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Step By Step North West too many math, lets geo ;)

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Simple question: where do you end up if you will long enough go to north-west?
Possible answers: starting point or north.
Which one is right? :D:)

i doonno what kind of Game it is but lookover here
First of All we have to know that Earth is not perfect round its more like oviform but all the same is in Theory!! anyway in real Geometric pointations more difficult then we can think about it! so we cant say easly where we get, form position in Theory when we wll except perfect Round then i think we wll get right to starting position!!!

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If one goes by a compass, and always has to travel north west, then I think, after starting at any point on earth - assuming earth is a perfect sphere or even a bit bulged around equator - one would end up practically at north pole. I say practically at north pole because, once we start traveling north west, we will never reach north pole, but would spiral into it. Once we reach the north pole, we would be going around the north pole for eternity with the radius getting smaller and smaller a wee bit every time we come around, but theoretically, we will never reach the north pole point - as long as we consider ourselves to be a point in geometry - of course.

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