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Maple Story A great FREE MMO for casual play with friends...

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I've gotten into a quite popular game called maple story lately, and although it started out very slow and boring. I found that my experience with the game was quite satisfying. There is no pvp, but its just a nice place to play with your friends and communicating meeting new people. This game is basically for the casual players, but the hardcore players will be rewarded with new a fancy moves. To me this game is like a action-role playing game, with GUNBOUND (a tank like game in 2D also very fun) graphics. Those that cant handle or pay the money for games to play online, you should definitely look in to this game it offers a lot for both type of players such as the casual and the hardcore. For a little summary of how you will start off and finish is like this, you first start out as a noobie no skills and nothing but a clothes and a weak weapon at the start. You go on various quests on your mission to level up. As you reach level 10 (8 for mages) you can find your first job which consists of thiefs, mages, warriors, and archers. You also go on really neat party quests, which is a room where you go on a adventure with a party of 4 people at level 20. And there is also a big giant boss at the end of every party quest. After you reach level 30 you would have to continue to train alone, unitl your can make the 2nd job advancement, which is a deeper level of your current job, but this time it branches into the different specifics. When your reach your 2nd job at level 40 you will get to use some really cool abilites that will shock people around you. But yet ofcourse, it takes a lot of time and dedication if you want to reach these levels, only a few can have enough heart and time to reach these levels. But once you start to get into the game youll find that you will probably want to advance to your 3rd job, because this job advancement here is probably the best accomplishment if you can reach this stage. The skills at this stage of the game is very eye catching, just looking at the others that have already reached this stage will make you want to achieve this level of accomplishment as well. But the bad side, it will probably take you forever to reach this stage...But to really enjoy this game, is to enjoy it with friends, it makes leveling that much quicker. If none of your friends can play or like to play this game you should make some online, it will make your experience much more joyful. If you really want me to summarize what I just said, this game is pretty much a really cool 2D side scroller with a very long but rewarding grind. So again, if you are looking for a nice MMO to play but dont have the time or money to play, try this one its free and you will have the experience of an MMO just like the other games. :unsure:

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I've played it only for a few seconds because it seems boring. The thought of a 2d game doesn't really bother me but i think player vs player is necissary in a good rpg game. There are better rpgs out there but for a person with a low end computer it's some cheap entertainment.-HellFire

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I played MapleStory for a very long time, and I love it. But I've got to admit.. it gets a bit repetitive. Dx Killing the same monsters over and over, taking forever to level up, hardly having any quests..I think it was the original graphics that kept me going. =w=;;

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