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Mmorpgs Whats your poison?

What's your poison?  

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Ill go first, my MMORPGs are Everquest II, because its immersive and has lots of good points (like graphics, quests, races etc...) Star Wars Galaxies, well that's because I'm a starwars geek, and just the idea of running around on Tatooine, watching the twin suns set gives me the chills B) Planetside, good FPS for when I need to relax. I also played WoW, was good but after a while it became a bit too repetitive, meaning all quests were kill X of Y, bring Y of X, give X to Y. Also played CoH, but I stopped until CoV comes out, I'm not a nice guy :)

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I play the he double hockey sticks out of some fantasy games period, but i have active subscriptions to Everquest 1, Everquest 2, World of Warcraft, & Star Wars Galaxies I have beta'ed for Guild Wars, and Gates to Heaven, played Knight Online as well.Fantasy games give you more the ability to break away from real life which is nice as long as you can differentiate between the 2 some people have that problem lol.So I am with the majority so far which is Fantasy style games. I can go into details on each MMO that is out there but I will leave that for another thread at another time.

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I prefer Sci-Fi because i'm true Mechwarrior and playing simulator games... practically all this games based on sci-fi backgrounds and it's the main factor coz i like technics :)
And the second factor is that i'm playing online in mechwarrior and game became less popular than before and this factor forced me to find anythk else to do while we are searching for enemy who'll try to opposite my team (we are the best by the way :) ) It gives me aa lot of time to spend in other game which isn't taking much time and can be closed in any moment B)
In a word this 2 easy factors turned me to play mmorpg B)
And now i'm playing eve-online and earning some real money on it ;)

Keeper, Sons of the Dragon http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

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i'm a fantasy gimp aswell. i just love the magic and creatures involved in them, so much more interesting than mechs and vehicles imho. even so, i still play sci-fi mmorpgs and find them equally ammusing. i think it's just because of the atmoshpere fantasy games give which make them all the more special to play. :)

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