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Supernovas Interesting topic to ponder about.

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When a star that's more than eight times the mass of our sun burns out, gravity's inward tug tears apart the star's innards. It collapses and then rebounds. Which results in a astronomic explosion.This astronomic explosion is called a supernova, the explosion propels jets of high-energy light and matter out into space. The hurling remains and the material they encounter are heated to millions of degrees and can emit intense X-ray radiation for thousands of years.This will result into a neutron star also called a black hole. What makes this interesting is that our sun itself is slowly dying. Not soon enough that we will be experience or be able to witness a supernova first hand but it makes me think its only a matter of time before human existence is gone and wiped out.From what I have researched it has been documented that gamma rays from a supernova induce a chemical reaction in the upper atmosphere, converting ozone into nitrous oxide, depleting the ozone layer enough to expose the surface to harmful solar and cosmic radiation. So from this, other supernovas that are occuring are some what affecting our very planets ozone layer.

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This will result into a neutron star also called a black hole. What makes this interesting is that our sun itself is slowly dying. Not soon enough that we will be experience or be able to witness a supernova first hand but it makes me think its only a matter of time before human existence is gone and wiped out.

Hummm yeah, but... That'll take billions of years. I suppose we're extincted long before that...

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