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Help! (continuation Of Topic Below) cmon im beginning to lose guests

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i got 1k+ hits today so far, many whom i believe were dissapointed to see that the anticipated release date that had been posted for so long was false. Ive recieved about 26 complaint emails so far and i hate to be the source of any dissatisfaction among our fans. So i plead to anyone that can do anything, PLEASE try to clear records of me on your hosting server! i attempted to register myhosting sometime last week when the cpanel wasnt working and it messed up and ran an incomplete installation on the account i was supposed to have..... Its just a usergroup "mirdux" does not exist.... Please guys, i dont know how patient my guests are, and we arent playing a show in a month or two, and the website is the only thing that keeps them caught up on us.. And i cant over-stress that its killing me to let my band down on this one. So please, could someone make an admin know in bold this situation so it may be dealt with? Thank you.

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Okay, here is the problem. Your account creation cannot be executed until the cPanle issue is resolved. Even if we manage to reset your username, the system isn't working.

Here is what I suggest.

Goto http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and get an ad supported hosting account there and upload your website to it.
Then go to GoDaddy and set your domain name to forward to your temporary website until we can get your hosting account fixed here.

It won't be the best solution but it will get your fans a place a go.

I'm sorry that I didn't think of this option before yout release date.

You'll have to change your nameserver back to GoDaddy and repark your domain there and then set your forwarding service to whatever your temporary url is. If you choose to, you can also use a doamin mask which will always display your domain name instead of the username.trap17.net url. :P Lucky that you registered with GoDaddy since these options are free there but ususally charged for at most registrars.

Hope this provides you with a suitable temporary solution to your problem.


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Man, I don't even know what to say. It just seems like nothing is working for you now. I think maybe we should just ask you to leave an never come back again. :P We never had these kind of problems until you got here.:PI have no idea what is wrong with Xisto.net since it doesn't use cPanel so the upgrade wouldn't have been an issue. I really wish that there was something I could do but all of that is server ROOT access only. There is only one person with that level of access and he has mid term exams coming up soon which is the reason for he=is absense with this problem. I'm sure he will fix the system as soon as he has the time but I don't know when that will be.vujsa

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Man, I don't even know what to say. It just seems like nothing is working for you now. I think maybe we should just ask you to leave an never come back again. :P We never had these kind of problems until you got here.:P
I have no idea what is wrong with Xisto.net since it doesn't use cPanel so the upgrade wouldn't have been an issue.

I really wish that there was something I could do but all of that is server ROOT access only. There is only one person with that level of access and he has mid term exams coming up soon which is the reason for he=is absense with this problem. I'm sure he will fix the system as soon as he has the time but I don't know when that will be.


Understood. damn tho until then could you point in the direction to any stmp mail providers that would allow me an adress of ******@mirduxband.com(my domain) ????? i dont really car about ads at this point but once you guys get this resolved please let it be known. Sorry for the oddly-timed problems :P . Anyhow. yeah so thanks for your help and thought anyhow.

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I'm pretty sure that you have a free email account waiting for you to set up at GoDaddy.com. Not sure what all it includes but it should fill your needs until a better option can be found.Again, aren't you glad that you used GoDaddy?vujsa

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I'm pretty sure that you have a free email account waiting for you to set up at GoDaddy.com. Not sure what all it includes but it should fill your needs until a better option can be found.
Again, aren't you glad that you used GoDaddy?


naw man i love gdaddy but they do nt do smtp, and require the MX records to be in their name, which my current host (awardspace) does not support, so technically i can get a email@ my domain, but it doesnt have smtp, so i cant really send messages..

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