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All About Wow Endgame! Is it worth it...?

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Well...first of all, World of Warcraft is a great game. I have 45 DAYS of in-game played time on my level 60 undead warlock. WoW was my life... and there was SO MUCH to do, or so I thought. First off, after getting to 60 (which is way easier than many MMORPGs) I decided to do the BGs (Battlegrounds) and get high rank so I could get some good armor...well, I spent 2 months grinding in the battlegrounds. Everyday all day long...and I finally got to Champion and got what I was after, the Champion Set! 2 months of incredibly boring grinding was to an end. I did a bunch of instance runs next, UBRS, LBRS, UD Strat, Scholo, and went on raids with my guild to ZG, MC, and BWL. Wow I was having fun, getting on TS (TeamSpeak) and talking while forming strategies on how to down the bosses, all the while getting DKP with my guild! Well, after awhile that got boring...doing the same thing every week in the hopes of the 1% drop chance you are after. I went back to the BGs and got Exalted with the Defilers, and got the Ironbark Staff... Oh boy! Well, what more was there to do...? More endless runs with my guild...? More endless BGs to High Warlord...? I had gotten my epic mount long ago so that goal was gone. There was no longer anything I could do to easily get better...all I could do was wander and wait...waiting for BGs to pop, waiting for guild to do runs...waiting...And I had enough...in an MMORPG you are suppose to get the reward of fun at high level, doing things that others can't...in WoW EVERYONE is max level, and EVERYONE does the same thing. WoW is a great game, but once you have done it all there is nothing left to do. It's true they add more content every little while...such as the Ahn'Qiraj area, and now the Necropolis and the Scourge invasion...but these are just an extension of what you are already bored of...where is the challenge, the heroics, the adventure...? 40 people to kill Onyxia, why not 4, or 1? You can never truly obtain real power in WoW, no matter how long you play...it'll still be the 40 man raids and the same old thing...

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World of Warcraft to me was never really a interesting game. I tried it during its beta stage and wasnt really satisfied with its gameplay. I then waited until it finished and have established a foundation for itself and tried it again recently, and I still find the game uninteresting. From the many MMORPGs that I have experianced I have learned that from the begining of the game you get really into the game, but as you progress into the game you began to realize that this game will run out of interesting things to do. I also noticed that MMORPGs are only fun and enjoyable if you have REAL friends to play with you.With real friends you guys can actually communicate with each other rather well, and have a more interesting time with the game then you would with a stranger. I know that MMORPGs you are supposed to play it to meet others, but they will always be a stranger that you have met online. A game like World of Warcraft only has so much to do before it gets repetitive when you play by yourself. But when I think of it, and really analyze everything, no game out there will or can possible entertain you forever. You will always reach some point in the game where it will just lose its spark when you first started playing the game.Trust me on this, I have gone through many MMORPGs, such as Star Wars Galaxies, Lineage II, GunBound, Maple Story, Ragnark, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars and possible some other no name MMORPGs as well. All suddenly end up dull after you have reached the climax of the games gameplay. Maybe one day there will be a game that will and can satisfy us for a long time, but other than that I dont think there is a single game out there that can possible keep on playing hours on end like when we would first start it.

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