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Help: Installing In Root Directory Installing Mambo in root directory

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Hello, I am hoping that you would be able to be of any assistance to me in this matter.I would like to install Mambo in the root directory of my site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - yet I am having a lot of difficulty in doing so, due to the fact that some files are already stored in that location:Look for yourself:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - has files in it, so I can't install Joomla in that root directory.So, I can't really have any sub-domains, because when I have a domain, and I need to put things like mail.mafamba.whatever in - I can't because it would have to be : mail.mafamba.info/mamboor something like that.For the long and short of it, I would like to know how it is possible to install mambo onto the main directory of my domain.ThankyouMafamba Team

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what I suggest is that you set up a redirect through your cpanel that will make your mambo file into the main page. Or do up a php script that does the same thing.

<?phpheader('Location: http://google.com;

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in your cpanel click on manage redirects do this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

and then select permanent.It should work successfully but if not use the php code that I used and that will do the same.

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Have you tried the redirect service in cpanel? Have you tried deleting the files and folders using File Manager in cpanel and re FTPing the Joomla folder?? If they dont delete first time...change thier permissions to 777 and you should be able to do it then.. I am sure if you did it this way there would be no problem.. You should then FTP the contents of the Joomla folder...not the Joomla folder otherwise you will end up with this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I use BulletProof FTP and I can open a folder and just drag its contents and drop it onto the public_html folder and its fine.. Then you should be able to start the Joomla install routine by going here in the browser..




That should bring you to the default install page.. That should leave you with http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


being able to open the default Joomla template and default content.. Well I have experience also of running multiple Joomla installations on the same Xisto acount.. All I did was make a sub folder called "cms" then I make a folder for each site and each Joomla install like Joomla1 and Joomla2.. SO when I FTP Joomla to the directory - note here to save BW ..leave the Joomla install in zip format...ftp that zip to somewhere under the public_html folder and use file manager in cpanel to extract it to the joomla folders...that was you save BW because cpanel is doing to work for you and your not uploading it multiple times..because rememeber uploading to your site is also causing traffic and that will be taken from your BW for the month. Also when in cpanel I goto the MYSQL manager and make a new DB for the new Joomla site (not DO NOT forget to give yourself all the permissions on that DB..i had some problems with this once!!!!! also DO NOT use the checkbox "ALL" for some unkown reason in the new cpanel this causes problems!! instead check all the boxes manually to give yourself FULL permissions to the DB. When you start the Joomla install just point it to the new DB you created and then it works.. So if you have mulitple sites what do you do ?? First of all I know some people on Joomla forums say its ok just to use one DB for many Joomla sites...this can get very messy (I know from experience!@!@) and mainly pppl are doing this cos their host only allows them to create one DB per hosting account...here @Xisto were not limited that way so its best to make one per site..then it really doesnt matter what Prefix each install of Joomla uses for its DB but remember to give yourself the permissions :).. So then the next step is to redirect your domain name to the individual Joomla Installs... https://www.eurodns.com/ to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This should all run fine now. I have used a company for a free domain name of .co.nr get one here http://www.freedomain.pro/ This place is good no bull**** no ads no banners no Iframes...all you have to do is insert a tiny little gif with a linkback to them on your START page...I normally put mine in the footer way down the page so noone really sees it...they seem fine with that!! ive had my site checked by them many times and no problems at all..so you show the ad once on one page and your done.. They provide full redirection and full cloaking of the URL so this is great for a free service to get multiple sites going on one Xisto account...cos you just redirect like in my example above.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ In the next week I relaunch my Sound of the Suburbs site to a brand new Joomla site with a template ive made and I will buy a new domain name from Xisto - Web Hosting and then redirect that and most prolly i will leave in the .co.nr redirect for a few months also.. Im working a lot at the moment and cant post as much as I should...but I am actually writing a Joomla Tutorial for the forum here, Ive been playing around with soo much in the last 3 months I pretty much know most of it inside out now and Im trying out the new beta of the 1.5 of Joomla so I will report my findings on that soon also.. Ive become a real Joomla fan in the last few months..and hopefully it will actually start bringing in work for me..ive already got two clients very interested in buying sites ive made in Joomla as demos to show off what it can do. Clients seem knocked down by the idea that they dont need to employ anyone or spend money on the updating of content, the fact is they can do it themselves just by logging in as a user and copying and pasting from email...word...notepad..etc and then publish it with one click!!.. Ive got an estate agent really interested in this method of content management cos he had a guy in his office that does all the posting of new houses for sale on thier website..but hes leaving the company next month and no one there has any webskills at all...so ive showed him how easy it is to get acticles he makes in word on the site..hes so impressed I think im going to get a contract to rebuild and redisgn his whole site into Joomla ..charge quite a lot to him because in the long run hes saving money cos he doesnt need to replace this guy who his leaving him...then i think it will work;) Joomla to the rescue!! l;)

Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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basically to use the code all you do is create blank index page and load that up to your main page with the code i provided up top just put the location of the joomla folder and it will redirect it 1-5 secs after someone goes to that page. Do make note to add some text saying that they are being redirected.

but oyu have to remember you need to have the full link in the redirect page meaning it has to be the full location like so


I set up an example for you using my account

this link will become


this link, that is how the redirect works.

If need be have a blank index file to be used as the cpanel redirect.

However if you don't use the pre-install script and load it your self you might get past all that nonsense. For some reason unless some knows why when you use the pre-install script you can't upload it to the main folder for some reason.

But the cpanel i gave you should work if in you need some more help contact me either at msn @ saint-michael@hotmail.com or saint_zodiac@yahoo.com and I give walk you through it a bit better.

Edited by saint-michael (see edit history)

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