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Greetings! AKA Procrastinating writer attempting to force herself to get things d

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Hello, everyone. You can call me NigaiAmai Yume.


Or BitterSweet Dreams. Or PaperDolls. Actually, I go by a lot of names; I've decided to stick with my (to be) web-site name in the forums to streamline things. I'll answer to just about anything that's obviously directed at me and not offensive. ^-^ Comes from being named Mary-Melissa in real life, I suppose. ^-^


Why I am here:


As stated above, I am a writer. And by writer, I mean I have 15 long* works**, mostly fantasty, developing in my head.


* By long, I refer to anything with a decently organized plot that's become novel length, TV series, movie, comic series, or independent RPG setting wtih established NPCs. And one novella, but it's one of my more serious works, so I'm counting it.


** This count is only of works that I would like to someday publish, and so does not include fan fiction. You do NOT want to know what THAT would total. o_O


If you're still with me, you can imagine that I've got a lot of work ahead of me.


Unfortunately, the amount of stuff actually WRITTEN on any of the above fills about a notebook once printed. Experience has shown that I only seem to get things done when I have deadlines to freak about, and up until now things have been only in my head (And babbling to whoever will listen. Those have been surprisingly well receieve, however...).


Therefore, I've decided to try and put a couple of my more developed works on-line as serial novels. Get stuff written, impose deadlines to force myself to get stuff written, and hopefully generate feedback (and, if miracles occur, a touch of recognition for when I finally DO get these published).


As you can probably guess, I'm planning on using Xisto to start my website. The forums actually seem to be a bonus tool in completing my goal (Especially since I'm going to try to do all the HTML and coding from the ground up myself, and so will need a LOT of help...) as well as giving me a place to promote.


We'll see how this all works.


Oh, dear, I just realized I didn't mention my characters. Who've all managed to develop relatively-independent existance in my head, and have insisted on helping "run" the web site. Well, I hadn't wanted to scare people off TOO much.... I'll save them for later. VEG


If you're STILL with me, brief preview of the two stories that will hopefully form the backbone of my website:


Phoenix Flair, Dragon Descent


Byline: Kinda Lord of the Rings through Oriental myth, where the "ring of ultimate power" that just about everyone wants destroyed is the two main characters.



Koiugen has spent her entire life with the burden of one gold eye and one sky blue, showing her as the last of a rare bloodline that can channel the thoughts and spirit of her goddess, Koiureiza, the Great Bird of Fire and Air. As such, she is desperate to live as a symbol for her people, control the raging power within her, and find a way to bear a child that can continue her duties. Koiureiza's will, however, has drawn her to run away from her mountain clan, towards something she cannot identify.

Shiren Lo was once called Boichukai, the reincarnation of the Dragon god of Water and Earth. Fearing the madness that has claimed all others of his line that bears the mark of the blue and brown eyes, he has fleed the sancuatry of his desert people, seeking things he has only seen in dreams: a wide and clear ocean, and a glorious lady of light and life.

It was destiny that they would find each other.

But will destiny also dictate that they must continue the fight the lovers Koiureiza and Boichukai began a millenia ago, destroying the world in the process?


(Gads, I hate trying to describe PFDD. The full series is six books long, involves the plotting of eight other gods besides Koiureiza and Boichukai, some of whom are TRYING to get the world destroyed, and it's all told through the perspective of the mostly-mortal Koiugen and Shiren. I mean, we don't even START finding out what's really going on until the end of book 2! How am I supposed to give a good synopsis without giving everything away?? LOL)



Vampyre Hymn


Byline: Modern supernatural drama, where living with the consequences of choses means living with the very force of your beliefs.



Everyone changes reality on the basis of their belief. For some, the effect they have reaches farther.

Gloria used to be a normal girl. Holly used to be her mostly-normal sister that just happened to live inside Gloria's head.

But what both believe about themselves - truly believe - is true. Which causes quite a few complications when Holly believes that her becoming a vampire shouldn't damn Gloria as well.

Elijah used to be a normal boy.

Now he's a magnet for anything dark and dangerous, and the force is only growing stronger. He's got to learn to fight the things coming after him, or become dinner for whichever of the legions of vampires, werewolves, and other nasties catches him off guard first.

All he's got to teach him and protect him are a bitter and religious mostly-human Gloria and the mostly-vampire Holly that still lives inside her head.

Good thing Holly's been living off of vampire's the past four years. That takes care of one problem...


(Three season television series that also has a CSI-inspired alternate universe spin off.)




I wonder just how long I can keep this all up before being locked up in the looney bin once and for all? LOL

Edited by NigaiAmai Yume` (see edit history)

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Wow that was long. I like the story about the eyes and all that. Sounds like good fun. Do you think you are a creative individual or just a geniues...hmmm what to say about all the things you said anyways great stuff and I'm def interested.

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Ah! Finally we have some more who have interests in writing around here in the Xisto forums.I have been here for quite sometime, and I will tell you that people here are very talented. I have seen a lot many talents here, and I can say that I have found my place among AstaHosters. I too am presently involved in literary works, but I have not been able to actually create a work that is long enough for publishing. I am involving myself in lot many activities and that is why my time is stretched thin - I program and webdesign, I do some art, and as I said, I write.You seem to be in quite same lines as I have been in terms of literary work - though ofcourse, you are quite ahead of me. :) I enjoy reading intricate and long plots - both fantasy and science fiction. From the great introduction you have give, I can say right away that we are going to enjoy our time here with you. Come to think of it, may be we can work out something together too.Once I have some works to show in the realm I have created, I would also like to do some literary works on your world. May be you could write one in mine. But that would requrie time though.Anyway, welcome to Xisto and enjoy your stay.

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Ok, I'm going to keep this short and sweet (yeah, right!)



Before all else, let me welcome you here. As Vyoma adequately put it, it's not so common to find literary inclinations in technical forums, so it's always a pleasure :D.



"Procrastinating writer attempting to force herself to get things done"... I couldn't have found a better way to describe how I look at myself from time to time (except for the female reference :)).



As for your Website, I wish you best of luck with it. Be sure that you're going to find here all the help you might ever need. And as for your literary works, well, be sure you already have 2 fans, Vyoma and myself :).



Glad to have you with us. Cheers.

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