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Recent Photos: Train Station sharing photos taken at train station

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I recently helped a friend of mine move to Cambria, CA, so after I helped her move there,

I rode back to Los Angeles on a train. My train was very late so I decided to take some

pictures outside of the old station in San Luis Obispo, CA. I made the photos a sepia tone

to give an old feeling to them.


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Edited by foolakadugie (see edit history)

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Really nice pics. I don't know what it is about the Sepia, but it gives the pics a real nice feel. I like the first pic the best. It's got that special "I don't know where this path leads me" kind of feel to it :unsure:.

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Really nice pics. I don't know what it is about the Sepia, but it gives the pics a real nice feel. I like the first pic the best. It's got that special "I don't know where this path leads me" kind of feel to it :unsure:.

Thanks! Yeah the sepia worked out nicely. The color seemed to take away from the composition and forms in the images, so I decided that the sepia would be appropriate, especially since the location is a historical area and sepia tends to be associated with nostalgia.

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Man OH Man !! The first and the third pics simply ROCK !! You were right.. Sepia lends a totally different charm to the whole thing.. these pics would have been quite different and somewhat lacking unless for the Sepia toning. Terrific work dude :unsure:

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Same here. I really like the first and third because they're simpler, and you can tell right away what you're looking at. The sepia makes them look more elegant, and less like a real train station :DInteresting idea.

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I know foolakadugie posted these a while back but im interested if youd like to share a few of your photos for designs. Id like to use a few to make covers, designs and stuff like that, use them for manips, sigs, and any other stuff like that.If so let me know, or post some works here.. so we can use.. Im always interested in photos, im just not good at taking them and i dont just want to use your images without your permission.

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I know foolakadugie posted these a while back but im interested if youd like to share a few of your photos for designs. Id like to use a few to make covers, designs and stuff like that, use them for manips, sigs, and any other stuff like that.
If so let me know, or post some works here.. so we can use.. Im always interested in photos, im just not good at taking them and i dont just want to use your images without your permission.

I would rather not release a bunch of my photos as stock, but if there are some that you would like to use specifically just let me know what you would like to use for and I shouldn't have a problem with it, just
as long as it's for non-commercial uses. I thank you for being respectful and asking before using them. :D

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