal to download music anyway? if its on a website..its there for a reason! if its illegal than it shouldnt be in a place where ppl can download it .. but they jsut want money so

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