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Sk8 Bording If u sk8 bord

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Hmmmm?..Skate boarding. It is been a while (9 years maybe?). I have roller bladed and skied much more recently. Kick flip yeah I could do triple kick flips sometimes. I forget what an olli 50-50 was. I use to be able to do 180?s maybe 360?s in the air when olling, lots of grinds, olli down stairs. I never did more the four or five stairs. I never had too big a bail on a skate board. I was roller balding down a hill this year and tried to turn to quickly into a drive way. I had road rash over half my stomach. The worst I would get for skateboarding is a scrapped elbow or a mildly sprained ankle. I use to hate when I land a trick on my heal. I never figured out how pressure flips worked. I could do an Olli impossible though.

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